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The IBED P(h)D Council facilitates an open, social environment for PhD candidates and Postdocs to get to know each other and discuss science-(un)related matters. In addition, they provide a link between the management team and the PhD/PD community, and aim to facilitate communication and streamline potential issues. The council also provides advice to the management team regarding topics such as teaching responsibilities, PhD courses and career development.

Monthly meetings 

The PhD/Postdoc council organises monthly events for all IBED PhD candidates and postdocs. This time can also be used to bring forth issues or special remarks that the community would like to communicate to the management. 

Community building 

The PhD/Postdoc council maintains regular communication with the IBED Management. Together, we provide an integral approach for welcoming new members to the institute. We organise social events twice a year, open for all the institute. We also represent  the PhD candidates and Postdocs when providing advice to the management team in matters such as assessments of staff members, tenure tracks, or hiring processes. The council also represents the interests of the community during the open institute-wide meetings (IBED Café), where staff members and management get together. 

Contact information

Please contact us by sending an email to: 

Committee members

S. (Swarnendu) Banerjee

Postdoc TCE

Dr. M. (Maja) Bradarić


L.N. (Lia) Corbett


Dr. J.A. (Jacques) Deere

Postdoc EPB (Postdoc Representative)

S.R. (Shreyas) Gadge

PhD ELD, FNWI Council Representative & social committee

B.D. (Bart) Hoekstra MSc


K. (Karla) Müller MSc

PhD ELD, Secretary

E.A. (Evy) de Nijs

PhD ELD (PE&RC PhD Council Representative)

R.A.H. (Renée) van Schaijk MSc

PhD EPB (Social Committee)

S. (Shai) Slomka de Oliveira MSc

PhD FAME (Coordinator Buddy System)

N. (Nan) Zhang


Previous IBED P(h)D council members

  • Giuditta Beretta
  • Jens van Erp (TCE)
  • Jasper Croll (TCE)
  • Max Anders (EPB)
  • Sebastiaan Koppelle (FAME)
  • Elspeth Sage (TCE)
  • Xia Meng (ELD)
  • Sara Campana (FAME)
  • Naomi Zweerus (EPB)
  • Rachid Chafi (EPB)