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Scientific Director

IBED is led by a Scientific Director, a role currently fulfilled by Prof. Annemarie van Wezel. The Scientific Director is given a wide-ranging mandate by the Dean of the Faculty of Science to run the Institute. She is responsible for the scientific programme and its quality, the contributions to the faculty's educational programme, and for human and financial resource management. As such the mandate includes the development of the scientific programme and profile of the institute, the financial planning and control, and the decisions concerning investments in facilities and instrumentation.

Prof. dr. A.P. (Annemarie) van Wezel

Scientific Director

Financial and personnel management

The actual day-to-day financial and personnel management is delegated to the Institute Manager, Johan Mols, and his Management Office. Johan is responsible for the daily administrative processes, financial and personnel, and the shared facilities of the Institute. Together with the Director he oversees the yearly budget development of the Institute and works out the allocation of resources to the different research groups, facilities and labs. The Institute Manager also controls the income and expenditure of the Institute and makes assessments of the actual spending of research projects given the financial conditions set by the institute and/or granting bodies.

Dr. J.B. (Johan) Mols

Institute Manager

Other management staff

In addition to the Scientific Director and Institute Manager, the IBED Management Team (MT) consists of the Deputy Director (Merijn Kant), and Assistant institute manager (Marleen Huijsmans), who plays a role in IBED's policy developments and is responsible for internal and external communication of the institute's research. The MT is supported by a Management Assistant of the IBED Office in the person of Saskia Heijboer.

Dr. M. (Merijn) Kant

Deputy Director

D.C. (Donya) Danesh

Assistant institute manager

S.F.J. (Saskia) Heijboer

Management Assistant

Management Board

The management board (MB) of IBED consists of the Management Team (MT) and the four heads of the research departments. The Science Officer acts as the secretary of the MB. The four research departments are Ecosystem and Landscape Dynamics (ELD), Evolutionary and Population Biology (EPB), Freshwater and Marine Ecology (FAME) and Theoretical and Computational Ecology (TCE).

Prof. W.D. (William) Gosling

Head of research department ELD

Prof. dr. A.T. (Astrid) Groot

Head of research department EPB

Dr. ir. J.M. (Jasper) de Goeij

Head of research department FAME

Prof. dr. A.M. (André) de Roos

Head of research department TCE