The Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED) combines research on biodiversity and ecosystem dynamics in an interdisciplinary approach, across four academic fields Ecology, Evolution, Earth and Environment, using theoretical, computational, experimental and field-based approaches. IBED works across spatial and temporal scales and across natural and managed landscapes in terrestrial, aquatic and marine environments. We aim to unravel how complex ecosystems function, what services they provide and how they change due to natural processes and human influence.
To answer highly relevant present-day questions related to the future of our planet we translate fundamental research into applications with societal and technological relevance. These applications focus on finding integrated solutions for the interlinked ‘Triple planetary crisis’: Climate change, Pollution and Biodiversity.
IBEDs prominent research nuclei generate new knowledge for tackling the triple planetary crisis: addressing climate change, regenerating biodiversity, and improving environmental quality, fed by our 4 academic fields. To further streamline our efforts in the upcoming years, we foresee major developments with regard to the following research topics: