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The Laboratory and Infrastructure Advisory Committee (LIAC) advises the IBED management board regarding laboratory and infrastructure (L&I) related topics, such as developments in (new) equipment and L&I expertise in connection to research and teaching. The LIAC comprises representatives from each research department and representatives of the different sub-units within the IBED wide Laboratory and Infrastructure department. The institute manager joins the meetings of the LIAC by invitation.

In this way IBED aims to ensure the availability of top-quality research facilities which supports all research lines within the research institute. As costs associated with facilities can be high, it is important to ensure an efficient use of the facilities, which requires a close cooperation between technicians and scientists.

Committee members

Dr. S. (Susanne) Wilken

Chair - FAME representative

L. (Lin) Dong BSc

Laboratory and Infrastructure

R.L. (Rutger) van Hall MSc

Laboratory and Infrastructure

Dr. M. (Merijn) Kant

EPB representative

T. (Tanya) Noorlander

Laboratory and Infrastructure Secretariat

Dr. E.N. (Eldar) Rakhimberdiev

TCE representative

Dr. E. (Eva) de Rijke

Laboratory and Infrastructure

Dr. J.M. (Merijn) Schuurmans

Laboratory and Infrastructure

S. (Stacy) Shinneman MSc

Laboratory and Infrastructure

Prof. dr. ir. F.T. (Franciska) de Vries

ELD representative