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The Advisory Committee for Teaching and Education (ACTE) advises the IBED management board regarding strategic issues related to IBED teaching and education. The ACTE comprises representatives from each research department and the programme directors of the studies BSc Future Planet Studies, BSc Biology, MSc Earth Sciences and MSc Biological Sciences. The deputy director of IBED is charged with the portfolio teaching and education and joins the meetings of ACTE by invitation.

Committee members

Dr. C.J.M. (Martijn) Egas

Chair - EPB representative

Dr. K.F. (Kenneth) Rijsdijk

Vice chair - TCE representative

Dr. J.A.J. (Hans) Breeuwer

Programme director BSc Biology

Dr. H.G. (Harm) van der Geest

FAME representative

Dr. M.C. (Carina) Hoorn

Programme director MSc Earth Science

Dr. M. (Merijn) Kant

IBED Deputy Director

Dr. A.M. (Annemieke) Kooijman

ELD representative

Dr. ir. E.E. (Emiel) van Loon

Programme director BSc Future Planet Studies

Dr. P.M. (Petra) Visser

Programme director MSc Biological Sciences

D.C. (Donya) Danesh
