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Quality matters in the water nexus
Event details of IBED Seminar by Michelle van Vliet
27 June 2024
Science Park 904


Prof. Michelle van Vliet (Copernicus Institute, University of Utrecht, Netherlands)


Quality matters in the water nexus

In this presentation I will give an overview of current work that we are doing in our research group focusing on water quality and sustainable water systems at Utrecht University, Faculty of Geosciences. Results of a selection of recent studies will be presented regarding the topics: 1) water quality trends and spatial patterns, 2) global water scarcity 3) solutions towards clean water provision and water scarcity alleviation; and 4) mutual feedbacks between water (availability and quality) with energy and food systems. In addition, I will briefly present the overall scope, aims and some work in progress of two projects funded by an NWO VIDI grant and ERC Starting Grant project (B-WEX; Balancing clean Water and Energy provision under changing climate and eXtremes), which will run in the coming 4 years.

Science Park 904

Room C0.05
Science Park 904
1098 XH Amsterdam