22 October 2018
As professor Environmental Ecology, Prof. van Wezel is going to focus on the effects of the anthropogenic use of chemicals and emerging technologies on humans and ecological health. The chair Environmental Ecology will be embedded within the research department Freshwater and Marine Ecology (IBED-FAME). In the position of chair she will succeed Prof. Pim de Voogt who is retiring next month.
Currently, Prof. van Wezel is chief science officer and principal scientist at KWR Watercycle Research Institute and professor Water Quality and Health at Copernicus Institute of Utrecht University. She has long-term experience as a scientific researcher in toxicology and chemistry, risk assessment and environmental policy evaluation. She previously served as a programme director ‘Environmental risks of nanochemicals’ and is currently leading a consortium ‘Shale gas and water’. She is also a member of the Dutch Board on Authorization of plant protection products and biocides CTGB, and of the Dutch Health Council.