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The Evolutionary and Population Biology (EPB) Department is involved in numerous research projects in collaboration with noteworthy societal parties.

NWO VENI Grant (2023) – Dr. Marjolein Bruijning - Pathogens, Microbiomes, and Host Evolution in a World of Global Change 

Dr. M. (Marjolein) Bruijning

Assistant professor


Foto: NWO

NWO NWA Innovation and Networks (2022) - Dr. Thomas Blankers (Partner) - The evolution of amino acids in space, genes in the environment, and societal implications.  

Dr T. (Thomas) Blankers

Assistent Professor


NWO VICI Grant (2022) - Dr. Merijn Kant - Anticipating pest formation using smart resistance genes.  

Dr. M. (Merijn) Kant

Faculty of Science

Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics


Foto: Ministerie van LNV

Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (2022) - Dr. Paul van Rijn (Coordinator) – Inventarisatie inzet nuttige organismen.  

Dr. P.C.J. (Paul) van Rijn

Senior Researcher


Foto: Templeton

Templeton World Charity Foundation (2022) - Dr. Karline Janmaat (Coordinator) - Collective rationality in a virtual forest: What processes underlie optimal foraging in fission-fusion societies?   

Prof. dr. K.R.L. (Karline) Janmaat

Professor in Cognitive Bahvioural Ecology

Foto: ERC

ERC Consolidator Grant (2021) – Dr. Vincent Merckx - Mixotrophy: an uncharted carbon flux in the plant world (at Naturalis).  

Dr. V.S.F.T. (Vincent) Merckx

Associate Professor


Foto: Provincie Noord-Holland

Province Noord-Holland (2021) - Dr. Gerard Oostermeijer (Coordinator) - Beetle genetics.  

Dr. J.G.B. (Gerard) Oostermeijer

Assistent Professor


NWO NWA Start Impulse (2021) - Prof. dr. Astrid Groot and Dr. Thomas Blankers  

(Partners) - Origin of Life (sequel)  

Prof. dr. A.T. (Astrid) Groot

Professor Population & Evolutionary biology


NWO NWA ORC (2020) - Prof. dr. Astrid Groot (Partner) - BioClock: The Circadian Clock in Modern Society   

Prof. dr. A.T. (Astrid) Groot

Faculty of Science

Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics


Waternet (2020) - Dr. Gerard Oostermeijer (Coordinator) - Puur Water & Natuur.  

Dr. J.G.B. (Gerard) Oostermeijer

Faculty of Science

Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics


EU H2020 Framework Program (2020) - Dr. Paul van Rijn (Partner) - FRAMEwork: valuing farmland biodiversity  

Dr. P.C.J. (Paul) van Rijn

Faculty of Science

Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics


Simonis BV (2019) - Prof. dr. Astrid Groot (Coordinator) - Developing a sustainable attract-and-infect strategy against the Fall armyworm in Africa 

Prof. dr. A.T. (Astrid) Groot

Faculty of Science

Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics


NWO VIDI Grant (2019) – Dr. Willem Frankenhuis - Hidden Talents in Harsh Environments (at Radboud University) 

Dr. W.E. (Willem) Frankenhuis

Faculty of Science

Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics


NWO TTW Take-off (2018) – Dr. Patrick Meirmans (Coordinator) - Sustainable tourism through sustainable business.  

Dr. P.G. (Patrick) Meirmans

Faculty of Science

Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics


Templeton World Charity Foundation (2018) - Dr. Karline Janmaat (Coordinator) - Primates in virtual space 

Prof. dr. K.R.L. (Karline) Janmaat

Faculty of Science

Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics


Vertify (2018) - Prof. dr. Astrid Groot, Paul van Rijn (Partners) - Towards sustainable cabbage cultivation 

Prof. dr. A.T. (Astrid) Groot

Faculty of Science

Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics


EU Marie Sklodowska-Curie scholarship (2018) - Dr Thomas Blankers - The Genetic Basis of Mating Behaviour: Pheromone Communication in Noctuid Moths.  

Dr T. (Thomas) Blankers

Faculty of Science

Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics


EU INTERREG (2018) - Dr. Paul van Rijn (Partner) - FABulous Farmers 

Dr. P.C.J. (Paul) van Rijn

Faculty of Science

Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics


EU H2020 Research & Innovation (2018) - Dr. Merijn Kant (Partner) - SuperPests: Innovative tools for rational control of the most difficult-to-manage pests and the diseases they transmit  

Dr. M. (Merijn) Kant

Faculty of Science

Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics


NWO TTW Open Technology Program (2018) – Dr. Arne Janssen (Coordinator) - Biological control of the emerging pest Echinothrips americanus and other new thrips pests in ornamental crops.  

Dr A.R.M. (Arne) Janssen

Faculty of Science

Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics


US National Science Foundation (2017) - Dr. Michiel van Wijk (partner) - Evolution of mating communication in moths: Role of male courtship pheromones.  

Dr. ir. M. (Michiel) van Wijk

Faculty of Science

Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics


NWO NWA Start Impulse (2017) - Dr. Astrid Groot (Partner) - Origin of Life  


Prof. dr. A.T. (Astrid) Groot

Faculty of Science

Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics


NWO Open Program (2017) - Dr. Merijn Kant (Coordinator) - A family of genes that determine susceptibility of plants to herbivores as novel targets for resistance breeding   

Dr. M. (Merijn) Kant

Faculty of Science

Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics


NWO Joint Program Initiative (2017) - Dr. Arne Janssen (partner) - Organic and biodynamic vegetable production in low-energy greenhouses (Greenresilient).  

Dr A.R.M. (Arne) Janssen

Faculty of Science

Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics


NWO ERA-Net C-IPM (2017) - Dr. Merijn Kant (Coordinator) - Defenseless defenses: does biological control work better on unprotected plants?  

Dr. M. (Merijn) Kant

Faculty of Science

Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics