Our lab is equipped with a CASY TTT Cell counter. The CASY measures the conductivity between 2 electrodes separated by a defined pore. Cells are suspended in CASYton, a defined buffer solution. During measurement, cells passing through the pore generate an electrical pulse. The intensity of the signal directly correlates with the volume of the cell. Hence CASY detects the volume of each cell passing through the pore. This allows for the quantification of our algal cultures both in cell number as in biovolume.
In our laboratory we have a Hiden HPR-40 Membrane Inlet Mass spectrometer installed with a mass range of 200 amu (atomic mass unit) with a dissolved species probe. This allows for accurate measurements of a wide range of gasses either in gaseous or dissolved in liquid environments. Using stable isotopes specific changes in conditions applied can be quantified. The probe is positioned in a specialised cuvette.
Typical applications of the MIMS in our lab are:
The Flow Cytometry is a laser-based, biophysical technology employed in cell counting, cell sorting, biomarker detection and protein engineering, by suspending cells in a stream of fluid and passing them by an electronic detection apparatus. It allows simultaneous multiparametric analysis of the physical and chemical characteristics of up to thousands of particles per second. In our studies Flow cytometry used to quantify bacteria (using dyes) and to distinguish an quantify different species of aquatic microorganisms (based on auto fluorescence).
In our lab we make use of a BD Accuri C6, a compact and user-friendly Flow cytometer. The system is equipped with a blue and red laser, two light scatter detectors, and four fluorescence detectors with optical filters optimized for the detection of most commercially available fluorochromes. It has a compact optical design, fixed alignment and preoptimized detector settings make the system easier to use.
Technical Specifications (Accuri C6, BD Biosciences)
Our lab is equipped with a Beckmann Coulter Cytoflex Flow cytometry system. The Cytoflex is equipped with three excitation lasers: Violet (V -405 nm), Blue (B- 488 nm) and Red (R-638 nm). It comes with an extended set of filters of which 5 can be used at the same time. The following band pass filters are available in the Cytoflex: 450/45 nm, 525/40 nm, 585/42 nm, 610/20 nm, 660/10 nm, 690/50 nm, 712/25 nm, 780/60 nm.
It is suitable to measure particles as small as 80 nm and is therefore suited to measure algae, bacteria and viruses.
Please contact us for more information: IBED-lab-science@uva.nl