I am the data manager, part of the Computational Support Unit of the Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics at the University of Amsterdam. My main interest is to support researchers in developing and setting up database platforms for wide variety of ecological datasets. I like to think along about all the steps, from building a database model (data structure, normalization, standardization), implementation (development, optimalization, automatic data population) to integration (linking databases to analysis software, developing data visualization apps). With the boom of data generated in recent years and increasing needs on guidance in data management an important task as data manager is to help researchers with setting up data management plans and to provide advice and encourage best-practices in data management. Documentation on best practices in data management and helpful templates are currently available in Gitlab.
I have background in Archaeology, Geography and Animal Ecology and gradually roled into Data Science. With my background in research I like to remain connected to the actual science behind a project. Currently, I am involved in various research projects in which my expertise is used to support and guide scientific staff, postdocs and PhD-students from IBED. Among other tasks, I can be involved in a project to think along about data standardization (e.g., developing metadata standards), database development and data visualization.
During my PhD I realized that helping and teaching colleagues and students provided me the most satisfaction. As IBED data manager, researchers can contact me for hands-on course on Structured Query Language (SQL), R-programming and for presentations on best-practices in data management.