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R.C. (Ruben) Fijn

External PhD student at Waardenburg Ecology (
Faculty of Science
Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
Postal address
  • Postbus 94240
    1090 GE Amsterdam
  • Publications


    • Fijn, R. C., van Bemmelen, R. S. A., Collier, M. P., Courtens, W., van Loon, E. E., Poot, M. J. M., & Shamoun-Baranes, J. (2024). Evaluation of tag attachment techniques for plunge-diving terns. Ibis. Advance online publication.
    • Thaxter, C. B., Green, R. M. W., Collier, M. P., Taylor, R. C., Middelveld, R. P., Scragg, E. S., Wright, L. J., Cook, A. S. C. P., & Fijn, R. C. (2024). Behavioural responses of Sandwich terns following the construction of offshore wind farms. Marine Biology, 171(2), Article 58.
    • van Bemmelen, R. S. A., Duijns, S., Govers, L. L., & Fijn, R. C. (2024). Habitat use across the tidal cycle by black-headed gulls breeding in the Wadden Sea. Journal of Ornithology, 165(1), 69–79.
    • van Bemmelen, R. S. A., Leemans, J., Collier, M. C., Green, R., Middelveld, R. P., Thaxter, C. B., & Fijn, R. C. (2024). Avoidance of offshore wind farms by Sandwich Terns increases with turbine density. Ornithological Applications, (duad055).


    • Fijn, R. C., & Kemper, J. (2023). Sandwich Tern Feeds Juvenile on Wintering Grounds in Southern Namibia. Ardea, 111(2).
    • Fijn, R. C., & van Bemmelen, R. S. A. (2023). Second breeding attempts of Sandwich Terns in a different colony: facilitated by breeding asynchrony between colonies? Ardea, 111.
    • Kralj, J., Ponchon, A., Oro, D., Amadesi, B., Arizaga, J., Baccetti, N., Boulinier, T., Cecere, J. G., Corcoran, R. M., Corman, A. M., Enners, L., Fleishman, A., Garthe, S., Grémillet, D., Harding, A., Igual, J. M., Jurinović, L., Kubetzki, U., Lyons, D. E., ... Fijn, R. (2023). Active breeding seabirds prospect alternative breeding colonies. Oecologia, 201(2), 341-354.


    • Fijn, R. C., & Collier, M. C. (2022). Distribution and flight heights of Sandwich Terns Thalasseus sandvicensis during different behaviours near wind farms in the Netherlands. Bird Study, 69(1-2), 53-58.
    • Fijn, R. C., Thaxter, C. B., Aarts, G., Adema, J., Middelveld, R. P., & Van Bemmelen, R. S. A. (2022). Relative effects of static and dynamic abiotic conditions on foraging behaviour in breeding Sandwich terns. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 692, 137-150.
    • Vanermen, N., Stienen, E. W. M., Fijn, R. C., Markones, N., Holdsworth, N., Osypchuk, A., Pinto, C., & Desmet, P. G. J. (2022). European Seabirds at Sea (ESAS). ICES, Copenhagen, Denmark. ICES Journal of Marine Science.


    • Fijn, R. C., De Jong, J. W., Adema, J., Van Horssen, P. W., Poot, M. J. M., Van Rijn, S., Van Eerden, M. R., & Boudewijn, T. J. (2021). GPS-Tracking of Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis Reveals Sex-Specific Differences in Foraging Behaviour. Ardea, 109(3), 491-505.
    • Fijn, R. C., Govers, L. L., Lutterop, D., Middelveld, R. P., & Van Bemmelen, R. S. A. (2021). Evidence of nocturnal migration over sea and sex-specific migration distance of Dutch Black-headed Gulls. Ardea, 69(3-4), 15-29.


    • Bradarić, M., Bouten, W., Fijn, R. C., Krijgsveld, K. L., & Shamoun-Baranes, J. (2020). Winds at departure shape seasonal patterns of nocturnal bird migration over the North Sea. Journal of Avian Biology, 51(10), Article e02562. [details]
    • Manola, I., Bradarić, M., Groenland, R., Fijn, R., Bouten, W., & Shamoun-Baranes, J. (2020). Associations of Synoptic Weather Conditions With Nocturnal Bird Migration Over the North Sea. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8, Article 542438. [details]
    • Waggitt, J. J., Evans, P. G. H., Andrade, J., Banks, A. N., Boisseau, O., Bolton, M., Bradbury, G., Brereton, T., Camphuysen, C. J., Durinck, J., Felce, T., Fijn, R. C., Garcia-Baron, I., Garthe, S., Geelhoed, S. C. V., Gilles, A., Goodall, M., Haelters, J., Hamilton, S., ... Hiddink, J. G. (2020). Distribution maps of cetacean and seabird populations in the North-East Atlantic. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57(2), 253-269.


    • Fijn, R. C., & Gyimesi, A. (2018). Behaviour related flight speeds of Sandwich Terns and their implications for wind farm collision rate modelling and impact assessment. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 71, 12-16.


    • Fijn, R. C., de Jong, J., Courtens, W., Verstraete, H., Stienen, E. W. M., & Poot, M. J. M. (2017). GPS-tracking and colony observations reveal variation in offshore habitat use and foraging ecology of breeding Sandwich Terns. Journal of Sea Research, 127, 203-211.



    • Fijn, R. C., Krijgsveld, K. L., Poot, M. J. M., & Dirksen, S. (2015). Bird movements at rotor heights measured continuously with vertical radar at a Dutch offshore wind farm. Ibis, 157(3), 558-566.


    • Fijn, R. C., Wolf, P., Courtens, W., Verstraete, H., Stienen, E. W. M., Iliszko, L., & Poot, M. J. M. (2014). Post-breeding prospecting trips of adult Sandwich Terns Thalasseus sandvicensis. Bird Study, 61(4), 566-571.
    • Van Der Winden, J., Fijn, R. C., Van Horssen, P. W., Gerritsen-Davidse, D., & Piersma, T. (2014). Idiosyncratic migrations of black Terns (Chlidonias niger): Diversity in routes and stopovers. Waterbirds, 37(2), 162-174.


    • Fijn, R. C., Hiemstra, D., Phillips, R. A., & Van Der Winden, J. (2013). Arctic Terns Sterna paradisaea from the Netherlands migrate record distances across three oceans to Wilkes Land, East Antarctica. Ardea, 101(1), 3-12.


    • Fijn, R. C., Boudewijn, T. J., & Poot, M. J. M. (2012). Long-term attachment of GPS loggers with tape on Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis proved unsuitable from tests on a captive bird. Seabird, 25, 54-60.
    • Fijn, R. C., Krijgsveld, K. L., Tijsen, W., Prinsen, H. A. M., & Dirksen, S. (2012). Habitat use, disturbance and collision risks for Bewick's Swans Cygnus columbianus bewickii wintering near a wind farm in the Netherlands. Wildfowl, 62, 97-116.
    • Fijn, R. C., Poot, M. J. M., Beuker, D., Bouma, S., Collier, M. C., Dirksen, S., Krijgsveld, K. L., & Lensink, R. (2012). Using standardized counting methods for seabirds to monitor marine mammals in the Dutch North Sea from fixed platforms. Lutra, 55, 77-87.
    • Fijn, R. C., Van Franeker, J. A., & Trathan, P. N. (2012). Vomit or Flush? Diet analysis using samples from spontaneous regurgitates or the water-off-load technique. Seabird, 25, 22-28.
    • Fijn, R. C., van Franeker, J. A., & Trathan, P. N. (2012). Dietary variation in chick-feeding and self-provisioning Cape petrel Daption capense and Snow Petrel Pagodroma Nivea at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands, Antarctica. Marine Ornithology, 40(2), 81-87.


    • Lindeboom, H. J., Kouwenhoven, H. J., Bergman, M. J. N., Bouma, S., Brasseur, S., Daan, R., Fijn, R. C., De Haan, D., Dirksen, S., Van Hal, R., Hille Ris Lambers, R., Ter Hofstede, R., Krijgsveld, K. L., Leopold, M., & Scheidat, M. (2011). Short-term ecological effects of an offshore wind farm in the Dutch coastal zone; Acompilation. Environmental Research Letters, 6(3), Article 035101.


    • Rozema, J., Boelen, P., Solheim, B., Zielke, M., Buskens, A., Doorenbosch, M., Fijn, R., Herder, J., Callaghan, T., Björn, L. O., Jones, D. G., Broekman, R., Blokker, P., & Van De Poll, W. (2006). Stratospheric ozone depletion: High arctic tundra plant growth on svalbard is not affected by enhanced UV-B after 7 years of UV-B supplementation in the field. Plant Ecology, 182(1-2), 121-135.


    • Van Franeker, J. A., & Fijn, R. C. (2005). Large Scale latitudinal patterns of marine birds and mammals from the Antarctic to the North Sea (Polarstern ANT-XXI-4/5). Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung, 500, 294-297.


    • Fijn, R. C., Poot, M. J. M., Arts, F., van Bemmelen, R. S. A., de Jong, J. W., Hornman, M., Schekkerman, H., Troost, G., & Soldaat, L. (2023). Nederlandse grote wateren vormen stop-over van internationaal belang voor dwergmeeuwen. Limosa, 95, 160-177.
    • Fijn, R. C., van Bemmelen, R. S. A., Verhoek, L., & Schekkerman, H. (2023). Drieteenmeeuwenonderzoek op de Nederlandse Noordzee. Limosa, 96(130-136).


    • Fijn, R. C., Collier, M. C., Lubbe, S., Platteeuw, M., & Duijns, S. (2021). Wulpentrek over zee; een studie naar de vliegbewegingen en vlieggedrag in relatie tot windenergie. Limosa, 94, 77-82.


    • Fijn, R. C., Leopold, M., & Dirksen, S. (2017). Een concentratie van Zwarte Zee-eenden in de Hollandse kustzone toont het belang aan van schelpdieren en rust. Limosa, 90, 97-117.


    • Poot, M., Fijn, R., & Schoten, H. (2016). Het belangrijkste overwinteringsgebied van futen in nederland, de hollandse kust zone, is goed telbaar vanuit vliegtuig. Limosa, 89(3), 108-119.


    • Fijn, R. C., Poot, M. J. M., Van Rijn, S. H. M., Van Eerden, M. R., & Boudewijn, T. J. (2014). Specialistisch gedrag door een generalist: Een kustbroedende Aalscholver foerageert uitsluitend in het binnenland. Limosa, 87(2-3), 129-134.


    • Fijn, R. C. (2024). Tracking terns: Year-round movement ecology of sandwich terns in a changing marine environment. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Stienen, E. W. M., Buijs, R.-J., de Visser, J., Fijn, R., Lilipaly, S., Platteeuw, M. & Desmet, P. (2023). DELTATRACK - Herring gulls (Larus argentatus, Laridae) and Lesser black-backed gulls (Larus fuscus, Laridae) breeding at Neeltje Jans (Netherlands). Zenodo.


    • Krijgsveld, K. L., Shamoun-Baranes, J., Fijn, R., Bouten, W. & Bradarić, M. (2020). Winds at departure shape seasonal patterns of nocturnal bird migration over the North Sea. DRYAD.
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