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Dr. M.C. (Carina) Hoorn

Associate Professor
Faculty of Science
Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics

  • Palynology, Paleoecology, Paleobiogeography
    PIFI award at Xinjiang Institute for Ecology and Geography (Urumqi, China)

    My long-term research interest is the natural history of the Amazon region and its seaward extension, the Amazon Fan. In my research I have mostly focused on western Amazonia (Colombia, Peru, Brazil) and my most substantial scientific contributions were to identify the crucial role of Andean uplift on the evolution of Amazonia during the Cenozoic and to recognize the Neogene marine incursions into this region. 

    In recent years my work has concentrated on interdisciplinary cooperation and data integration. This is best exemplified in a Science paper (Hoorn et al., 2010), where the links between biodiversity patterns and mountain uplift are explained in the context of the Andes-Amazonian system. More recently my work focussed on the interaction between mountain building, climate and biodiversity at large (Antonelli et al., 2018). Other examples of multidisciplinary, collaborative work are Amazonia, Landscape and Species Evolution (2010) and Mountains, Climate and Biodiversity (2018), both books are published by Wiley-Blackwell.

    Between 2011 and 2015 I coordinated a research project in the framework of Climamazon, a European - Brazilian collaboration that investigated Amazon drainage basin. In this project we studied the onset and development of the Amazon River (see Hoorn et al., 2017) and the effects on primary productivity at sea (Lammertsma et al., 2018). Other research that I am involved in is centered on the integration of palynological and geological data with molecular phylogenies (e.g. Woutersen et al., 2018). 

    I have also formed part of MAGIC, an ERC funded research project that had as focus the history of the Asian monsoon. The collaboration with Asian colleagues took further shape during my Presidents International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI) with the Chinese Academy of Sciences at the Xinjiang Institute for Ecology and Geography in Urumqi (China). In 2018 I spent two months in Urumqi working on the topic “Changes in arid Central Asian flora across time and possible origins of typical taxa along the Paratethys Sea (including Nitraria, Caragana, Atraphaxis, Gymnocarpos, selected Chenopodiaceae). 

    The Tianshan Mountains (photo C.Hoorn)
  • Biography

    I am geologist, palynologist, paleoecologist and associate professor at the Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED) of the University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands). In 1988 and 1994 respectively I obtained my MSc and PhD at this university, and in 2003 obtained an MSc degree in Science Communication at Imperial College London (UK). 

    In my research I focus on the Neogene history of Amazonia with the aim to broaden our knowledge on how landscape and vegetation evolved in this region during tectonic and climate change. I am also interested in the Paleogene plant history of Central Asia and researching how plant compositon changed following climate change. 

    Currently I participate in the Transamazon drilling project, an International Continental Drilling Project. I am also board member and chair of the Treub Foundation, a Dutch society that was founded by Melchior Treub, which provides travel funds for research in the tropics.  

    Guacamaya - Artist: Rodrigo Monroy
  • Media
  • Publications


    • Hooghiemstra, H., Berrio, J.-C., Torres, V., Bogotá-A., R. G., Groot, M., Hoorn, C., & Flantua, S. G. A. (2025). Pollen records of Northern South America: Quaternary history. In Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science (pp. 690–716). Elsevier.




    • Bacon, C. D., Silvestro, D., Hoorn, C., Bogotá-Ángel, G., Antonelli, A., & Chazot, N. (2022). The origin of modern patterns of continental diversity in Mauritiinae palms: the Neotropical museum and the Afrotropical graveyard. Biology Letters, 18(11), Article 20220214. [details]
    • Hoorn, C., & Lim, J. Y. (2022). The African trees that conquered Asia. Science, 375(6579), 380-381. [details]
    • Hoorn, C., Boschman, L. M., Kukla, T., Sciumbata, M., & Val, P. (2022). The Miocene wetland of western Amazonia and its role in Neotropical biogeography. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 199(1), 25-35. [details]
    • Hoorn, C., Ebersbach, J., & Muellner-Riehl, A. (2022). Humboldt, Biogeography, and the Dimension of Time. In Alexander von Humboldt: Multiperspective Approaches (pp. 61-95). Springer International Publishing.
    • Hoorn, C., Kukla, T., Bogotá-Angel, G., van Soelen, E., González-Arango, C., Wesselingh, F. P., Vonhof, H., Val, P., Morcote-Rios, G., Roddaz, M., Dantas, E. L., Santos, R. V., Sinninghe Damsté, J. S., Kim, J.-H., & Morley, R. J. (2022). Cyclic sediment deposition by orbital forcing in the Miocene wetland of western Amazonia? New insights from a multidisciplinary approach. Global and Planetary Change, 210, Article 103717. [details]
    • Hoorn, C., Palazzesi, L., & Silvestro, D. (2022). Editorial Preface to Special Issue: Exploring the impact of Andean uplift and climate on life evolution and landscape modification: From Amazonia to Patagonia. Global and Planetary Change, 211, Article 103759. [details]
    • Lim, J. Y., Huang, H., Farnsworth, A., Lunt, D. J., Baker, W. J., Morley, R. J., Kissling, W. D., & Hoorn, C. (2022). The Cenozoic history of palms: Global diversification, biogeography and the decline of megathermal forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 31(3), 425-439. [details]
    • Pérez-Escobar, O., Zizka, A., Bermúdez, M. A., Meseguer, A. S., Condamine, F. L., Hoorn, C., Hooghiemstra, H., Pu, Y., Bogarin, D., Boschman, L. M., Pennington, R. T., Antonelli, A., & Chomicki, G. (2022). The Andes through time: evolution and distribution of Andean floras. Trends in Plant Science, 27(4), 364-378. Advance online publication. [details]




    • Bernal, R., Bacon, C. D., Balslev, H., Hoorn, C., Bourlat, S. J., Tuomisto, H., Salamanca, S., Teunissen van Manen, M., Romero, I., Sepulchre, P., & Antonelli, A. (2019). Could coastal plants in western Amazonia be relicts of past marine incursions? Journal of Biogeography, 46(8), 1749-1759. [details]
    • Hoorn, C., van der Ham, R., de la Parra, F., Salamanca, S., ter Steege, H., Banks, H., Star, W., van Heuven, B. J., Langelaan, R., Carvalho, F. A., Rodriguez-Forero, G., & Lagomarsino, L. P. (2019). Going north and south: The biogeographic history of two Malvaceae in the wake of Neogene Andean uplift and connectivity between the Americas. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 264, 90-109. [details]
    • Koutsodendris, A., Allstädt, F. J., Kern, O. A., Kousis, I., Schwarz, F., Vannacci, M., Woutersen, A., Appel, E., Berke, M. A., Fang, X., Friedrich, O., Hoorn, C., Salzmann, U., & Pross, J. (2019). Late Pliocene vegetation turnover on the NE Tibetan Plateau (Central Asia) triggered by early Northern Hemisphere glaciation. Global and Planetary Change, 180, 117-125., [details]
    • Licht, A., Dupont-Nivet, G., Win, Z., Swe, H. H., Kaythi, M., Roperch, P., Ugrai, T., Littell, V., Park, D., Westerweel, J., Jones, D., Poblete, F., Aung, D. W., Huang, H., Hoorn, C., & Sein, K. (2019). Paleogene evolution of the Burmese forearc basin and implications for the history of India-Asia convergence. Geological Society of America bulletin, 131(5-6), 730-748. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Page, M., Licht, A., Dupont-Nivet, G., Meijer, N., Barbolini, N., Hoorn, C., Schauer, A., Huntington, K., Bajnai, D., Fiebig, J., Mulch, A., & Guo, Z. (2019). Synchronous cooling and decline in monsoonal rainfall in northeastern Tibet during the fall into the Oligocene icehouse. Geology, 47(3), 203-206. [details]
    • Ruokolainen, K., Moulatlet, G. M., Zuquim, G., Hoorn, C., & Tuomisto, H. (2019). Geologically recent rearrangements in central Amazonian river network and their importance for the riverine barrier hypothesis. Frontiers of Biogeography, 11(3), Article e45046. [details]



    • Bermúdez, M. A., Hoorn, C., Bernet, M., Carillo, E., van der Beek, P. A., Garver, J. I., Mora, J. L., & Mehrkian, K. (2017). The detrital record of late-Miocene to Pliocene surface uplift and exhumation of the Venezuelan Andes in the Maracaibo and Barinas foreland basins. Basin Research, 29(S1), 370-395. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Hoorn, C., Bogotá-A, G. R., Romero-Baez, M., Lammertsma, E. I., Flantua, S. G. A., Dantas, E. L., Dino, R., do Carmo, D. A., & Chemale Jr, F. (2017). The Amazon at sea: Onset and stages of the Amazon River from a marine record, with special reference to Neogene plant turnover in the drainage basin. Global and Planetary Change, 153, 51-65. [details]



    • Baker, P. A., Fritz, S. C., Silva, C. G., Rigsby, C. A., Absy, M. L., Almeida, R. P., Caputo, M., Chiessi, C. M., Cruz, F. W., Dick, C. W., Feakins, S. J., Figueiredo, J., Freeman, K. H., Hoorn, C., Jaramillo, C., Kern, A. K., Latrubesse, E. M., Ledru, M. P., Marzoli, A., ... Willard, D. A. (2015). Trans-Amazon Drilling Project (TADP): origins and evolution of the forests, climate, and hydrology of the South American tropics. Scientific Drilling, 20, 41-49. [details]
    • Bogotá-A, R. G., Hoorn, C., Star, W., Langelaan, R., Banks, H., Galeano, G., & Bernal, R. (2015). Pollen morphology of Sabinaria magnifica (Cryosophileae, Coryphoideae, Arecaceae). Phytotaxa, 207(1), 135-140. [details]
    • Boonstra, M., Ramos, M. I. F., Lammertsma, E. I., Antoine, P. -O., & Hoorn, C. (2015). Marine connections of Amazonia: Evidence from foraminifera and dinoflagellate cysts (early to middle Miocene, Colombia/Peru). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 417, 176-194. [details]


    • Bosboom, R. E., Abels, H. A., Hoorn, C., van den Berg, B. C. J., Guo, Z., & Dupont-Nivet, G. (2014). Aridification in continental Asia after the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 389, 34-42. [details]
    • Hoorn, C., Bernardes-de-Oliveira, M. E. C., Dino, R., Garcia, M. J., Antonioli, L., da Costa Casado, F., & Hooghiemstra, H. (2014). Neogene climate evolution in Amazonia and the Brazilian Northeast. In I. de Souza Carvalho, M. J. Garcia, O. Strohschoen, & C. Cunha Lana (Eds.), Paleontologia: Cenários de vida. - Volume 5: Paleoclimas (pp. 277-310). Editora Interciência. [details]



    • Hoorn, C., Straathof, J., Abels, H. A., Xu, Y., Utescher, T., & Dupont-Nivet, G. (2012). A late Eocene palynological record of climate change and Tibetan Plateau uplift (Xining Basin, China). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 344-345, 16-38. [details]
    • Ochoa, D., Hoorn, C., Jaramillo, C., Bayona, G., Parra, M., & de la Parra, F. (2012). The final phase of tropical lowland conditions in the axial zone of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia: evidence from three palynological records. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 39, 157-169. [details]
    • Xu, Y., Zhang, K., Wang, G., Jiang, S., Chen, F., Xiang, S., Dupont-Nivet, G., & Hoorn, C. (2012). Extended stratigraphy, palynology and depositional environments record the initiation of the Himalayan Gyirong Basin (Neogene China). Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 44, 77-93. [details]



    • Hoorn, C., Roddaz, M., Dino, R., Soares, E., Uba, C., Ochoa-Lozano, D., & Mapes, R. (2010). The Amazonian Craton and its influence on past fluvial systems (Mesozoic-Cenozoic, Amazonia). In C. Hoorn, & F. P. Wesselingh (Eds.), Amazonia: landscape and species evolution: a look into the past (pp. 103-122). Wiley-Blackwell. [details]
    • Hoorn, C., Wesselingh, F. P., Hovikoski, J., & Guerrero, J. (2010). The development of the Amazonian mega-wetland (Miocene; Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia). In C. Hoorn, & F. P. Wesselingh (Eds.), Amazonia: landscape and species evolution: a look into the past (pp. 123-142). Wiley-Blackwell. [details]
    • Hoorn, C., Wesselingh, F. P., ter Steege, H., Bermudez, M. A., Mora, A., Sevink, J., Sanmartín, I., Sanchez-Meseguer, A., Anderson, C. L., Figueiredo, J. P., Jaramillo, C., Riff, D., Negri, F. R., Hooghiemstra, H., Lundberg, J., Stadler, T., Särkinen, T., & Antonelli, A. (2010). Amazonia through time: Andean uplift, climate change, landscape evolution, and biodiversity. Science, 330(6006), 927-931. [details]
    • Jaramillo, C., Hoorn, C., Silva, S. A. F., Leite, F., Herrera, F., Quiroz, L., Dino, R., & Antonioli, L. (2010). The origin of the modern Amazon rainforest: implications of the palynological and palaeobotanical record. In C. Hoorn, & F. P. Wesselingh (Eds.), Amazonia: landscape and species evolution: a look into the past (pp. 317-334). Wiley-Blackwell. [details]
    • Wesselingh, F. P., Hoorn, C., Kroonenberg, S. B., Antonelli, A., Lundberg, J. G., Vonhof, H. B., & Hooghiemstra, H. (2010). On the origin of Amazonian landscapes and biodiversity: a synthesis. In M. Hoorn, & F. P. Wesselingh (Eds.), Amazonia: landscape and species evolution: a look into the past (pp. 421-431). Wiley-Blackwell. [details]
    • Xu, Y., Zhang, K., Wang, G., Jiang, S., Xiang, S., Chen, F., Hoorn, C., & Dupont-Nivet, G. (2010). Neogene paleoclimatic changes in response to tectonism in the Himalayan Gyirong Basin, China. Journal of Earth Science, 21(Suppl 1), Article 221. [details]


    • Figueiredo, J., Hoorn, C., van der Ven, P., & Soares, E. (2009). Late Miocene onset of the Amazon River and the Amazon deep-sea fan: Evidence from the Foz do Amazonas Basin. Geology, 37(7), 619-622. [details]


    • De Franceschi, D., Hoorn, C., Antoine, P-O., Cheema, I. U., Flynn, L. J., Lindsay, E. H., Marivaux, L., Métais, G., Rajpar, A. R., & Welcomme, J-L. (2008). Floral data from the mid-Cenozoic of central Pakistan. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 150(1-4), 115-129. [details]
    • Dupont-Nivet, G., Hoorn, C., & Konert, M. (2008). Tibetan uplift prior to the Eocene-Oligocene climate transition: Evidence from pollen analysis of the Xining Basin. Geology, 36(12), 987-990. [details]



    • Hoorn, C., & Cremaschi, M. (2004). Late Holocene palaeoenvironmental history of Khawr Rawri and Khawr Al Balid (Dhofar, Sultanate of Oman). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 213(1-2), 1-36.


    • Hoorn, C. (2002). Going Dutch. New Scientist, 175(2359), 44-47.


    • Hoorn, C., Ohja, T., & Quade, J. (2000). Palynological evidence for vegetation development and climatic change in the Sub-Himalayan Zone (Neogene, Central Nepal). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 163(3-4), 133-161.


    • Hoorn, M. C. (1997). Palynology of the Pleistocene glacial/interglacial cycles of the Amazon fan (holes 940A, 944A, and 946a). In D. J. W. Piper, R. D. Flood, A. Klaus, & L. C. Peterson (Eds.), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results (pp. 397-409). (vol. 155). Ocean Drilling Program. [details]




    • Hoorn, C. (1993). Marine incursions and the influence of Andean tectonics on the Miocene depositional history of northwestern Amazonia: results of a palynostratigraphic study. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 105(3-4), 267-309.


    • Hoorn, C., Guayasamin, J. M., Ortega-Andrade, H. M., Linder, P., & Bonaccorso, E. (2019). Celebrating Alexander von Humboldt’s 250th anniversary: Exploring bio- and geodiversity in the Andes (IBS Quito 2019). Frontiers of Biogeography, 11(2), Article e44178. [details]
    • Linder, H. P., Aspinall, R., Bonaccorso, E., Guayasamin, J. M., Hoorn, C., & Ortega-Andrade, H. M. (2019). Editorial. Journal of Biogeography, 46(8), 1652-1626. [details]






    • Hoorn, C., Aalto, R., Kaandorp, R. J. G., & Lovejoy, N. R. (2006). Miocene semidiurnal tidal rhythmites in Madre de Dios, Peru: Comment. Geology, 34(1).


    • Irion, G., Räsänen, M., de Mello, N., Hoorn, C., Junk, W., Wesselingh, F. P., de Fátima Rossetti, D., de Toledo, P. M., & Góes, A. M. (2005). D. Rossetti, P. Mann de Toledo, A.-M. Góes, New geological framework for Western Amazonia (Brazil) and implications for biogeography and evolution, Quaternary Research 63 (2005) 78-89 (multiple letters). Quaternary Research, 64(2), 279-282.


    • Hooghiemstra, H., Ran, E. TH. H., Mommersteeg, H. J. P. M., van 't Veer, R., Wijninga, V. M., & Hoorn, M. C. (1996). History of vegetation and climate of the Sabana de Bogota during the Quaternary: the Funza cores. In Libro de Resumenes, VII Congreso Colombiano de Geologia / II Seminario sobre el Cuaternario en Colombia (pp. 112-115). Congreso Colombiano de Geologia. [details]


    • Hooghiemstra, H., Hoorn, M. C., Helmens, K. F., Wyninga, V. M., Ran, E. TH. H., Cleef, A. M., Kuhry, P., & van der Hammen, T. (1994). Miocene to Pleistocene geo-ecological development of Amazonian and Andean Colombia: tectonics, basin development, migration, evolution and climatic change. In J. F. W. Herngreen (Ed.), Volume of Abstracts 4th European Palaeobotanical and Palynological Conference (pp. 39-43). Stichting Geologie en Paleontologie. [details]
    • Hoorn, M. C. (1994). An environmental reconstruction of the palaeo-Amazon river system (Middle to late Miocene, N.W. Amazonia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 112, 187-238. [details]
    • Hoorn, M. C. (1994). Fluvial palaeoenvironments in the intracratonic Amazonas Basin (Early Miocene-early Middle Miocene, Colombia). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 109, 1-54. [details]



    • Page, M., Licht, A., Dupont-Nivet, G., Meijer, N., Barbolini, N., Woutersen, A., Hoorn, M. C., Tardif, D., Fluteau, F., Schauer, A., Huntington, K., Bajnai, D., Fiebig, J., Mulch, A., & Guo, Z. (2019). Cooling, vegetation shift and decline in monsoonal rainfall in NE Tibet through the greenhouse to icehouse transition. Abstract from EGU (European Geosciences Union) General Assembly 2019, Austria.


    • Barbolini, N., Dupont-Nivet, G., Ao, H., Meijer, N., Licht, A., & Hoorn, M. C. (2018). Acute Asian cooling across the Eocene–Oligocene transition evidenced by ecosystem restructuring on the Tibetan Plateau. Abstract from EGU (European Geosciences Union) General Assembly 2018, Austria.
    • Barbolini, N., Dupont-Nivet, G., Meijer, N., Jardine, P. E., Rohrmann, A., & Hoorn, M. C. (2018). Multiple palaeoecological proxies constrain the interplay between Tibetan Plateau growth, the proto-monsoons and floral dispersal during the early India-Asia collision. Abstract from 10th European Palaeobotany and Palynology Conference, Ireland.
    • Dupont-Nivet, G., Meijer, N., Kaya, M., Westerweel, J., Tardif, D., Licht, A., Barbolini, N., Rohrmann, A., Poblete, F., Roperch, P., Hoorn, M. C., Proust, JN., Fluteau, F., Donnadieu, Y., Guillot, S., Guo, Z., & Aung, D. W. (2018). Paleogeographic and paleoenvironmental reconstructions of the India-Asia collision. 40-41. Abstract from 33rd Himalaya-Karakorum-Tibet Workshop , Switzerland.


    • Bogota Angel, R. G., Pinto, R., Do Carmo, D., Chemale, F., Neto, O., Soares, E., & Hoorn, M. C. (2013). Neogene plant biome evolution in the Amazon drainage basin: Evidence from marine well-2, Foz do Amazonas (Brazil). Abstract from Simposio de Geologia da Amazonia.
    • Lammertsma, E. I., Bogota Angel, R. G., Sangiorgi, F., Chemale, F., Do Carmo, D., Pinto, R., Neto, O., Soares, E., & Hoorn, M. C. (2013). Insights on Neogene evolution of the Amazon drainage basin and algal blooms at the Brazilian Atlantic Coast. Abstract from Congresso de Paleontologia.
    • Lammertsma, E. I., Sangiorgi, F., Chemale, F., Do Carmo, D., Pinto, R., Neto, O., Soares, E., & Hoorn, M. C. (2013). The Amazon Fan as key to understand the evolution of marine life in the western Equatorial Atlantic: Preliminary results of a dinoflagellate study (Neogene, Foz do Amazonas, Brazil). Abstract from Simposio de Geologia da Amazonia.
    • van Soelen, E., Hoorn, M. C., Santos, R. V., Roddaz, M., Sinninge Damste, J., & Kim, J. H. (2013). Miocene environmental conditions in the Upper Amazon Basin.. Abstract from 26th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG 2013).

    Prize / grant

    Membership / relevant position

    • Hoorn, C. (2019-2022). Associate editor, Journal of Biogeography - Wiley.
    • Hoorn, C. (2018). Chair of this organisation, Treub Maatschappij.
    • Hoorn, C. (2018-2023). External advisor Transtip Programme, Technical University Braunschweig.
    • Hoorn, C. (2016-2020). Board member, Palynologische Kring KNGMG.

    Journal editor

    • Hoorn, C. (editor) (2018-2020). Journal of Biogeography (Journal).

    Talk / presentation

    • Hoorn, C. (keynote speaker) (14-9-2022). Andean uplift and consequences for species evolution in the Amazon drainage basin, GeomMinKoln 2022, Koln.
    • Hoorn, C. (keynote speaker) (6-9-2022). Twilight of the greenhouse world, learnings from the Eocene of the Asian continental interior., Geological Society London.
    • Hoorn, C. (speaker) (19-6-2022). European Palaeobotany and Palynology Conference, European Palaeobotany and Palynology Conference.
    • Hoorn, C. (invited speaker) (12-12-2019). Alexander von Humboldt: from the beginnings of biogeography to advancements in the 21st century, American Geophysical Union (AGU), seat: USA.
    • Hoorn, C. (invited speaker) (10-11-2019). Waarom groeien er boven op de berg geen bomen?, Nemo Science Center.
    • Hoorn, C. (invited speaker) (25-10-2019). The Neogene history of Amazonia: In the footsteps of Alexander von Humboldt, Natural History Museum of Geneva.
    • Hoorn, C. (keynote speaker) (19-9-2019). Into Amazonia: the history of the Amazon River and rainforest, 25th Latin-American Colloquium of Geoscience , Hamburg.
    • Hoorn, C. (invited speaker) (21-6-2019). Alexander von Humboldt, Alfred R. Wallace, and the Foundations of Biogeography, Deutsche Nationalakademie Leopoldina, Duitsland.
    • Hoorn, C. (invited speaker) (16-5-2019). Living Earth: From plate tectonics to biodiversity and from Andes to Atlantic, Brazilian Academy of Sciences.
    • Hoorn, C. (invited speaker) (12-4-2019). Alexander von Humboldt: from mining inspector to founding father of plant geography, and influencer of 21st century science, European Geological Union.
    • Hoorn, C. (speaker) (10-2018). Mountain uplift as driver for biodiversity: A deep time perspective (with reference to Tibet and Myanmar), Qingdao Institute for Science and Technology, China.
    • Hoorn, C. (speaker) (9-2018). Interaction between geological and biological processes with special reference to the NE Tibetan Plateau, Peking University.
    • Hoorn, C. (speaker) (8-2018). A SEM and TEM study of two fossil Malvaceae from northern South America provides new insights on past forest composition, 10th European Palaeobotany and Palynology Conference.
    • Hoorn, C. (speaker) (7-2018). Part 1. Mountains, climate and biodiversity: Towards a better understanding of the interaction between geological and biological processes and how it shaped the Earth surface. Part 2. When and how did the steppe-desert ecoregion of Central Asia evolve?”, Xinjiang Institute for Ecology and Geography.
    • Hoorn, C. (speaker) (5-2018). Geological history of Amazonia - with focus on the Neogene, TransAmazon Drilling Project workshop. , Niteroi.
    • Hoorn, C. (speaker) (3-2018). Grass pollen from the Andes-Amazonian system as indicators of Past and Present altitudinal gradients: Insights from an FTIR study, MAGIC - ERC workshop.
    • Hoorn, C. (speaker) (3-2018). Landscape changes and grassland development in Amazonia during Plio-Pleistocene climatic change, International Biogeography Society, Climate Change Biogeography Meeting, Evora (Portugal).
    • Hoorn, C. (speaker) (2-2018). Application of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscropy in palynology, Palynologische Kring KNGMG.
    • Hoorn, C. (invited speaker) (18-12-2017). Multidisciplinary Approaches to Outstanding Questions in Andean Tectonics, AGU fall meeting 2017.
    • Hoorn, M. C. (speaker) (29-10-2013). The evolution of the mighty Amazon River and the debate about its onset., Invited Seminar, Freie Universitat Berlin.
    • Hoorn, M. C. (speaker) (24-9-2013). Evolution of the Amazon drainage basin and implications for life on land and at sea., Invited Seminar, Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi, Belem, Brazil.
    • Hoorn, M. C. (speaker) (12-7-2013). Neogene palynology of the Neotropics, AASP International Pollen & Spores course, Utrecht University.
    • Hoorn, M. C. (speaker) (28-3-2013). CLIMAMAZON and the research on evolution of the Amazon drainage basin and climate history, Invited seminar for MSc students of Mestrado de Analise Geoambiental, Guarulhos, Brazil.
    • Hoorn, M. C. (speaker) (19-9-1994). An environmental reconstruction of the paleo-Amazon river system (Middle to Late Miocene, N.W. Amazonia, European Conference of Palaeobotany and Palynology, Heerlen.


    • Hoorn, C. (host) (8-2022 - 8-2023). Kathleen Gersie (hosting a visitor).
    • Hoorn, C. (visiting researcher) (18-7-2022 - 22-7-2022). Technical University Braunschweig (visiting an external institution).
    • Hoorn, C. (organiser) (31-10-2019). Special Meeting of the Palynologische Kring 2019, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Hoorn, C. (host) (31-10-2019). Tyler Kukla (hosting a visitor).
    • Hoorn, C. (host) (18-10-2019). Robert Morley (hosting a visitor).
    • Hoorn, C. (organiser) (18-10-2019). UvA-Treub Advances in Tropical Research, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Hoorn, C. (visiting researcher) (10-9-2019 - 12-9-2019). University of Potsdam (visiting an external institution).
    • Hoorn, C. (organiser) (8-2019). International Biogeographic Society Meeting Quito-Humboldt 250th anniversary, Quito (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Hoorn, C. (examiner) (6-2-2019). Macroevolutionary history of Neotropical vegetation during the Cenozoic: a palynological perspective from Colombia (examination).
    • Hoorn, C. (visiting researcher) (12-2018). University of Potsdam (visiting an external institution).
    • Hoorn, C. (participant) (15-11-2018). Advances in tropical research, Amsterdam. Programme with presentations, including an invited speaker from Sweden (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Hoorn, C. (host) (15-11-2018). Christine Bacon (hosting a visitor).
    • Hoorn, C. (visiting researcher) (7-2018 - 10-2018). Xinjiang Institute for Ecology and Geography (visiting an external institution).
    • Hoorn, C. (participant) (31-5-2018). Palynological Society of the Netherlands - Annual Meeting 2018, Amsterdam. Programme with presentations, including one invited speaker from Germany (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Hoorn, C. (host) (31-5-2018). Phil Jardine (hosting a visitor).
    • Hoorn, C. (examiner) (16-5-2018). Studies in Caspian palynology: six million years of vegetation, climate and sea level change (examination).
    • Hoorn, C. (host) (19-2-2018). Allison Perrigo (hosting a visitor).
    • Hoorn, C. (visiting researcher) (2-2018). Technische Universität Braunschweig (visiting an external institution).
    • Hoorn, C. (visiting researcher) (2018). University of Leeds (visiting an external institution).



    • Hoorn, M. C. (1994). Miocene palynostratigraphy and palaeo-environments of northwestern Amazonia: Evidence for marine incursions and the influence of Andean tectonics. [details]



    • Hoorn, C., Bogota-Angel, G. & Huang, H. (19-6-2023). Climate and geological change as drivers of Mauritiinae palm biogeography. Mendeley Data.
    • Wei, C., Jardine, P., Mao, L., Mander, L., Gosling, W. & Hoorn, C. (2023). SEM images, quantitative analysis code of SEM images, and data analysis code for "Grass pollen surface ornamentation is diverse across the phylogeny: evidence from northern South America and the global literature". Figshare.


    • Bacon, C. D., Silvestro, D., Hoorn, C., Bogota Angel, R., Antonelli, A. & Chazot, N. (2022). Supplementary File S1A (separate file “”). from The origin of modern patterns of continental diversity in Mauritiinae palms: the Neotropical museum and the Afrotropical graveyard. The Royal Society.
    • Bacon, C. D., Silvestro, D., Hoorn, C., Bogota Angel, R., Antonelli, A. & Chazot, N. (2022). Supplementary File S5 (separate file “Mauritiinae_FBD_BEAST2_MCC.tre”). from The origin of modern patterns of continental diversity in Mauritiinae palms: the Neotropical museum and the Afrotropical graveyard. The Royal Society.
    • Bacon, C. D., Silvestro, D., Hoorn, C., Bogota Angel, R., Antonelli, A. & Chazot, N. (2022). Supplementary File S1B (separate file “Supplementary_Information_S1B.xlsx”). from The origin of modern patterns of continental diversity in Mauritiinae palms: the Neotropical museum and the Afrotropical graveyard. The Royal Society.
    • Bacon, C. D., Silvestro, D., Hoorn, C., Bogota Angel, R., Antonelli, A. & Chazot, N. (2022). Supplementary File S6 (separate file “Mauritiinae_FBD_BEAST2_MCC_strictclock.tre”). from The origin of modern patterns of continental diversity in Mauritiinae palms: the Neotropical museum and the Afrotropical graveyard. The Royal Society.
    • Bacon, C. D., Silvestro, D., Hoorn, C., Bogota Angel, R., Antonelli, A. & Chazot, N. (2022). Supplementary File S2 (separate file “morphology_matrix.nex”). from The origin of modern patterns of continental diversity in Mauritiinae palms: the Neotropical museum and the Afrotropical graveyard. The Royal Society.
    • Bacon, C. D., Silvestro, D., Hoorn, C., Bogota Angel, R., Antonelli, A. & Chazot, N. (2022). Supplementary File S4 (separate file “Mauritiinae_FBD_BEAST2_combined.trees”). from The origin of modern patterns of continental diversity in Mauritiinae palms: the Neotropical museum and the Afrotropical graveyard. The Royal Society.
    • Bacon, C. D., Silvestro, D., Hoorn, C., Bogota Angel, R., Antonelli, A. & Chazot, N. (2022). Supplementary File S3 (separate file “Mauritiinae_FBD_BEAST2.xml”). from The origin of modern patterns of continental diversity in Mauritiinae palms: the Neotropical museum and the Afrotropical graveyard. The Royal Society.


    • Meijer, N., Dupont‐Nivet, G., Barbolini, N., Woutersen, A., Rohrmann, A., Zhang, Y., Liu, X., Licht, A., Abels, H. A., Hoorn, C., Tjallingii, R., Andermann, C., Dietze, M. & Nowaczyk, N. (2021). Loess‐Like Dust Appearance at 40 Ma in Central China (Dataset).
    • Lim, J., Huang, H., Farnsworth, A., Lunt, D., Baker, W., Morley, R., Kissling, D. & Hoorn, C. (2021). The Cenozoic history of palms: Global diversification, biogeography, and the decline of megathermal forests. DRYAD.


    • Hoorn, C., de la Parra, F., Rodriguez-Forero, G., Salamanca, S., Antunes Carvalho, F. & Lagomarsino, L. (2019). Going north and south: The biogeographic history of two Malvaceae in the wake of Neogene Andean uplift and connectivity between the Americas. Mendeley Data.
    • Vannacci, M., Koutsodendris, A., Berke, M. A., Salzmann, U., Kousis, I., Appel, E., Pross, J., Hoorn, C., Fang, X., Woutersen, A., Schwarz, F., Friedrich, O., Kern, O. A. & Allstädt, F. J. (2019). Palynological data from cores SG-1 and SG-1b from the Qaidam Basin (Tibetan Plateau) spanning the past ~7 Ma. PANGAEA.
    • Pross, J., Vannacci, M., Friedrich, O., Koutsodendris, A., Berke, M. A., Woutersen, A., Fang, X., Appel, E., Schwarz, F., Hoorn, C., Salzmann, U., Kern, O. A., Kousis, I. & Allstädt, F. J. (2019). Data for: Late Pliocene vegetation turnover in Central Asia triggered by early Northern Hemisphere glaciation. Mendeley Data.


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