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E.A. (Evy) de Nijs

PhD candidate
Faculty of Science
Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
  • Room number: C3.222
Postal address
  • Postbus 94240
    1090 GE Amsterdam
  • About me

    I am Evy, a PhD candidate at the University of Amsterdam in the Ecosystem and Landscape dynamics group (IBED-ELD). I am working on the potential of composting rose waste from large-scale rose farm and subsequent field application. My background is in Earth Sciences and over the years my interest has focussed on biogeochemical cycles. 

  • Current research

    Towards sustainable processing of rose waste in Kenya

    The limited usage of rose debris for composting makes large-scale rose farming far from a sustainable circular economy. Composting of rose debris is hampered by unfavorable chemical and physical properties of specific parts of roses. This project looks for optimal mixtures of rose debris with other green wastes and tests its potential in a commercial setting. Mixtures will be tested in both mechanistic laboratory studies and on-site field experiments at a large-scale rose farm in Kenya. In this project we want to test composting as method to secure a closed cycle of resources.



    Rose waste composting experiment in Kenya
  • External activities

    PE&RC PhD Council 

    Secretary & general member of the PhD council of the graduate school

    PE&RC-PPC website


    Lulofs board

    General board member of the Lulofs Alumni Association for Physical Geography of Amsterdam

    Lulofs website


  • Publications


    • Petersdorf, M. C., Bruggink, J., de Nijs, E. A., & Siepel, H. (2024). Reproductive Response of Platynothrus peltifer (C.L. Koch, 1839) to Continuous Nitrogen Deposition. Diversity, 16(6), Article 340.
    • de Nijs, E. A., Bol, R., Gweyi-Onyango, J., van Hall, R. L., Ntinyari, W., & Tietema, A. (2024). Co-composting to close the cycle of resources during rose cultivation in Kenya: An agronomic and pesticide residue assessment. Cleaner Waste Systems, 8, Article 100154.



    • de Nijs, E. A., Tietema, A., & van Hall, R. L. (2022). The effect of dissolved char on microbial activity in an extract from the forest floor. Forestry. Advance online publication.



    • de Nijs, E. A., Hicks, L. C., Leizeaga, A., Tietema, A., & Rousk, J. (2019). Soil microbial moisture dependences and responses to drying–rewetting: The legacy of 18 years drought. Global Change Biology, 25(3), 1005-1015. [details]


    • Bol, R. A., van Loon, E. ., Tietema, A. & de Nijs, E. A. (17-9-2024). Evaluating rose yield responses to compost treatments: Data from an 18-month field study in Kenya. Zenodo.
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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities