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Dr. A.C. (Harry) Seijmonsbergen

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Science
Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics
Photographer: onbekend

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
  • Room number: C4.166
Postal address
  • Postbus 94240
    1090 GE Amsterdam
  • Profile


    I work in the Theoretical and Computational Ecology (TCE) research group and the Biogeography & Macroecology (BIOMAC) research group of the Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED). The focusof our work is to quantify how the biotic and abiotic components of the Earth system vary across space and time, how they interact, and how responses of biodiversity to changing environmental conditions can be predicted.

    Key activities are the collection and modeling of large biotic and abiotic datasets, analyses of satellite imagery, high resolution LiDAR point clouds and the development of innovative modeling techniques and measurement devices.

    TCE is also responsible for courses teaching 'tools and techniques' in the bachelor of Future Planet Studies and the masters of Biology and Earth Sciences. We offer innovative courses such as: Modeling of Geo-ecological Systems, GIS and Remote Sensing Science, The Empirical Cycle and Analysis and Modelling Lab.

  • Personal info and current research

    PhD Physical Geography University of Amsterdam

    A.C. Seijmonsbergen, 1992. Geomorphological evolution of an alpine area and its application to geotechnical and natural hazard appraisal, 109pp.

    Current research, see also 'publications':

    • Geomorphological mapping using LiDAR DEMs
    • Natural hazard assessment using GIS and LiDAR data.
    • Gypsum in mountain landscape development
    • Automated GIS-assisted  geoconservation assessment
    • Greenland ice cores and terrestrial glaciation records
    • Landuse classification and land use change


    • Virtual Globe
    • Bachelor Thesis
    • GIS and Remote Sensing in Geo-Ecological Dynamics 
    • Vulnerability Assessment of Geo-ecosystems
    • Field Course Assessment of Geo-ecological Systems in the Austrian Alps /Peruvian Andes
    • Master Thesis Earth Sciences

    I am chairman of the Programme Committee Master Earth Sciences (Opleidingscommissie Aardwetenschappen)

    Interested to attend a GIS and RS course?  Find info on:

    Collapse structures in the Alps of western Austria
  • Publications


    • Alsbach, C. M. E., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., & Hoorn, C. (2024). Geodiversity in the Amazon drainage basin. Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences, 382(2269), Article 2023.0065.
    • Hjort, J., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Kemppinen, J., Tukiainen, H., Maliniemi, T., Gordon, J. E., Alahuhta, J., & Gray, M. (2024). Towards a taxonomy of geodiversity. Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences, 382(2269), 20230060.
    • Polman, E. M. N., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Versteegh, H., & Kissling, W. D. (2024). Global geodiversity components are not equally represented in UNESCO Global Geoparks. Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences, 382(2269), Article 20230054.
    • Rentier, E. S., Hoorn, C., & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (2024). Lithium brine mining affects geodiversity and Sustainable Development Goals. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 202, Article 114642.
    • Schrodt, F., Vernham, G., Bailey, J., Field, R., Gordon, J. E., Gray, M., Hjort, J., Hoorn, C., Hunter, M. L., Larwood, J., Lausch, A., Monge-Ganuzas, M., Miller, S., van Ree, D., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Zarnetske, P. L., & Kissling, W. D. (2024). The status and future of essential geodiversity variables. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 382(2269), Article 2023.0052.



    • De Groeve, J., Kusumoto, B., Koene, E., Kissling, W. D., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Hoeksema, B. W., Yasuhara, M., Norder, S. J., Cahyarini, S. Y., van der Geer, A., Meijer, H. J. M., Kubota, Y., & Rijsdijk, K. F. (2022). Global raster dataset on historical coastline positions and shelf sea extents since the Last Glacial Maximum. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 31(11), 2162-2171. [details]
    • Kissling, W. D., Shi, Y., Koma, Z., Meijer, C., Ku, O., Nattino, F., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., & Grootes, M. W. (2022). Laserfarm – A high-throughput workflow for generating geospatial data products of ecosystem structure from airborne laser scanning point clouds. Ecological Informatics, 72, Article 101836. [details]
    • Koma, Z., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Grootes, M. W., Nattino, F., Groot, J., Sierdsema, H., Foppen, R. P. B., & Kissling, W. D. (2022). Better together? Assessing different remote sensing products for predicting habitat suitability of wetland birds. Diversity and distributions, 28(4), 685-699. [details]
    • Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Valentijn, S., Westerhof, L., & Rijsdijk, K. F. (2022). Exploring Ocean Floor Geodiversity in Relation to Mineral Resources in the Southwest Pacific Ocean. Resources, 11(7), Article 60. [details]
    • Steger, S., Schmaltz, E., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., & Glade, T. (2022). The Walgau: A Landscape Shaped by Landslides. In C. Embleton-Hamann (Ed.), Landscapes and Landforms of Austria (pp. 237-251). (World Geomorphological Landscapes). Springer. Advance online publication. [details]


    • De Jong, M. G. G., Sterk, H. P., Shinneman, S., & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (2021). Hierarchical geomorphological mapping in mountainous areas. Journal of Maps, 17(2), 214-225. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Koma, Z., Grootes, M. W., Meijer, C. W., Nattino, F., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Sierdsema, H., Foppen, R., & Kissling, W. D. (2021). Niche separation of wetland birds revealed from airborne laser scanning. Ecography, 44(6), 907-918. [details]
    • Koma, Z., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., & Kissling, W. D. (2021). Classifying wetland-related land cover types and habitats using fine-scale lidar metrics derived from country-wide Airborne Laser Scanning. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 7(1), 80-96. [details]
    • Koma, Z., Zlinszky, A., Beko, L., Burai, P., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., & Kissling, W. D. (2021). Quantifying 3D vegetation structure in wetlands using differently measured airborne laser scanning data. Ecological Indicators, 127, Article 107752. [details]


    • Rijsdijk, K. F., Buijs, S., Quartau, R., Aguilée, R., Norder, S. J., Ávila, S. P., Teixeira de Medeiros, S. M., Carreiro Nunes, J. C., Elias, R. B., Melo, C. S., Stocchi, P., Shinneman, S., Koene, E. F. M., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., de Boer, W. M., & Borges, P. A. V. (2020). Recent geospatial dynamics of Terceira (Azores, Portugal) and the theoretical implications for the biogeography of active volcanic islands. Frontiers of Biogeography, 12(3), Article e45003. [details]



    • Seijmonsbergen, A. C., & de Graaff, L. W. S. (2018). Hybrid geomorphological mapping in the cuesta landscape of Luxembourg. In A. M. Kooijman, L. H. Cammeraat, & A. C. Seijmonsbergen (Eds.), The Luxembourg Gutland Landscape (pp. 89-106). Springer. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Cammeraat, L. H., & Kooijman, A. M. (2018). Applications of Physiotope Mapping in the Cuesta Landscape of Luxembourg. In A. M. Kooijman, L. H. Cammeraat, & A. C. Seijmonsbergen (Eds.), The Luxembourg Gutland Landscape (pp. 253-267). Springer. [details]
    • Seijmonsbergen, A. C., De Jong, M. G. G., Hagendoorn, B., Oostermeijer, J. G. B., & Rijsdijk, K. F. (2018). Geodiversity mapping in alpine areas. In C. Hoorn, A. Perrigo, & A. Antonelli (Eds.), Mountains, Climate and Biodiversity (pp. 155-170). Wiley Blackwell. [details]
    • Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Guldenaar, J., & Rijsdijk, K. F. (2018). Exploring Hawaiian long-term insular geodiversity dynamics. Landform Analysis, 35, 31-43. [details]


    • Kamps, M. T., Bouten, W., & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (2017). LiDAR and Orthophoto Synergy to optimize Object-Based Landscape Change: Analysis of an Active Landslide. Remote Sensing, 9(8), Article 805. [details]
    • Kissling, W. D., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Foppen, R. P. B., & Bouten, W. (2017). eEcoLiDAR, eScience infrastructure for ecological applications of LiDAR point clouds: reconstructing the 3D ecosystem structure for animals at regional to continental scales. Research Ideas and Outcomes, 3, Article e14939. [details]
    • Norder, S. J., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Rughooputh, S. D. D. V., van Loon, E. E., Tatayah, V., Kamminga, A. T., & Rijsdijk, K. F. (2017). Assessing temporal couplings in social–ecological island systems: historical deforestation and soil loss on Mauritius (Indian Ocean). Ecology and Society, 22(1), Article 29. [details]


    • Kamps, M., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., & Bouten, W. (2016). Object-based Integrated Landscape Change Analysis: synergy of multi-temporal LiDAR and very high resolution orthophotos. In N. Kerle, M. Gerke, & S. Lefevre (Eds.), GEOBIA 2016 : Solutions and synergies: 14 September 2016-16 September 2016, University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information and Earth Observation (ITC) : proceedings University of Twente. [details]
    • Kamps, M., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Rutzinger, M., & Zieher, T. (2016). Assessment of the interaction of land-cover change on shallow landslide occurrence using an automated object-based approach. In N. Kerle, M. Gerke, & S. Lefevre (Eds.), GEOBIA 2016 : Solutions and synergies: 14 September 2016-16 September 2016, University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information and Earth Observation (ITC) : proceedings University of Twente. [details]



    • Cammeraat, L. H., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Sevink, J., Hoogzaad, Y. P. G., Stoops, W. S., de Vet, S. J., de Vries, M. E., van Veelen, M., Weiler, H. A., Weiss, N., Sánchez-Vega, I., Chunga-Castro, F., & Roncal-Rabanal, M. (2014). Calidad del agua en relación con las propiedades del geoecosistema: un estudio de caso de una zona de jalca cerca de Cajamarca, Perú. In F. Cuesta, J. Sevink, L. D. Llambí, B. De Bièvre, & J. Posner (Eds.), Avances en investigación para la conservación de los páramos andinos (pp. 26u-286). CONDESAN. [details]
    • Tovar, C., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., & Duivenvoorden, J. F. (2014). Cambio en el uso del suelo/cobertura y los patrones de configuración espacial de la jalca peruana entre 1987 y 2007. In F. Cuesta, J. Sevink, L. D. Llambí, B. De Bièvre, & J. Posner (Eds.), Avances en investigación para la conservación de los páramos andinos (pp. 353-375). CONDESAN. [details]


    • Anders, N. S., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., & Bouten, W. (2013). Geomorphological Change Detection Using Object-Based Feature Extraction From Multi-Temporal LiDAR Data. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 10(6), 1587-1591. [details]
    • Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (2013). The Modern Geomorphological Map. In A. Switzer, & D. M. Kennedy (Eds.), Methods in geomorphology (pp. 35-52). (Treatise on geomorphology; No. 14). Elsevier. [details]
    • Tovar, C., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., & Duivenvoorden, J. F. (2013). Monitoring land use and land cover change in mountain regions: An example in the Jalca grasslands of the Peruvian Andes. Landscape and Urban Planning, 112, 40-49. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Aguirre-Gutiérrez, J., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., & Duivenvoorden, J. F. (2012). Optimizing land cover classification accuracy for change detection, a combined pixel-based and object-based approach in a mountainous area in Mexico. Applied Geography, 34, 29-37. [details]
    • Tovar, C., Duivenvoorden, J. F., Sánchez-Vega, I., & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (2012). Recent changes in patch characteristics and plant communities in the jalca grasslands of the Peruvian Andes. Biotropica, 44(3), 321-330. [details]
    • van Mourik, J. M., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., & Jansen, B. (2012). Geochronology of soils and landforms in cultural landscapes on aeolian sandy substrates, based on radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence dating (Weert, SE-Netherlands). In Danuta Michalska Nawrocka (Ed.), Radiometric Dating (pp. 75-114). In Tech. [details]
    • van Mourik, J. M., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Slotboom, R. T., & Wallinga, J. (2012). Impact of human land use on soils and landforms in cultural landscapes on aeolian sandy substrates (Maashorst, SE Netherlands). Quaternary International, 265, 74-89. [details]


    • Anders, N. S., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., & Bouten, W. (2011). Segmentation optimization and stratified object-based analysis for semi-automated geomorphological mapping. Remote Sensing of the Environment, 115(12), 2976-2985. [details]
    • Anders, N., Smith, M., Seijmonsbergen, H., & Bouten, W. (2011). Optimizing object-based image analysis for semi-automated geomorphological mapping. In T. Hengl, I. S. Evans, J. P. Wilson, & M. Gould (Eds.), Proceedings of Geomorphometry 2011 (pp. 117-120) [details]
    • Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Hengl, T., & Anders, N. S. (2011). Semi-automated identification and extraction of geomorphological features using digital elevation data. In M. J. Smith, P. Paron, & J. S. Griffiths (Eds.), Geomorphological Mapping: Methods and Applications (pp. 297-335). (Developments in Earth Surface Processes; Vol. 15). Elsevier. [details]



    • Anders, N. S., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., & Bouten, W. (2009). Modelling channel incision and alpine hillslope development using laser altimetry data. Geomorphology, 113(1-2), 35-46. [details]
    • Anders, N. S., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., & Bouten, W. (2009). Multi-scale and object-oriented image analysis of high-res LiDAR data for geomorphological mapping in alpine mountains. In R. Purves, S. Gruber, T. Hengl, & R. Straumann (Eds.), Proceedings of Geomorphometry 2009 (pp. 61-65). University of Zurich. [details]
    • Seijmonsbergen, A. C., de Jong, M. G. G., & de Graaff, L. W. S. (2009). A method for the identification and assessment of significance of geomorphosites in Vorarlberg (Austria), supported by Geographical Information Systems. Memorie Descrittive della Carta Geologica d'Italia, 87, 163-172. [details]
    • de Jong, M. G. G., Nio, D. S., Böhm, A. R., Seijmonsbergen, H. C., & de Graaff, L. W. S. (2009). Resolving climate change in the period 15-23 ka in Greenland ice cores: A new application of spectral trend analysis. Terra Nova, 21(2), 137-143. [details]



    • Gustavvson, M., Kolstrup, E., & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (2006). A new symbol-and-GIS based detailed geomorphological mapping system: Renewal of a scientific discipline for understanding landscape development. Geomorphology, 77(1-2), 90-111. [details]
    • Seijmonsbergen, A. C., & de Graaff, L. W. S. (2006). geomorphological mapping and geophysical profiling for the evaluation of natural hazards in an alpine catchment. Natural Hazards, 6(2), 185-193. [details]
    • van Asselen, S., & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (2006). Expert-driven semi-automated geomorphological mapping for a mountainaous area using a laser DTM. Geomorphology, 78(3-4), 309-320. [details]


    • Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Woning, M. P., Verhoef, P. N. W., & de Graaff, L. W. S. (2005). The failure mechanism of a Late Glacial Sturzstrom in the Subalpine Molasse (Leckner Valley, Vorarlberg, Austria). Geomorphology, 66(1-4), 277-286. [details]


    • Luuk, K., Dorren, A., Maier, B., Putters, U. S., & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (2004). Combining field and modelling techniques to assess rockfall dynamics on a protection forest hillslope in the European Alps. Geomorphology, 57, 151-167. [details]
    • Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Biewinga, D. T., & Pruissers, A. P. (2004). a geophysical profile at the foot of the Dutch coastal dunes near the former outlet of the 'Old Rhine'. Geologie & Mijnbouw, 83(4), 267-271. [details]


    • Bouten, W., van Belle, J., Benabdelkader, A., Buurma, L. S., van Gasteren, H., de Hoon, L. J. M., Heuvelink, G. B. M., Foppen, R., van Reenen, G. B. A., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Shamoun-Baranes, J., & Sierdsma, H. (2003). Towards an operational bird avoidance system: combining models and measurements. In Proceedings IBSC Conference (pp. 31-43). [details]
    • Dorren, L. K. A., & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (2003). Comparison of three Gis-based models for predicting rockfall runout. Geomorphology, 56, 49-64. [details]
    • Dorren, L. K. A., Maier, B., & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (2003). Improved landsat-based forest mapping in steep mountainous terrain. Forest Ecology and Management, 183, 31-46. [details]




    • de Graaff, L. W. S., & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (1993). Die Eiszeitliche Prozessfolge und Aspekte der jungquartaeren Talbildung und hangentwicklung im Walgau. Jahresberichte und Mitteilungen des Oberrheinischen Geologischen Vereines, NF 75, 99-125.


    • Rupke, J., & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (1992). A detailed (geomorpological) appraisal of the Halden dam failure, Fidernbach, Altstätten, Switzerland. Geomorphology as a tool in torrent construction works. In G. dr. Fiebiger, & F. dr. Zollinger (Eds.), Interpraevent Tagungspublikation 1992 - Bern (Vol. band 3, pp. 65-82). Forschungsgesellschaft für Vorbeugende Hochwasserbekämpfung.
    • Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (1992). Geomorphological-geotechnical mapping and natural hazard evaluation in a mountainous area dominated by surficial mass movement. In M. E. Almeida- Teixeira, R. Fantechi, & A. Gomes Coelho (Eds.), Prevention and control of landslides and other mass movements - report EUR 12918 EN (pp. 65-82). Commission of the European Communities, Luxembourg.


    • Rupke, J., Cammeraat, E., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., & van Westen, C. J. (1988). Engineering geomorphology of the widentobel catchment, appenzell and sankt gallen, switzerland. A geomorphologuical inventory system applied to geotechnical appraisal of slope stability. Engineering Geology, 26(1), 33-68.


    • Gray, M., Fox, N., Gordon, J. E., Brilha, J., Charkraborty, A., Garcia, M. D. G., Hjort, J., Kubalíková, L., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., & Urban, J. (2024). Boundary of ecosystem services: A response to Chen et al. (2023). Journal of Environmental Management, 351, Article 119666. Advance online publication.




    • Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Anders, N. S., & Bouten, W. (2012). Geomorphological change detection using object-based feature extraction from multi-temporal LIDAR data. In R. Q. Feitosa, G. A. O. P. da Costa, C. M. de Almeida, L. M. G. Fonseca, & H. J. H. Kux (Eds.), International Conference on Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis, 4 (GEOBIA): Rio de Janeiro - RJ, May 7-9, 2012: proceedings (pp. 484-489). National Institute for Space Research (INPE). [details]


    • Aguirre Gutierrez, J., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., & Sevink, J. (2011). Water pollution hazards from geological formations in the Rio Santa region, Peru. IBED, Universiteit van Amsterdam. [details]
    • Aguirre Gutiérrez, J., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., & Duivenvoorden, J. (2011). Optimizing land cover change detection using combined pixel-based and object-based image classification in a mountainous area in Mexico. In J. C. N. Epiphanio, L. S. Galvão, & S. J. dos Campos (Eds.), Anais XV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto: SBSR, Curitiba, PR, Brasil, 30 de abril a 05 maio de 2011 (pp. 6556-6563). Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE). [details]
    • de Jong, M. G. G., de Graaff, L. W. S., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., & Böhm, A. R. (2011). Correlation of Greenland ice-core isotope profiles and the terrestrial record of the Alpine Rhine glacier for the period 32-15 ka. Climate of the Past Discussions, 7, 4335-4373. [details]


    • Maier, B., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., & Berger, F. (2004). Rockfall, forest and human interactions in the European Alps. In Interpraevent 2004 (Vol. 5, pp. 13-23).
    • Seijmonsbergen, A. C., & van Asselen, S. (2004). Relevance of geomorphological data in mountainous areas; past and future trends. In S. van Asselen (Ed.), Briefing papers of the third SCAPE workshop in Schruns (AT) (pp. 63-70). Scape. [details]


    • de Graaff, L. W. S., & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (2001). Postglacial landslides and their impact on Pleistocene lake floor deposits in the Balderschwang Valley as witnessed by geomorphological, sedimentological and geophysical evidence. Vorarlberger Naturschau, 9, 237-251. [details]


    • Dorren, L. K. A., & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (2000). Cartesian final report to the EU. Cartesian EU project on cost effective management of ski-areas. Resource Analysis. [details]
    • Dorren, L. K. A., & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (2000). GIS implementation & monitoring. Resource Analysis. [details]
    • Dorren, L. K. A., & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (2000). GIS-based modeling of rockfall on a broad scale using remotely sensed data and detailed geomorphological maps. In AGIT, GIS-congress, Salzburg, Austria [details]
    • de Graaff, L. W. S., & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (2000). Erdwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen im Schlucher (Malbun, Liechtenstein). Landesamt für Wald, Natur und Landschaft. [details]


    • Rupke, J., & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (1996). Geomorphological/geotechnical mapping of the Versettlat-Garfrescha slope - for forest road alignment. In Interpraevent 1996 - Garmisch Partenkirchen, Band 5. (pp. 243-253). Forschungsgesellschaft fuer Vorbeugende Hochwasserbekaempf.. [details]
    • van Noord, H., Rupke, J., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., & de Graaff, L. W. S. (1996). Integralpilotstudie Montafon: geomorphological-geotechnical and natural hazard maps at scale 1:10.000 in the eastern Raetikon mountains and the Montafon region, Vorarlberg. AGRG, UvA. [details]


    • Mosselman, E., Huisink, M., Koomen, E., & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (1995). Morphological changes in a large braided sand-bed river. In E. J. Hickin (Ed.), River Geomorphology (pp. 235-247). John Wiley & Sons. [details]


    • De Jong, M. G. G., de nobel, J. S., polman, E. M. N., Sterk, H. P., & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (2024). Die spätglaziale und holozäne Beckenfüllung des Moores »Turbastall« bei Schlins (Vorarlberg, Österreich). inatura, forschung-online, 123(16S).





    • Jansen, A. J. M., Baaijens, G. J., Bouwman, J., Sevink, J., & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (2011). Hydro-ecologische analyse van Boschoord. Unie van Bosgroepen. [details]


    • Seijmonsbergen, A. C., den Haan, M., & Sevink, J. (2009). Boschoord - Elektromagnetisch onderzoek t.b.v. hydrologisch onderzoek. Instituut v. Biodiversiteit en Ecosysteem Dynamica. [details]
    • Seijmonsbergen, A. C., den Haan, M., & Sevink, J. (2009). Boschoord - Rapportage GIS voorstudie t.b.v. hydrologisch onderzoek. Instituut v. Biodiversiteit en Ecosysteem Dynamica. [details]
    • Seijmonsbergen, A. C., den Haan, M., & Sevink, J. (2009). Memo Boschoord: Voorstel locatie peilbuizen: Op basis van GIS verwerking van basisgegevens. Instituut v. Biodiversiteit en Ecosysteem Dynamica. [details]
    • Sevink, J., den Haan, M., & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (2009). Reactivering van stuifzand in het Deelense Zand: Een verkenning van potenties. Instituut v. Biodiversiteit en Ecosysteem Dynamica. [details]



    • de Graaff, L. W. S., de Jong, M. G. G., & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (2007). Landwirtschaftentwicklung und Quartar. In J. G. Friebe (Ed.), Geologie der österreichischer Bundesländer Vorarlberg (pp. 21-32). Verlag Geologische Bundesanstalt. [details]


    • Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (2002). Active tectonics and alluvial rivers, S. A. Schumm, J. F. Dumont and J. M. Holbrook, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2000 (276 pp) ISBN 0-521-66110-2 (hardback). Journal of Quaternary Science, 17(8), 800-801.


    • Biewinga, D. T., Pruissers, A. P., & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (1995). De geologie van het kustprofiel tussen Noordwijk aan Zee en IJmuiden en een geofysische verkenning aan de duinvoet. H2O, 28(5), 142-150. [details]





    • Kamps, M., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., & Bouten, W. (2016). Assessment of the interaction of land-cover change on shallow landslide occurrence: an automated object-based approach: “Land-cover change could contribute to enhanced shallow landslide susceptibility”. Poster session presented at GEOBIA 2016, Enschede, Netherlands.
    • Kamps, M., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., & Bouten, W. (2016). Object-based Integrated Landscape Change Analysis: Synergy of multi-temporal LiDAR and very high resolution orthophotos: “Synergy of high resolution multi-temporal orthophotos and LiDAR datasets improves change analysis accuracy’’. Poster session presented at GEOBIA 2016, Enschede, Netherlands.
    • Sterk, H. P., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., de Jong, M. G. G., & van Loon, E. E. (2016). Progress in digital mapping of shallow mass movements by using a combination of orthophotos, LiDAR- and UAV-derived information. 319. Abstract from GeoTirol 2016, Innsbruck, Austria.



    • Anders, N. S., Smith, M. J., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., & Bouten, W. (2011). Optimizing object-based image analysis for semi-automated geomorphological mapping. Poster session presented at Remote Sensing and. Photogrammetry Society. Annual Conference 2011, Bournemouth, United Kingdom.



    • Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (2008). Digital Geomorphological Information for Alpine Hazard Studies Using GIS and Laser Altimetry Data. Poster session presented at Interpraevent - Congress.
    • Seijmonsbergen, A. C., de Jong, M. G. G., & de Graaff, L. W. S. (2008). Digitale geomorphologische Information in Naturgefahrenstudien unter Verwendung von GIS und Laserhöhendaten. Poster session presented at ARGE-NATWI Symposium 2008.



    • Bos, I. J., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., de Jong, M. G. G., & de Graaff, L. W. S. (2005). Geotopes and potential geo-conservation sites. Poster session presented at NATWI symposium.


    • Dorren, L. K. A., & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (2002). Rockfall assessment on a protection forest hillslope. Poster session presented at IAG-symposium "Relationships between man and the mountain environment in terms of geomorphological hazards and human impact in Europe.

    Talk / presentation

    • Seijmonsbergen, H. (speaker) (10-2-2017). Remote Sensing van vulkanisme, plooiing en erosie in en aan de aardkorst, Stichting J.C. van der Meulen.
    • Anders, N. S. (speaker), Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (speaker) & Bouten, W. (speaker) (23-4-2009). Modelling channel incision and drainage basin evolution with a multi-scale simulation model, EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna.
    • Rijsdijk, K. F. (speaker), Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (speaker), Kamminga, A. T. (speaker), Koon, A. (speaker), Assenjee, A. (speaker) & Goolaup, P. (speaker) (22-4-2009). Subannual spatiotemporal patterns of potential erosion hotspots on full island scale (Mauritius, Indian Ocean): Foci for agrodiversity and ecosystem buffer regions, EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna.
    • Cammeraat, L. H. (speaker), Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (speaker) & Sevink, J. (speaker) (21-4-2009). Landscape and soil governance: A rapid vulnerability assessment method applied in a Paramo landscape in Northern Peru, EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna.
    • Rijsdijk, K. F. (speaker), Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (speaker), Kamminga, A. T. (speaker), Koon, A. (speaker), Assenjee, A. (speaker) & Goolaup, P. (speaker) (2009). Subannual spatiotemporal patterns of potential erosion hotspots on full island scale (Mauritius, Indian Ocean): Foci for agrodiversity and ecosystem buffer regions, EGU2009, Wenen.
    • Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (speaker) (30-4-2004). GIS-based geomorphological mapping and geo-electrical profiling for the evaluation of natural hazards in a steep alpine catchment underlain by gypsum, General Assembly of the European Geophysical Union, Nice, France, Nice, France.
    • Dorren, L. K. A. (speaker), Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (speaker) & Maier, B. (speaker) (4-7-2001). Forest cover analysis in mountainous terrain; per-pixel versus object-based, AGIT 2001 Symposium, Salzburg, Oostenrijk.


    • Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (1992). Geomorphological evolution of an alpine area and its application to geotechnical and natural hazard appraisal in the NW. Rätikon mountains and S. Walgau (Vorarlberg, Austria). [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Meijer, C. W., Ku, O., Grootes, M. W., Nattino, F., Shi, Y., Kissling, W., Seijmonsbergen, A. & Koma, Z. (5-9-2024). Country-wide data products for the ecosystem structure metrics derived from ALS data across the Netherlands (AHN3). Zenodo.
    • De Jong, M. G. G., de Nobel, J., Sterk, H., Seijmonsbergen, A. C. & Polman, E. M. N. (3-9-2024). Dataset - Die spätglaziale und holozäne Beckenfüllung des Moores “Turbastall” bei Schlins (Vorarlberg, Österreich). Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Korevaar, M. . & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. . (28-6-2024). Data repository - Bachelor thesis: mapping geodiversity. Zenodo.
    • Hjort, J., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Kemppinen, J., Tukiainen, H., Maliniemi, T., Gordon, J. E., Alahuhta, J. & Gray, M. (2024). Supplementary Material S2 from Towards a taxonomy of geodiversity. The Royal Society.
    • Hjort, J., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Kemppinen, J., Tukiainen, H., Maliniemi, T., Gordon, J. E., Alahuhta, J. & Gray, M. (2024). Supplementary Material S5 from Towards a taxonomy of geodiversity. The Royal Society.
    • Hjort, J., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Kemppinen, J., Tukiainen, H., Maliniemi, T., Gordon, J. E., Alahuhta, J. & Gray, M. (2024). Supplementary Material S4 from Towards a taxonomy of geodiversity. The Royal Society.
    • Alsbach, C., Seijmonsbergen, A. C. & Hoorn, C. (2024). Geodiversity in the Amazon Drainage Basin. Figshare.


    • Kissling, W. ., Shi, Y., Koma, Z., Meijer, C., Ku, O., Nattino, F., Seijmonsbergen, A. C. & Grootes, M. W. (1-11-2023). Country-wide data products for the ecosystem structure metrics derived from ALS data across the Netherlands (AHN3). Zenodo.
    • Polman, E. M. N., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Versteegh, H. & Kissling, W. D. (12-9-2023). Dataset - Global geodiversity components are not equally represented in UNESCO Global Geoparks. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • de Nobel, J., Rijsdijk, K. F., Cornelissen, P. & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (2023). Grassland Aboveground Biomass Mapping Dataset. Figshare.


    • De Groeve, J., Kusumoto, B., Koene, E., Kissling, W. D., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Hoeksema, B. W., Yasuhara, M., Norder, S., Cahyarini, S., van der Geer, A., Meijer, H. J. M., Kubota, Y. & Rijsdijk, K. (12-7-2022). Spatial polygons for Sunda, Timor, and Caribbean regions.. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • De Groeve, J., Kusumoto, B., Koene, E., Kissling, W. D., Seijmonsbergen, H., Hoeksema, B. W., Yasuhara, M., Norder, S., Cahyarini, S., van der Geer, A., Meijer, H. J. M., Kubota, Y. & Rijsdijk, K. (12-7-2022). Historic coastline age raster (AGE 2019). Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • De Groeve, J., Kusumoto, B., Koene, E., Kissling, W. D., Seijmonsbergen, H., Hoeksema, B. W., Yasuhara, M., Norder, S., Cahyarini, S., van der Geer, A., Meijer, H. J. M., Kubota, Y. & Rijsdijk, K. (12-7-2022). Resampled Bathymetry (GEBCO 2019). Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • De Groeve, J., Kusumoto, B., Koene, E., Kissling, W. D., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Hoeksema, B. W., Yasuhara, M., Norder, S., Cahyarini, S., van der Geer, A., Meijer, H. J. M., Kubota, Y. & Rijsdijk, K. (12-7-2022). Shelf sea extent rasters (SLW140 2019). Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • De Groeve, J., Kusumoto, B., Koene, E., Kissling, W. D., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Hoeksema, B. W., Yasuhara, M., Norder, S., Cahyarini, S., van der Geer, A. A. E., Meijer, H. J. M., Kubota, Y. & Rijsdijk, K. (12-7-2022). Spatio-Temporal Relative Sea Level Curve (RSL). Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • De Groeve, J., Kusumoto, B., Koene, E., Kissling, W. D., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Hoeksema, B. W., Yasuhara, M., Norder, S., Cahyarini, S., van der Geer, A., Meijer, H. J. M., Kubota, Y. & Rijsdijk, K. (12-7-2022). Shelf sea extent rasters (SLW140 2021). Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • De Groeve, J., Kusumoto, B., Koene, E., Kissling, W. D., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Hoeksema, B. W., Yasuhara, M., Norder, S., Cahyarini, S., van der Geer, A., Meijer, H. J. M., Kubota, Y. & Rijsdijk, K. (12-7-2022). Historic coastline age raster (AGE 2021). Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Koma, Z., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Grootes, M. W., Nattino, F., Groot, J., Sierdsema, H., Foppen, R. & Kissling, W. . (27-4-2022). Bird observation data for: Better together? Assessing different remote sensing products for predicting habitat suitability of wetland birds. Zenodo.


    • Koma, Z., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Grootes, M. W., Nattino, F., Groot, J., Sierdsema, H., Foppen, R. & Kissling, D. (10-12-2021). Data from: Better together? Assessing different remote sensing products for predicting habitat suitability of wetland birds. Zenodo.
    • De Jong, M. G. G., Sterk, H., Seijmonsbergen, A. C. & Shinneman, S. (25-4-2021). ArcGIS Map packages with geomorphological and geographical datasets used to generate maps for Au West study area in Vorarlberg, Austria. Zenodo.
    • De Jong, M. G. G., Shinneman, S., Sterk, H. & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (23-4-2021). ArcGIS Map packages with geomorphological and geographical datasets used to generate maps for Dunza-Tschengla study area in Vorarlberg, Austria. Zenodo.
    • De Jong, M. G. G., Sterk, H., Shinneman, S. & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (23-4-2021). Geomorphology model (ArcMap version), input datasets and legend symbology files. Zenodo.
    • Sterk, H., Shinneman, S., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., De Jong, M. G. G. & Jong, M. G. G. . (23-4-2021). Symbology layer files: Hierarchical geomorphological mapping in mountainous areas. Zenodo.
    • De Jong, M., Sterk, H., Seijmonsbergen, H. & Shinneman, S. (12-4-2021). Geomorphology model (ArcGIS Pro version), input datasets and legend symbology files. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • De Jong, M., Sterk, H., Seijmonsbergen, H. & Shinneman, S. (12-4-2021). Map package (ArcMap version) with geomorphological and geographical datasets used to generate maps for Au West study area in Vorarlberg, Austria. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • De Jong, M., Sterk, H., Seijmonsbergen, H. & Shinneman, S. (12-4-2021). Map package (ArcGIS Pro version) with geomorphological and geographical datasets used to generate maps for Dunza-Tschengla study area in Vorarlberg, Austria. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • De Jong, M., Sterk, H., Seijmonsbergen, H. & Shinneman, S. (12-4-2021). Geomorphology model (ArcMap version), input datasets and legend symbology files. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • De Jong, M., Sterk, H., Seijmonsbergen, H. & Shinneman, S. (12-4-2021). Map package (ArcMap version) with geomorphological and geographical datasets used to generate maps for Dunza-Tschengla study area in Vorarlberg, Austria. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • De Jong, M., Sterk, H., Seijmonsbergen, H. & Shinneman, S. (12-4-2021). Map package (ArcGIS Pro version) with geomorphological and geographical datasets used to generate maps for Au West study area in Vorarlberg, Austria. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Shinneman, S., Sterk, H., De Jong, M. & Seijmonsbergen, H. (12-4-2021). Symbology layer files developed in ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro for the purpose of visualizing geomorphological codes using predefined color palettes. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Koma, Z., Grootes, M. W., Meijer, C. W., Nattino, F., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Sierdsema, H., Foppen, R. & Kissling, W. . (27-2-2021). Data from : Niche separation of wetland birds revealed from airborne laser scanning. Zenodo.
    • De Jong, M. G. G., Sterk, H., Shinneman, S. & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (2021). Geomorphology model (ArcGIS Pro version), input datasets and legend symbology files. Zenodo.
    • Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Shinneman, S., De Jong, M. G. G. & Sterk, H. (2021). Symbology layer files developed in ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro for the purpose of visualizing geomorphological codes using predefined color palettes. Universiteit van Amsterdam.


    • Koma, Z., Seijmonsbergen, A. C. & Kissling, W. . (30-5-2020). Data from : Classifying wetland‐related land cover types and habitats using fine‐scale lidar metrics derived from country‐wide Airborne Laser Scanning. Zenodo.
    • Shinneman, S., Rijsdijk, K. F., Norder, S., Seijmonsbergen, H., de Boer, T., Buijs, S., Quartau, R., Aguilée, R., Teixeira de Medeiros, S. M., Carreiro-Nunes, J. C., Elias, R. B., Melo, C. S., Stocchi, P., Koene, E. F. M. & Borges, P. A. V. (6-5-2020). Supplementary file geodatabase containing Terceira GIS data. Universiteit van Amsterdam.


    • Koma, Z., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Kissling, W. . & Bakx, T. R. M. (2019). Data from: Use and categorization of Light Detection and Ranging vegetation metrics in avian diversity and species distribution research. DRYAD.
    • Muellner-Riehl, A. N., Mosbrugger, V., Schnitzler, J., Seijmonsbergen, H., Rijsdijk, K., Versteegh, H., Favre, A. & Kissling, D. (2019). Data from: Origins of global mountain plant biodiversity: testing the “mountain-geobiodiversity hypothesis”. DRYAD.
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