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N. (Nienke) Wieringa MSc

PhD Candidate
Faculty of Science
Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics
Photographer: Jan van Arkel

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
Postal address
  • Postbus 94240
    1090 GE Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Publications





    • de Baat, M. L., Van der Oost, R., van der Lee, G. H., Wieringa, N., Hamers, T., Verdonschot, P. F. M., de Voogt, P., & Kraak, M. H. S. (2020). Advancements in effect-based surface water quality assessment. Water Research, 183, Article 116017. [details]
    • van der Lee, G. H., de Baat, M. L., Wieringa, N., Kraak, M. H. S., Verdonschot, R. C. M., & Verdonschot, P. F. M. (2020). Structural and functional assessment of multi-stressed lowland waters. Freshwater Science, 39(4), 621-633.



    • Wieringa, N., Droge, S. T. J., de Baat, M. L., Bakker, A. M., Melkert, R. A., Prast, B. J., Verdonschot, P., & Kraak, M. H. S. (2019). Species specific responses of benthic invertebrates to contaminated sediments. Presentation.. Abstract from SETAC Europe 29th annual meeting, Helsinki, Finland.


    • Wieringa, N., de Baat, M. L., van Hall, B., Selhorst, F., Droge, S. T. J., Kraak, M. H. S., & Verdonschot, P. F. M. (2018). Effect-based sediment quality assessment incorporating chemical fingerprinting. Poster session presented at SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting, Rome, Italy, May 2018..

    Talk / presentation

    • de Baat, M. (speaker), van der Lee, G. (speaker), Wieringa, N. (speaker), Verdonschot, P. (speaker) & Kraak, M. (speaker) (30-5-2019). Linking ecotoxicological risks and ecosystem functioning, SETAC Europe 29th annual meeting, Helsinki.
    • Walker, K. J. (speaker), Wieringa, N. (speaker), de Baat, M. L. (speaker), Kraak, M. H. S. (speaker), Parsons, J. R. (speaker) & Droge, S. T. J. (speaker) (13-5-2018). Sediment toxicity of chlorpyrifos: whole sediment bioassay vs. silicon disc passive dosing, SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting, Rome, Italy, May 2018..
    • de Baat, M. (speaker), Droge, S. (speaker), Walker, K. (speaker), Wieringa, N. (speaker), Kraak, M. (speaker) & de Voogt, P. (speaker) (11-5-2018). Equilibrium silicon passive sampling/dosing to assess sediment toxicity of bioavailable pesticides, International passive sampling workshop, Dublin.
    • de Baat, M. (speaker), Wieringa, N. (speaker), Droge, S. (speaker), Kraak, M. (speaker), Verdonschot, P. (speaker) & de Voogt, P. (speaker) (9-5-2018). Incorporating SPME based chemical fingerprinting in sediment quality assessment, International passive sampling workshop, Dublin.
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  • Ancillary activities
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