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At this place we provide an overview of the various PhD Theses that were produced within IBED. Where possible a link to the full text of the thesis is provided.

PhD Theses published in 2017


Alice Burridge (7 December 2017)

Marine biogeography and evolution: Diversity patterns of planktonic gastropods and amphipods

Supervisor: J. Huisman; S. B.J. Menken
Co-supervisors: K.T.C.A. Peijnenburg

Alexandra Revynthi (6 December 2017)

Should I stay or should I go? The role of dispersal and cannibalism in exploitation strategies of a predatory mite

Supervisor: P.C. de Ruiter
Co-supervisors: C.J.M. Egas; A.R.M. Janssen

Anna Mapes (30 November 2017)

Rapid DNA technologies at the crime scene: CSI’ fiction matching reality

Supervisors: A.D. Kloosterman; C. J. de Poot

Vincent Hin (3 November 2017)

Ontogenesis: Eco-evolutionary perspective on life history complexity

Supervisor: A.M. de Roos

Suzette G.A. Flantua (23 June 2017)

Climate change and topography as drivers of Latin American biome dynamics

Supervisor:  H. Hooghiemstra
Co-supervisor: J.H. van Boxel

Karen A. Muñoz Cárdenas (21 June 2017)

What lies beneath? (Linking litter and canopy food webs to protect ornamental crops)

Supervisor: P.C. de Ruiter
Co-supervisors: A.R.M. Janssen

Seyed Ali Hosseini (20 June 2017)

Chemical ecology of moths (Role of semiochemicals in host location by Ectomyelois ceratoniae and mate guarding by Heliothis virescens)

Supervisor: S.B.J. Menken
Co-supervisors: A.T. Groot, S.H. Goldansaz