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At this place we provide an overview of the various PhD Theses that were produced within IBED. Where possible a link to the full text of the thesis is provided.

PhD Theses published in 2023


Caixia Wei (27 November 2023) 

Morphometrics of modern and fossil Poaceae pollen from South America

Supervisor: W.D. Gosling
Co-supervisors: M.C. Hoorn, P.E. Jardine

Bart Theelen (25 October 2023)

Evolving genotypes: The multiple faces of Malassezia furfur

Supervisor: T. Boekhout
Co-supervisor: T.L. Dawson

Tom van der Meer (4 October 2023) 

Macroinvertebrate redistribution of environmental pollution

Supervisors: P.F.M. Verdonschot; M.H.S. Kraak

Elise Fruitet (27 September 2023)

Evolution of sexual signals: within and between species variation in a dual function sex-pheromone component in two noctuid moths

Supervisors: A.T. Groot; D.G. Heckel
Co-supervisors: E.R. Burdfield Steel; T. Blankers

Kees Schreven (8 September 2023)

Geese colonising New Land: Causes and mechanisms of range expansion in an Arctic-breeding migrant

Supervisor: B.A. Nolet
Co-supervisor: J. Madsen

Nelleke Buitendijk (2 June 2023)

Geese Grazing Grasslands – Managing the impact of geese on agricultural grassland

Supervisor: B.A. Nolet
Co-supervisor: H.P. van der Jeugd

Niklas Kornder (26 May 2023)

Organic carbon cycling in a Caribbean coral reef: Hidden biomass, sneezing sponges, and net heterotrophy

Supervisor: J. Huisman
Co-supervisors: J.M. de Goeij; M.J.A. Vermeij

Dominique Narain (10 May 2023)

Water is too precious to waste: Trade-offs of sewage effluent reuse in agricultural sub-surface irrigation

Supervisors: A.P. van Wezel; S.C. Dekker
Co-supervisor: R.P. Bartholomeus

Husam Mohamed (12 April 2023)

Molecular epidemiology and antifungal susceptibility of clinical fungi in Qatar, and the emergence of uncommon species

Supervisor: T. Boekhout
Co-supervisors: J.A.M.P. Houbraken; S.J. Taj-Aldeen

Jasper Croll (20 January 2023)

Starving to grow: the ecology and evolution of growth curve plasticity

Supervisor: A.M. de Roos
Co-supervisor: T. van Kooten