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IBED researchers frequently appear in the media to present their research and its applications to a wider audience to strengthen the link between Science and Society. Here you can find an overview of IBED research that appeared in magazines/newspapers or was broadcasted on radio/TV (mainly in Dutch).

We want to move towards a non-toxic environment

Europe wants a toxic-free future, but more and more chemicals are being introduced. In newspaper Trouw, IBED Prof. Environmental Ecology Annemarie van Wezel advocates a general admission test for all applications of chemicals.

PhD candidate Maja Bradaric participates in 3 Minute Thesis competition

IBED PhD canidate Maja Bradaric takes part in a competition called 3 Minute Thesis, organized by BH Futures Foundation. This initiative has a goal to share research that young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Maja's home country, are doing all around the world and to give them a platform where they can promote their work to a wider public. The contribution of Maja on Modelling Bird Migration to Mitigate Wind Turbine Collision Risk Over the North Sea, can now be found on YouTube. 

Research and artwork about algae in water: 'Half of the oxygen comes from the water'

Stichting De Nieuwe Heldenis making an artwork for the Amsterdam Light Festival in which oxygen water contrations are visualized. The artwork 'The Water We Breathe' is based on citizen research by primary school students from Amsterdam, together with the University of Amsterdam. IBED researcher Petra Visser explains on NH Nieuws where this oxyen is coming from. 

Palaeoecology, Mauritius on Fire & How to Communicate Science Effectively with William Gosling 

IBED researcher Will Gosling talks about his research on The Human Odyssey podcast. They talk about his research on Mauritius, just what does 'Palaeoecology' mean and his role as Chair of Education for the British Ecological Society! 

The DNA of life at its limit and Scienzaonline report about a new study of IBED researcher Merijn Kant and colleagues in which they  the complete genome of the tomato russet mite, which is considered one of the smallest animals on our planet and known as a destructive agricultural pest. 

Climate changes affects bird migration routes

Folia published an interview with IBED researcher Judy Shamoun-Baranes who recently became professor of Animal Movement Ecology. She talks about her research in which she uses GPS transmitters to investigate how bird migration routes change: 'It becomes clear how much influence humans have on natural systems.'

Underwater noise

Human activity has turned the sea into a noisy environment. IBED marine biologist Fleur Visser is using her Veni grant to investigate whether increased noise levels influence the foraging behaviour of the baleen whale, toothed whales, blue whale and Risso’s dolphin. Magazine NWO Onderzoek published an interview with Fleur Visser about her research. 

The use of drones in IBED research

The UvA has recently acquired a certificate that enables specific UvA employees to use drones in many more places than before. Those drones can now also be a bit heavier, so that quite a bit of equipment can be attached to such a flying machine. Good news, but what do UvA researchers actually use drones for? Folia talked amongst others to IBED researcher Harm van der Geest and previous IBED special chair Serge Wich. 

Population Biology & Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics From Mites to Manta Rays

IBED researcher Isabel Smallegange talks about her research on The Human Odyssey podcast. They discus population dynamics around bulb mites, beach hoppers and manta rays, as well as what it means for certain individuals to evolve certain traits. Isabel tells about her research and her life as a scientist. 

How the animals died in the sea near Kamchatka

IBED researchers Jef Huisman and Petra Visser were interviewed by newspaper NRC about the possible causes of the mass death of marine animals near the Kamchatka Peninsula in the Russian Far East. 

Francisk de Vries installs roofs on the Veluwe, but why? 

Omroep Gelderland visited IBED Professor Franciska de Vries to make a video of the roofs she installed on the Veluwe for her drought experiment. 

Mark Vermeij at Follow the Money about a coral disaster near Curaçao

In September 2019, an oil platform shattered a large coral reef near Curaçao. The damage to the local environment is huge, but there was remarkably little news about this catastrophe and its consequences. Investigative journalism platform Follow the Money has written a reconstruction. Among others they talked to IBED researcher Mark Vermeij who was there at the time. 

What moth sex learns us about evolution

Sex is an important topic in the research career of IBED evolutionary biologist Astrid Groot. She studies the sexual communication between moths. There are a bizarre number of moth species, more than all mammal species worldwide combined. How do all those species arise? What role does scent play in reproduction? And is scent so important to humans? Astrid Groot answers these questions on NPO Radio1 Focus. 

Jasper de Goeij investigates the deep sea

93 percent of life in our oceans have not yet been described at all, while those oceans provide an enormous amount of information about life on earth. NPO Radio1 talked about this with Jasper de Goeij, assistant professor of marine biology at IBED. 

Looking for the tiniest creatures in the largest oceans

Folia spoke with a number of IBED researchers (Jasper de Goeij, Katja Peijnenburg and Susanne Wilken) that brave rough seas to learn about the tiniest creatures holding important information about the oceans: 'Maybe we are missing something important; 93 percent of the oceans have not yet been described at all.'

The common denominator of microbiomes

The Amsterdam Microbiome Initiative is looking for the common role that microbiomes play on land, at sea, and from mouth to gut and brain. Bionieuws talked with the initiators of this new research initiatve, amongst whom IBED professor Gerard Muijzer who explains about his research on the root microbiome of sea grass. 

Climate change causing irreversible shifts in unique Asian ecosystem reports about a new study by IBED researchers Carina Hoorn, Natasha Barbolini and Amber Woutersen on Cenozoic evolution of the steppe-desert biome in Central Asia in Science Advances. 

Study first to tally biomass from oceanic plastic debris using visualization method

Trillions of plastic debris fragments are afloat at sea, creating the 'perfect storm' for microbial colonization. Several studies have surveyed microbial diversity and quantified specific members of these biofilm habitats. reports about about a new study, co-authored by IBED special chair Linda Amaral-Zettler, which is the first to holistically quantify total cell inventories under in situ conditions.

Sod-cutting on dry heathlands is not an effective measure against high levens of nitrogen deposition 

Online platform Nature Today reported about a new publication of KWR, the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology and IBED, in the perosn of IBED researcher Annemieke Kooijman, on the effectiveness of measures to mitigate high nitrogen deposition in dry habitats. 

Field crops with flower borders are less affected by insect pests

IBED researcher Paul van Rijn was interviewed by newspaper NRC about the importance of flower borders on agricultural land; these flower borders are not only visually attractive, but they also have direct advantages for the farmer. 

Planktonic sea snails and slugs may be more adaptable to ocean acidification than expected

Bionieuws and report about a new evolutionary study of IBED and Naturalis researcher Katja Peijnenburg and colleagues. The study showed that pteropods, or 'wing-footed' sea snails and slugs, have faced acidified oceans in the past – and survived.

Lisette Mekkes in TV Show De Vooravond

Lisette Mekkes appeared on TV in the live talkshow De Vooravond to talk about her research on shelled pteropods as bioindicators for ocean acidification.  Lisette Mekkes is a joined PhD candidate between Naturalis and IBED-FAME and was invited because of the 200th anniversary of the Naturalis museum. 

Media attention for research on groundwater fed irrigation

The PhD research of Dominique Narain-Ford on groundwater fed irrigation was highlighted in several online media:

Farmers and environmental clubs in Brabant are now fighting together against nitrogen policy

Since this week, anyone who wants to build a road or expand a factory in Brabant can buy the necessary nitrogen 'space' from a farmer who has stopped. It leads to a remarkable coalition: farmers and environmental activists are together looking for a lawsuit. IBED Prof. Franciska de Vries explains in newspaper EIndhovens Dagblad about the different forms of nitrogen. 

The biggest stinkers of the Netherlands: the evolution of smell

IBED Prof. Evolutionary and Population Biology Astrid Groot is interviewed on radio Vroege Vogels about the evolution of smell. There appears to be an incredible diversity of scents in Dutch nature. Is the importance of scents underestimated? 

Phosphine in Venus' atmosphere could indicate extraterrestrial life

The discovery of phosphine may indicate life on Venus, but there are other possibilities as well, such as iron corrosion. In newspaper NRC, IBED Prof. Gerard Muijzer urges caution when it comes to claims about exotic microorganisms. He notes that phosphine can also be formed under acidic conditions through corrosion of phosphorus-containing contaminants in iron on the planet surface.

Can the key to drought be found underground?

IBED professor Earth Surface Science Franciska de Vries is part of the Leeuwarder Courant Climate Panel. In her newest article in the Leeuwarder Courant she explains that we have to look underground to understand how ecosystems respond to drought, so that we can use this knowledge to make our ecosystems more resilient to climate change. 

To protect coral reefs, protect fishes and birds

Verena Schoepf was interviewed for Nautilus for an article on coral reefs and the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function.

Improving our environment starts with you

You hear more and more that the climate crisis can only be solved by the government. IBED researcher Marc Davidson doesn't agree, as can be read in his opintion paper in De Volkskrant.

Oil spil at the coast of Mauritius threatening three nature reserves

At the coast of Mauritius 1000 tons of fuel oil have leaked into the sea from a Japanese cargo ship. IBED physical geographist Kenneth Rijsdijk explains on NPO Radio1 'Met het oog op morgen' about the disastrous effects on the enivornment in Mauritius. 

Mighty mites: arachnid soldiers deploy to protect a national treasure

IBED PhD candidate Giuditta Beretta explains in the online series 'Where I Work' about her PhD research, in which she uses predatory mites to wage biowar on thrips, common pests that plague the beloved tulips of the Netherlands.

More wind turbines on the IJsselmeer: what is the effect on birds?

To reduce CO2 emissions, there are plans for more wind turbines on the IJsselmeer. BirdLife Netherlands (De Vogelbescherming) is afraid that this will negatively affect the local birds. IBED Professor Judy Shamoun-Baranes explains  in newspaper NRC shutting down the wind turbines during bird migration might be a possible solution.

Judy Shamoun-Baranes appointed Professor of Animal Movement Ecology

Online news platform Mirage News reports about the appointment of Judy Shamoun-Baranes as Professor of Animal Movement Ecology at IBED. 

Podcast: 'Wing snails' with Lisette Mekkes

IBED PhD candidate Lisette Mekkes studies the impact of climate change on Pteropoda: 'wing snails'. Apparently, these tiny critters, who are a bit like the canaries in the coal mine of climate change, are the first to be affected by the effects of climate change. They are the first no notice when the ocean becomes acidic and therefore we can learn a lot from them for other life on this planet. This research takes place in a plankton lab on board a ship, where researchers spend weeks. Lisette Mekkes tells more about her research and the life on board in the podacst of 'Makkelijk Praten'.

Thomas ter Laak in talkshow Op1 on detecting corona in waste water

By studying waste water, you can see where there is excessive drug use and more important in these times: in which places there is a new corona outbreak. Thomas ter Laak is a guest on the talkshow Op1 to talk about his research on sewage.

What can nature do against drought?

It is structurally too dry in the Netherlands. IBED professor Franciska de Vries explains in newspaper De Volkskrant why agricultural land is more vulnerable to drought compared to natural areas, and how we can help agricultural crops to become more drought resistant. 

Soils are key in times of drought

Twenty years of experiments with dry soils on the Veluwe learned us that soils are key in making plants resistant to drought. IBED professor Franciska de Vries was interviewed about this by radio show Vroege Vogels. 

Can a medicin for skin cancer be found on the bottom of the sea? 

A group of researchers has been studying a deep-sea animal that produces a substance with exceptional properties. The substance could form the basis for a skin cancer medicine. BNR Radioa asked Prof. Corina Brussaard, who holds the IBED Special Chair of Viral Ecology, why a deep-sea animal would produce such a substance.

Lions' survival in Africa is more uncertain than previously thought

A group of researchers, including IBED researcher James Allan, has discovered that the lions in Africa are not doing as well as expected. Folia talked with James Allan about this study: 'Each lion has a different spotting pattern at the muzzle, which allows us to identify the different lions.'

Rare natural phenomenon sea sparkle is becoming less and less rare

The natural phenomenon of sea sparkle can be seen remarkably often this week. IBED professor aquatic microbiology Jef Huisman explains to NOS what sea sparkle is and why it is so unpredictable. The articles also features a picture of sea sparkle by IBED PhD candidate Sebastiaan Koppelle. 

Where do terns now find their food?

Folia interviewed IBED professor Willem Bouten about a recently started research projcet in which he studies the impact of beach nourishment on tern behaviour. 

Does a plant get lazy roots from too much water?

Garden lovers want to take good care of their plants in this warm period. Is watering the garden useful? Or will it cause plants to become lazy? Newspaper NRC asked this question to a number of experts, including IBED professor Earth Surface Science Franciska de Vries.

Podcast: 'Why is the sense of smell the great mystery of evolution?'

IBED Professor in evolutionary biology Astrid Groot recorded a podcast for the Universiteit van Nederland about the sense of smell, the largest and oldest language on Earth. Animals and plants use it for instance to find a partner. Did you know that the sense of smell could also be the key to understanding how evolution works exactly? Because those two have more to do with each other than you may think! 

'Many islands are already almost completely deforested'

Sietze Norder was interviewed by newspaper Het Parool about his recently defended PhD research on island biodiversity: 'The earth is also a kind of island.'

The solution to the nitrogen problem

Are farmers responsible for the nitrogen problem or can science still offer a solution? IBED researcher Henrik Barmentlo appeared in the TV programme Kennis van Nu and talked with NPO Radio 1 about his research on nitrogen deposition. Barmentlo explains which types of nitrogen there are, how he can recognize the source and discusses the possible solutions.

Plastic-free groceries

A new delivery supermarket in Amsterdam delivers all products without plastic packaging. In an article in Het Parool, IBED professor environmental ecology Annemarie van Wezel comments on the use of plastic in packaging materials and the possibilities to ban these plastics.

One in six renewable energy facilities are located in nature reserves

With all renewable energy installations that are currently being built or are already on earth, we try to do our best to combat climate change. But what if those same installations damage nature reserves? IBED ecologist James Allan talked with Folia: 'Those installations are often in the wilderness, while it is harmful and not necessary at all.'

Can plants prepare for drought?

Now that the drought in the Netherlands is recurring every year, the question arises: can plants arm themselves against this? IBED professor Earth Surface Science Franciska de Vries explains in Bionieuws what happens in soils if they become wet after a long period of drought, following her recent article about this in Science Reviews. 

Heat-resistant coral grown in the lab

Magazine KIJK writes about Australian researchers that have cultivated heat-resistant coral in their lab. Corals suffers a lot from climate change and this could offer a solution. UvA biologist Mark Vermeij (UvA) comments on the research.

Research into the interaction between plants and soil organisms

Prof. Franciska de Vries was interviewed by Nieuwe Oogst about her research: how are ecosystems affected by drought? She explains that during drought plants adjust their root processes so that micro-organisms in the soil can help them even better as soon as there is water. In this way plants accelerate their own recovery.

Microplastics from the abrasive sponge

How much microplastics are released into the water by the use of abrasive sponges? Annemarie van Wezels helps answering this question in newspaper NRC: 'There are so many microplastics in the environment that it is complicated to trace where everything comes from.'

Video: IBED researchers work on method to measure Nitrogen deposition on farms

Where does nitrogen deposition comes from, from agriculture, traffic or industry? IBED researchers started a new study to test this. Folia visited the research setup where IBED postdoc Henrik Barmentlo explained more about the research.

The mosquito has never been gone: is it going to be a 'good' mosquito year?

Summer is coming soon, and so are the musquitoes! IBED honorary professor Piet Verdonshot tells about the musquito in Metro, where are they during the winter? And will 2020 be a 'good' mosquito year? 

Unique mega job: scientists will identify all plants, animals, fungi and algae in the Netherlands

The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research announced that 18 million euros is available for the project.Arise, a new scientific project that will identify all multicellular species in Dutch nature. Annemarie van Wezel explains in Trouw where this project will lead to.

The new normal as study material: where do gulls now get their fries?

A lot of research has come to a halt due to the corona measures. At the same time, unexpected studies are emerging that can only be done in this exceptional time. Such as where do gulls get their fries now that there are no tourists and terraces are closed? NOS, De Volkskrant and NH radio talked to IBED researcher Judy Shamoun-Baranes, who will study how the food searching strategy of gulls changes due to the corona measures. 

Primates may develop better color vision to survive

Folia interviewed IBED researcher Daniel Kissling about coulour vision in primates. We humans, a primate species, can distinguish the color red from green. But not all primates can do that. According to Daniel Kissling this depends on whether it is important that primates can easily find fruit.

Scientists warn of drought

For the third year in a row it is too dry in the Netherlands. In the Volkskrant, multiple scientists are reflecting on what to do. IBED professor Franciska de Vries explains about her new researcher paper, which shows that plants can also protect themselves against drought, by adapting their root exudates, which affects the root microbiome activity. Also several other media pais attention to this study that was recently published in Science. 

Latest Bleaching of Great Barrier Reef Underscores Global Coral Crisis

IBED McGillavry Fellow Verena Schoepf was recently interviewed about the latest mass bleaching event on the Great Barrier Reef for Inside Climate News.

What on earth are viruses for?

Most people look at the new corona virus with disgust. Scientists talk with appreciation about the ingenuity of viruses. IBED Professor Viral Ecology Corina Brussaard explains in De Volkskrant why viruses are so important.

Microplastics and rubbers detected in rivers

Together with researchers from Utrecht University and Wageningen University, Annemarie van Wezel was involved in a study that accurately measured microplastics and rubbers in several Dutch rivers and sewage treatment plants. Various professional media paid attention to their findings, including Innovation Origins and De Groene Ruimte.

Climate change: Green energy plant threat to wilderness areas

Several media paid attention to a new study of IBED researcher James Allan and colleagues, in which they show that wind, solar and hydro power installations pose a growing threat to key conservation areas. 

Bas van Geel and Annemarie Philip in Vroege Vogels about the Ice Ages

Vroege Vogels made a special episode about the Ice Ages. The presenter visited Bas van Geel and Annemarie Philip at IBED, to see how the plant remains in fossil molars of e.g. the giant deer can reveal how the landscape during the Ice Ages looked like.

Jef Huisman about dinoflagellates at De Correspondent

Online news platform 'De Correspondent' published an extensive article about dinoflagellates. IBED Professor Jef Huisman is one of the experts who talks about his fascination with these special unicellular creatures.

European Parliament takes action against pharmaceuticals in the environment

Pharmaceuticals that end up in the environment cause major problems. Through urine and faeces, the remains of pharmaceuticals end up in the water and thus into the environment. This Thursday, the environmental committee of the European Parliament called for action. Annemarie van Wezel, IBED professor environmental ecology, spoke on Reporter Radio (NPO Radio 1) about why pharmaceuticals are a threat for the environment.

New vision on effective stream restoration

News website Groene Ruimte reported about the PhD research of Jan Brouwer, who defended his PhD thesis on 3 March. Jan studied 'pulsating patches', dynamic patches of organic material that are important for a high macrofauna diversity in streams. These 'pulsing patches' could be the missing link in sucessfull stream restoration.  

Rethinking 'tipping points' in ecosystems and beyond reports about a new publication of Prof. André de Roos and former IBED PhD candidate Catalina Chaparro-Pedraza on regime shifts, which shows how small environmental changes trigger slow evolutionary processes that eventually precipitate collapse.

Colour vision in primates closely linked to palm fruit colours

Innovatiosn Report published a web article about the research on colour vision in primates of among others former IBED Postdoc Renske Onstein, Dr Daniel Kissling and Prof. Serge Wich. 

Cyanobacteria problems will worsen if carbon concentrations continue to rise

Several media highlight a warning of IBED scientists (Jason Ji, Dr Jolanda Verspagen, Prof. Jef Huisman) that problems with toxic cyanobacteria are likely to increase in the future. 

Leaked nitrogen report Mesday Zuivelfonds not based on research IBED

IBED director Annemarie van Wezel explained on RTV Oost that the results of the leaked report of the Mesdag Zuivelfonds on nitrogen emissions by farmers is not based on data collected by researchers of IBED, as was wrongly stated by different media. The research on nitrogen emissions at IBED is yet to begin and will take 3 years.

The Nitrogen Podcast

Prof. Franciska de Vries and Dr Albert Tietema are interviewed in the first episode of The Nitrogen Podcast, broadcasted by RTV Oost. Franciska explains what nitrogen is and how plants deal with nitrogen. Albert Tietema tells about the consequences of having too much nitrogen.

'Nitrogen reduction really needed to restore nature'

Prof. Earth Sciences Franciska de Vries, Dr Albert Tietema and Dr Annemieke Kooijman wrote a blog about the negative effects of nitrogen deposition on nature in the Netherlands together with 20 experts in the field, that was published on 

Europeans formed open landscape of New England

William Gosling responds in Bionieuws on a new publication in Nature Sustainability that describes that Native Americans had only limited impact on the landscape of New England and that the widespread openlands developed only after deforestation for European agriculture. 

Annemarie van Wezel answers questions about lead in drinking water

Hundreds of thousands Dutch people drink water from lead pipes. What does lead do with the human body, how does it end up there and how much lead is too much? Annemarie van Wezel answers these questions in newspaper NRC. 

How do we remove psychopharmaca from surface water?

More than a million people in the Netherlands use psychopharmaca such as antidepressants and antipsychotics. A lesser known side effect of psychopharmaca: the pollution of the surface water. GGZ Totaal writes about the newly funded research of IBED Prof. Annemarie van Wezel and researchers of NIOO-KNAW and Wageningen University, to study possibilities to reduce emissions and effects of psychopharmaca.

Lead in drinking water

The use of lead pipes in househould causes increased levels of lead in drinking water. Annemarie van Wezel explains in Nieuwsuur about the risks of lead in drinking water for young childrend and pregnant women. 

How PFAS paralyzed the construction and dredging sector

Prof. Annemarie van Wezel explains in Technisch Weekblad about 'regrettable substitutes' for PFAS and the risks of PFAS for drinking water quality.