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IBED researchers frequently appear in the media to present their research and its applications to a wider audience to strengthen the link between Science and Society. Here you can find an overview of IBED research that appeared in magazines/newspapers or was broadcasted on radio/TV (mainly in Dutch).

Kenneth Rijsdijk in the newspaper Dagblad van het Noorden about the importance of hedges

Kenneth Rijsdijk (UvA-IBED) wrote a book about the usefulness of hedges in the landscape. In the past, there were many more hedges in the Netherlands, and according to Rijsdijk, it would be good for both nature and us humans to plant them again. The Dagblad van het Noorden reports on a meeting in Zweelo in Drenthe, where he made his plea for the hedge.

Karline Janmaat in the radio program Vroege Vogels 

Karline Janmaat gave an interview in the radio program Vroege Vogels, dedicated to Frits Portielje (one of the founders of animal psychology in the Netherlands). Karline Janmaat annually researches animal cognition with about 50 students in the park: "I continue Portielje's work, as it were. For example, he observed that great apes roll their eyes when they eat something very tasty. I now also let my students look at this in their research into the eating behavior of great apes."

Astrid Groot in the podcast Net Goed Kennislink 

What does experimental biologist Astrid Groot's moth lab have to do with internet dating? You will hear it in this episode

Pim de Voogt in De Groene Amsterdammer about PFAS

Weekly magazine De Groene Amsterdammer has an extensive background article about PFAS. It covers, among other things, the discovery of this class of substances, how widely they are used, the problems with them, the environmental pollution, the health risks, and what to do next. One of the experts featured in the piece is environmental chemist Pim de Voogt