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Dr. C.N.H. (Crystal) McMichael

Associate Professor
Faculty of Science
Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics
Photographer: Crystal Mc Michael

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
  • Room number: C3.221
Postal address
  • Postbus 94240
    1090 GE Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Crystal is an Assistant Professor at the University of Amsterdam, in the  Department of Ecosystem and Landscape Dynamics within the  Institute of Biodiversity & Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED). Her research is mainly focused on exploring how disturbances, including past human activity and fires, affect modern ecosystems. Most of her work is focused in the tropics, although she does have projects in other geographic regions and on other topics (see Research Focus tab).

    Crystal coordinates the Tropical Ecology module (BSc Biology, Year 3), and teaches in the Palaeoecology (BSc Biology, Year 3), Global Ecology and Biodiversity (MSc Biology, Ecology & Evolution track) and Envrionments Through Time (MSc Earth Sciences, Geo-ecosystem dynamics track) modules. 

    Crystal is also active in several scientific organizations. She is the Vice President of Conferences for the International Biogeography Society, and is also active in the British Ecological Society (BES). Crystal is an Associate Editor at the Journal of Ecology, which is a journal of the British Ecological Society, and is also an Associate Editor at Plants, People, Planet, a journal of the New Phytologist Trust.

    Crystal is also part of the LandUse6k working group, and the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis Climate Proxies working group. 


    More details of her current research can be found on the 'Research Focus' tab


    Lake Rodeococha, Ecuador 2017
  • Research Focus
    • Distributions of ancient people (archaeological sites) in tropical forests
    • Human impacts in tropical forests
    • Human-environmnet interactions 
    • Pollen distribution mapping
    • Using remote sensing to detect archaeological features under forest canopies
    • Timing and transition to maize agriculture in the Michigan/Great Lakes region


    My primary research focus involves spatial and temporal analyses of past people (both ancient and during the historical period) in tropical forests, particularly the Amazonian rain forest. For years it was thought that Amazonia had been a ‘pristine forest’ until Europeans arrived to the American continent in 1492 A.D. However, archaeologists have recently uncovered evidence of large and sedentary occupation sites in several regions of the Basin. My research uses soil charcoal, phytoliths, and ecological modeling, and remote sensing to predict when, where, and at what intensity the Amazon rainforest was modified or transformed prior to European contact. New and upcoming research will also include examining whether pre-Columbian or post-Columbian settlement patterns are associated with specific forest types  or species abundance distributions within Amazonia, or whether the forest types are legacies of pre-Columbian civilizations.

    I am also working on parallel projects in Central and South America involving high-resolution reconstructions of paleo-climate and vegetation change using pollen and charcoal analyses. To fully analyze past climate and vegetation patterns, an understanding of modern climate-vegetation relationships is needed. The major limitation in calibrating the modern dataset with paleo-datasets is pollen identification, which is currently possible only to the family or genus level. I am involved with a collaborative effort to improve pollen taxonomy using microscopy and chemical techniques. We will use this improved taxonomic resolution for detecting decadal-scale responses of vegetation to drought events and other natural disturbances. We will also use these methodological improvements to create transfer functions that quantitatively predict temperature and precipitation regimes for the last 2000 years across Central and South America.

    I am also involved in projects that involve modeling archaeological and paleoecological data within the United States. One project involves examining the timing and spread of maize agriculture in the Midwest/Great Lakes region of the US. This is an interdisciplinary project with a team of archaeologists and remote sensing experts from the University of New Hampshire and Florida Institute of Technology. We are predicting the timing and spatial patterns of pre-Columbian maize agriculture and earthwork formation across the region based on existing archaeological and paleoecological datasets and remotely sensed data. We will then test the predictive models with field-collected paleoecological and archaeological data. 

  • Publications


    • Gosling, W. D., & McMichael, C. N. H. (2025). Time for tropical ecology: Abstracts of the 8th European Conference of Tropical Ecology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 24.-28.2. 2025. In Ecotropica (1-2 ed., Vol. 26). German Society for Tropical Ecology.
    • Witteveen, N. H., Kleijwegt, Z. S., Geara, H., Kool, C., Blaus, A., Saenz, L. C., Gomes, B. T., Philip, A., Bush, M. B., & McMichael, C. N. H. (2025). Quantifying past forest cover and biomass changes in the Ecuadorian Amazon. New Phytologist, 245(1), 141-153.


    • Blaus, A., Nascimento, M. N., Peterson, L. C., McMichael, C. N. H., & Bush, M. B. (2024). Climate, vegetation, and fire, during the last deglaciation in northwestern Amazonia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 332, Article 108662. [details]
    • Heijink, B. M., Zwarts, A., Witteveen, N. H., Watson, J., Ebbenhorst, A., Veenman, F., Kessel, M., León-Yánez, S., Guevara-Andino, J. E., Endara, M. J., Rivas-Torres, G., Bush, M. B., & McMichael, C. N. H. (2024). Past Fire and Vegetation Change in the Hyperdiverse Forests of the Ecuadorian Amazon. Plants, 13(15), Article 2048.
    • Kiely, R. E., Paine, A. R., McMichael, C. H., & Gosling, W. D. (2024). Heat, hydroclimate and herbivory: A late-pleistocene record of environmental change from tropical western Africa. Quaternary International, 717, 109636.
    • McMichael, C. N. H., & Bush, M. B. (2024). The Fire History of Old-Growth Forest in the Barro Colorado Nature Monument, Panama. In The First 100 Years of Research on Barro Colorado: Plant and Ecosystem Science Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press.
    • Nascimento, M. N., Aukes, T. F. N., & McMichael, C. N. H. (2024). Indigenous and colonial influences on Amazonian forests. Plants People Planet, 6(4), 803-823.
    • Piperno, D. R., McMichael, C. N. H., Pitman, N. C. A., Paredes, M. R., Torres-Montenegro, L. A., & Bush, M. B. (2024). Pre-Columbian vegetational and fire history in western Amazonia: Terrestrial soil phytolith and charcoal evidence from three regions. Quaternary International, 691, 40-56.
    • Sales, R. A., McMichael, C. N. H., Peterson, L. C., Stanley, A., Bennett, I., Jones, T. E., Walker, A. S., Mulhearn, M., Nelson, A., Moore, C., O'Connor, M., Sinkler, W., Banner, C., Church, W., VanValkenburgh, P., & Bush, M. B. (2024). Wet and dry events influenced colonization of a mid-elevation Andean forest. Quaternary Science Reviews, 327, Article 108518.
    • Sarmiento, F. O., Bush, M. B., McMichael, C. N. H., Chávez, C. R., Cruz, J. F., Rivas-Torres, G., Kavoori, A., Weatherford, J., & Hunt, C. A. (2024). Ecological Legacies and Ethnotourism: Bridging Science and Community in Ecuador’s Amazonia. Sustainability (Switzerland), 16(11), Article 4664.
    • Witteveen, N. H., Blaus, A., Raczka, M. F., Herrick, C., Palace, M., Nascimento, M. N., van Loon, E. E., Gosling, W. D., Bush, M. B., & McMichael, C. N. H. (2024). Quantifying local-scale changes in Amazonian forest cover using phytoliths. Frontiers of Biogeography, 16(1), Article e62254. [details]
    • Witteveen, N. H., McMichael, C. N. H., Philip, A., & Gosling, W. D. (2024). Pre-contact and post-colonial ecological legacies shape Surinamese rainforests. Ecology.



    • Bush, M. B., Rozas-Davila, A., Raczka, M., Nascimento, M., Valencia, B., Sales, R. K., McMichael, C. N. H., & Gosling, W. D. (2022). A palaeoecological perspective on the transformation of the tropical Andes by early human activity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 377(1849), Article 20200497. [details]
    • Gosling, W. D., McMichael, C. N. H., Groenewoud, Z., Roding, E., Miller, C. S., & Julier, A. C. M. (2022). Preliminary evidence for green, brown and black worlds in tropical western Africa during the Middle and Late Pleistocene. In J. Runge, W. D. Gosling, A-M. Lézine, & L. Scott (Eds.), Quaternary Vegetation Dynamics: The African Pollen Database (pp. 13-25). (Palaeoecology of Africa : International Yearbook of Landscape Evolution and Palaeoenvironments; Vol. 35). CRC Press. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Nascimento, M. N., Heijink, B. M., Bush, M. B., Gosling, W. D., & McMichael, C. N. H. (2022). Early to mid-Holocene human activity exerted gradual influences on Amazonian forest vegetation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 377(1849), Article 20200498. [details]
    • Sales, R. K., McMichael, C. N. H., Flantua, S. G. A., Hagemans, K., Zondervan, J. R., González-Arango, C., Church, W. B., & Bush, M. B. (2022). Potential distributions of pre-Columbian people in Tropical Andean landscapes. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences, 377(1849), Article 20200502. [details]
    • Witteveen, N. H., Hobus, C. E. M., Philip, A., Piperno, D. R., & McMichael, C. N. H. (2022). The variability of Amazonian palm phytoliths. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 300, Article 104613. [details]
    • de Wolf, I. K., McMichael, C. N. H., Philip, A. L., & Gosling, W. D. (2022). Characterising Dutch forests, wetlands and cultivated lands on the basis of phytolith assemblages. Geologie en Mijnbouw/Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 101, Article E17. [details]



    • Castilla-Beltrán, A., Hooghiemstra, H., Hoogland, M. L. P., Pagán-Jiménez, J., van Geel, B., Field, M. H., Prins, M., Donders, T., Herrera Malatesta, E., Ulloa Hung, J., McMichael, C. N., Gosling, W. D., & Hofman, C. L. (2020). Columbus' footprint: Land-use change before and after European incursion in Hispaniola. PAGES Magazine, 28(1), 24-25. [details]
    • Castilla-Beltrán, A., Hooghiemstra, H., Hoogland, M. L. P., Donders, T. H., Pagán-Jiménez, J. R., McMichael, C. N. H., Rolefes, S. M. F., Olijhoek, T., Herrera-Malatesta, E., Ulloa Hung, J., & Hofman, C. L. (2020). Ecological responses to land use change in the face of European colonization of Haytí island. Quaternary Science Reviews, 241, Article 106407. [details]
    • De Oliveira, P. E., Raczka, M., McMichael, C. N. H., Pinaya, J. L. D., & Bush, M. B. (2020). Climate change and biogeographic connectivity across the Brazilian cerrado. Journal of Biogeography, 47(2), 396-407. [details]
    • Gosling, W. D., Sear, D. A., Hassall, J. D., Langdon, P. G., Bönnen, M. N. T., Driessen, T. D., van Kemenade, Z. R., Noort, K., Leng, M. J., Croudace, I. W., Bourne, A. J., & McMichael, C. N. H. (2020). Human occupation and ecosystem change on Upolu (Samoa) during the Holocene. Journal of Biogeography, 47(3), 600-614. [details]
    • Heijink, B. M., McMichael, C. N. H., Piperno, D. R., Duivenvoorden, J. F., Cárdenas, D., & Duque, Á. (2020). Holocene increases in palm abundances in north-western Amazonia. Journal of Biogeography, 47(3), 698-711. [details]
    • Piperno, D. R., & McMichael, C. (2020). Phytoliths in modern plants from amazonia and the neotropics at large: Implications for vegetation history reconstruction. Quaternary International, 565, 54-74. [details]



    • Castilla-Beltrán, A., Hooghiemstra, H., Hoogland, M. L. P., Pagán-Jiménez, J., van Geel, B., Field, M. H., Prins, M., Donders, T., Herrera Malatesta, E., Ulloa Hung, J., McMichael, C. H., Gosling, W. D., & Hofman, C. L. (2018). Columbus’ footprint in Hispaniola: a paleoenvironmental record of Indigenous and Colonial impacts on the landscape of the central Cibao Valley, northern Dominican Republic. Anthropocene, 22, 66-80. [details]
    • Huisman, S. N., Raczka, M. F., & McMichael, C. N. H. (2018). Palm Phytoliths of Mid-Elevation Andean Forests. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 6, Article 193. [details]
    • Langeveld, B. W., Mol, D., Zazula, G. D., Gravendeel, B., Eurlings, M., McMichael, C. N. H., Groenenberg, D., van Reenen, G. B. A., Palmeira, M., Vogel, J., & van Geel, B. (2018). A multidisciplinary study of a Late Pleistocene arctic ground squirrel (Urocitellus parryii) midden from Yukon, Canada. Quaternary Research, 89(1), 333-351. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Rodríguez-Zorro, P. A., Turcq, B., Cordeiro, R. C., Moreira, L. S., Costa, R. L., McMichael, C. H., & Behling, H. (2018). Forest stability during the early and late Holocene in the igapó floodplains of the Rio Negro, northwestern Brazil. Quaternary Research, 89(1), 75-89. [details]


    • Bush, M. B., Correa-Metrio, A., van Woesik, R., Shadik, C. R., & McMichael, C. N. H. (2017). Human disturbance amplifies Amazonian El Niño-Southern Oscillation signal. Global Change Biology, 23(8), 3181-3192. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Gosling, W. D., de Kruif, J., Norder, S. J., de Boer, E. J., Hooghiemstra, H., Rijsdijk, K. F., & McMichael, C. N. H. (2017). Mauritius on fire: Tracking historical human impacts on biodiversity loss. Biotropica, 49(6), 778-783. [details]
    • McMichael, C. N. H., Matthews-Bird, F., Farfan-Rios, W., & Feeley, K. J. (2017). Ancient human disturbances may be skewing our understanding of Amazonian forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114(3), 522-527. [details]
    • Palace, M. W., McMichael, C. N. H., Braswell, B. H., Hagen, S. C., Bush, M. B., Neves, E., Tamanaha, E., Herrick, C., & Frolking, S. (2017). Ancient Amazonian populations left lasting impacts on forest structure. Ecosphere, 8(12), Article e02035. [details]



    • Bush, M. B., McMichael, C. H., Piperno, D. R., Silman, M. R., Barlow, J., Peres, C. A., Power, M., & Palace, M. W. (2015). Anthropogenic influence on Amazonian forests in prehistory: An ecological perspective. Journal of Biogeography, 42(12), 2277-2288. [details]
    • McMichael, C. H., Piperno, D. R., & Bush, M. B. (2015). Comment on Clement et al. 2015 "The domestication of Amazonia before European conquest". Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 282(1821), Article 1837. [details]
    • McMichael, C. N. H., Piperno, D. R., Neves, E. G., Bush, M. B., Almeida, F. O., Mongelo, G., & Eyjolfsdottir, M. B. (2015). Phytolith assemblages along a gradient of ancient human disturbance in western Amazonia. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 3, Article 141. [details]
    • Piperno, D. R., McMichael, C., & Bush, M. B. (2015). Amazonia and the Anthropocene: What was the spatial extent and intensity of human landscape modification in the Amazon Basin at the end of prehistory? Holocene, 25(10), 1588-1597. [details]
    • Thomas, E., Alcázar Caicedo, C., McMichael, C. H., Corvera, R., & Loo, J. (2015). Uncovering spatial patterns in the natural and human history of Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) across the Amazon Basin. Journal of Biogeography, 42(8), 1367-1382. [details]


    • Bush, M. B., De Oliveira, P. E., Raczka, M. F., Gosling, W. D., Mayle, F. E., McMichael, C. H., & Urrego, D. H. (2014). Paleoclimates of Amazonia: An ice-age view. In I. de Souza Carvalho, M. J. Garcia, C. Cunha Lana, & O. Strohschoen Jr. (Eds.), Paleontologia: Cenários de Vida - Paleoclimas (Vol. 5, pp. 353-367). Editora Interciência Ltda.. [details]
    • Howey, M. C., Palace, M. W., McMichael, C. N. H., & Braswell, B. (2014). Moderate-resolution remote sensing and geospatial analyes of microclimates, mounds, and maize in the Northern Great Lakes. Advances in Archaeological Practice, 2(3), 195-207.
    • McMichael, C. H., Palace, M. W., Bush, M. B., Braswell, B., Hagen, S., Neves, E. G., Silman, M. R., Tamanaha, E. K., & Czarnecki, C. (2014). Predicting pre-Columbian anthropogenic soils in Amazonia. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 281(1777), Article 20132696.
    • McMichael, C. N. H., Palace, M. W., & Golightly, M. (2014). Bamboo-dominated forests and pre-Columbian earthwork formations in south-western Amazonia. Journal of Biogeography, 41(9), 1733-1745.
    • McMichael, C. N. H., Palace, M. W., Bush, M. B., Braswell, B., Hagen, S., Neves, E. G., Tamanha, E., & Czarnecki, C. (2014). Unmodified pre-Columbian soils in western Amazonia. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 281, 20132475.


    • Hwang, G., Riley, K., Christou, C. T., Jacyna, G. M., Woodard, J. P., Ryan, R., Bush, M. B., Valencia, B. G., McMichael, C. N. H., & Punyasena, S. (2013). Automated pollen identification system for forensic geo-historical location applications. In Technologies for Homeland Security IEEE.
    • McMichael, C. N. H., Bush, M. B., Silman, M. R., Piperno, D. R., Raczka, M. F., Lobato, L. C., Zimmerman, M., Hagen, S., & Palace, M. W. (2013). Historical fire and bamboo dynamics in western Amazonia. Journal of Biogeography, 40, 299-309.
    • Raczka, M. F., de Oliveira, P., Bush, M. B., & McMichael, C. N. H. (2013). Two paleoecological histories spanning the period of human settlement in southeastern Brazil. Journal of Quaternary Science, 28, 144-151.
    • Urrego, D. H., Bush, M. B., Silman, M. R., Niccum, B., de la Rosa, P., McMichael, C. N. H., Hagen, S., & Palace, M. W. (2013). Holocene fires, forest stability, and human occupation in south-western Amazonia. Journal of Biogeography, 40, 521-533.


    • McMichael, C. N. H., Bush, M. B., Piperno, D. R., Silman, M. R., & Zimmerman, A. (2012). Scales of pre-Columbian disturbance associated with western Amazonian lakes. Holocene, 22, 131-141.
    • McMichael, C. N. H., Correa-Metrio, A., & Bush, M. B. (2012). Pre-Columbian fire regimes in lowland tropical forests of southeaster Peru. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 342-343, 73-83.
    • McMichael, C. N. H., Piperno, D. R., Bush, M. B., Silman, M. R., Zimmermann, A., Raczka, M. F., & Lobato, L. C. (2012). Sparse pre-Columbian human habitation in western Amazonia. Science, 336, 1429-1431.


    • Bush, M. B., Silman, M. R., McMichael, C. N. H., & Saatchi, S. (2008). Fire, climate change and biodiversity in Amazonia: a Late-Holocene perspective. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences, 363(1498), 1795-1802.


    • Nascimento, M. N., Heijink, B. M., Bush, M. B., Gosling, W. D., & McMichael, C. N. H. (2023). Erratum: Correction: 'Early to Mid-Holocene human activity exerted gradual influences on Amazonian forest vegetation' (2022), by Nascimento et al (Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences (2022) 377 1849 (20200498)). Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 378(1891), 20230328.


    • Bush, M. B., Akesson, C., McMichael, C., & Nascimento, M. (2018). Microbiology Analysis. In B. L. Gums, & G. A. Waselkov (Eds.), Life at the River's Edge: Phase III Archaeological Data Recovery at Sites 1MB510 and 1MB511 for Interstate 10 (I-10) Modifications, ALDOT Project# DPI-AL06(900), City of Mobile, Mobile County, Alabama (pp. 131-134). (Archaeological Monograph; No. 14). Center for Archaeological Studies. [details]
    • Lombardo, U., McMichael, C., & Tamanaha, E. K. (2018). Mapping pre-Columbian land use in Amazonia. PAGES Magazine, 26(1), 14-15. [details]


    • McMichael, C. H., Feeley, K., Dick, C. W., Piperno, D. R., & Bush, M. B. (2017). Comment on “Persistent effects of pre-Columbian plant domestication on Amazonian forest composition”. Science, 358(6361), Article eaan8347. [details]
    • Piperno, D. R., McMichael, C., & Bush, M. B. (2017). Further evidence for localized, short-term anthropogenic forest alterations across pre-Columbian Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114(21), E4118-E4119. [details]


    • Bush, M. B., McMichael, C. N. H., Raczka, M. F., de Toledo, M. B., Power, M. J., Mayle, F. E., & de Oliveira, P. (2014). The Holocene of the Amazon. In Paleoclimas - Série Paleontologia: Cenários de Vida Interciência.



    • Raczka, M. F., Bush, M. B., Folcik, A. M., & McMichael, C. N. H. (2016). Coprophilous fungi Sporormiella as a proxy for modern herbivores presence in the Neotropics.
    • Sales, R., McMichael, C. N. H., & Bush, M. B. (2016). Climate and human influences in Michigan paleoecosystems. Poster session presented at Ecological Society of America, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, United States.
    • Schiferl, J., Bush, M. B., & McMichael, C. N. H. (2016). A paleoecological analysis of Lake Palotoa, Peru. Poster session presented at Ecological Society of America, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, United States.

    Prize / grant

    • de Castro, F., McMichael, C. & Russo Lopes, G. (2024). Beyond the canopy: Spatial analysis of the anthropogenic forest and social-ecological function nexus in the Amazon.

    Journal editor

    • McMichael, C. (editor) (2018-2023). Plants, People, Planet (Journal).
    • McMichael, C. (editor) (2017-2023). Journal of Ecology (Journal).

    Talk / presentation

    • McMichael, C. (speaker) (10-11-2017). Are past human activities related to observed biodiversity and carbon dynamics in Amazonian forests?, Oxford Centre for Tropical Forests.
    • McMichael, C. (speaker) (13-8-2016). The effects of ancient human disturbance on Amazonian vegetation, Ecological Society of America.
    • McMichael, C. (speaker) (23-6-2016). Holocene Variability of an Amazonian Hyperdominant, Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation.
    • McMichael, C. (speaker) (25-2-2016). Phytolith signatures along a gradient of ancient human disturbance in western Amazonia, European Conference of Tropical Ecology.
    • McMichael, C. (speaker) (29-9-2015). The effects of ancient human disturbance on Amazonian vegetation, Wageningen UR.


    • McMichael, C. (participant) (22-10-2021 - 24-12-2021). International Biogeography Society, Amsterdam. Local host and organizer (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • McMichael, C. (participant) (8-1-2019 - 12-1-2019). International Biogeography Society 2019, Malaga (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • McMichael, C. (participant) (16-12-2018 - 19-12-2018). Britisch Ecological Society Annual Meeting 2018 (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • McMichael, C. (participant) (20-3-2018 - 24-3-2018). International Biogeography Society 2018, Evora (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • McMichael, C. (participant) (13-2-2018 - 14-2-2018). Netherlands Annual Ecology Meeting, Lunteren (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • McMichael, C. (other) (2018 - 2023). Vice President of Conferences (other).
    • McMichael, C. (participant) (11-12-2017 - 14-12-2017). Britisch Ecological Society Annual Meeting 2017, Gent (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • McMichael, C. (participant) (1-10-2017). LandUse 6k, Trinidad (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • McMichael, C. (participant) (14-2-2017 - 15-2-2017). Netherlands Annual Ecology Meeting, Lunteren (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • McMichael, C. (participant) (9-1-2017 - 13-1-2017). International Biogeography Society (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Blaus, A., McMichael, C., Raczka, M., Herrick, C., Palace, M., Witteveen, N., Nascimento, M. N. . & Bush, M. (24-7-2023). Data from: Amazonian pollen assemblages reflect biogeographic gradients and forest cover. DRYAD.
    • Bush, M. B., Åkesson, C. M., Flantua, S. G. A., McMichael, C. N. H., Montoya, E., De Novaes Nascimento, M., Peña-Claros, M., Poorter, L., Raczka, M. F., Gosling, W. D., van der Sande, M., Berrio Mogollon, J. C., Correia Metrio, A., Hooghiemstra, H., Maezumi, S. . & Mosblech, N. A. S. (2023). Data from: Warming, drought and disturbances lead to shifts in functional composition: a millennial-scale analysis for Amazonian and Andean sites. DANS Data Station Physical and Technical Sciences.


    • Heijink, B., Mattijs, Q. A., Philip, A. L., Valencia, R., Piperno, D. & McMichael, C. N. H. (27-10-2022). Long-term fire and vegetation change in northwestern Amazonia. DRYAD.
    • Church, W. B., McMichael, C. N. H., Zondervan, J. R., Hagemans, K., Bush, M. B., Flantua, S. G. A., Sales, R. K. & González-Arango, C. (2022). Archaeological sites used in the final ensemble model from Potential distributions of pre-Columbian people in Tropical Andean landscapes. figshare Academic Research System.
    • Nascimento, M. N., Heijink, B. M., Bush, M. B., Gosling, W. D. & McMichael, C. N. H. (2022). Palaeoecological sites used in the analysis from Early to Mid-Holocene human activity exerted gradual influences on Amazonian forest vegetation. The Royal Society.
    • Rozas-Davila, A., Sales, R. K., Bush, M. B., Nascimento, M. N. ., Gosling, W. D., McMichael, C. N. H., Raczka, M. & Valencia, B. (2022). Additional data for records that contributed to the compilation of fig. 3 from A palaeoecological perspective on the transformation of the tropical Andes by early human activity. figshare Academic Research System.
    • Gosling, W. D., McMichael, C. N. H., Bush, M. B., Heijink, B. M. & Nascimento, M. N. . (2022). Archaeological and soil sites from Early to Mid-Holocene human activity exerted gradual influences on Amazonian forest vegetation. figshare Academic Research System.
    • Nascimento, M. N., Heijink, B. M., Bush, M. B., Gosling, W. D. & McMichael, C. N. H. (2022). Useful species list from Early to Mid-Holocene human activity exerted gradual influences on Amazonian forest vegetation. The Royal Society.


    • Gosling, W., McMichael, C., Groenewoud, Z., Roding, E., Miller, C. S. & Julier, A. (2021). Data from: Preliminary evidence for green, brown and black worlds in tropical western Africa during the Middle and Late Pleistocene. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • McMichael, C., Heijink, B., Bush, M. & Gosling, W. (2021). On the scaling and standardization of charcoal data in paleofire reconstructions. DRYAD.
    • Gosling, W. D., Maezumi, S. ., Heijink, B. M., Nascimento, M. N., Raczka, M. F., van der Sande, M. T., Bush, M. B. & McMichael, C. N. H. (2021). Scarce fire activity in north and north-western Amazonian forests during the last 10,000 years. Taylor & Francis.
    • Gosling, W., Maezumi, S. ., Heijink, B., Nascimento, M. N. ., Raczka, M., van der Sande, M., Bush, M. B. & McMichael, C. (2021). Data from: Scarce fire activity in the north and north-western Amazonian forests during the last 10,000 years. Universiteit van Amsterdam.


    • Langdon, P. G., Bönnen, M. N. T., Driessen, T. D., McMichael, C. N. H., Noort, K., Hassall, J. D., Gosling, W., Leng, M. J., Sear, D. A., Croudace, I. W., van Kemenade, Z. R. & Bourne, A. J. (2020). Data from: Human occupation and ecosystem change on Upolu (Samoa) during the Holocene. DRYAD.
    • Åkesson, C., McMichael, C., Raczka, M., Huisman, S. N., Vogel, J., Palmeira, M., Neill, D., Veizaj, J. & Bush, M. (2020). Data from: Long-term ecological legacies in western Amazonia. DRYAD.
    • Van Der Sande, M. T., Bush, M. B., Urrego, D. H., Silman, M., Farfan-Rios, W., García Cabrera, K., Shenkin, A., Malhi, Y., McMichael, C. H. & Gosling, W. (2020). Data from: Modern pollen rain predicts shifts in plant trait composition but not plant diversity along the Andes-Amazon elevational gradient. DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities.



    • McMichael, C. N. H. & Bush, M. B. (2017). Data from: Holocene variability of an Amazonian hyperdominant. DRYAD.
    • Langeveld, B. W., Mol, D., Zazula, G. D., Gravendeel, B., Eurlings, M., Groenenberg, D., van Reenen, G., van Geel, B., McMichael, C. N. H., Palmeira, M. & Vogel, J. (2017). Supplementary aDNA sequences from a Pleistocene ground squirrel midden, Yukon. PANGAEA.
    • de Kruif, J., Gosling, W. D., de Boer, E. J., Hooghiemstra, H., Rijsdijk, K. F., McMichael, C. N. H. & Norder, S. J. (2017). Data from: Mauritius on fire: tracking historical human impacts on biodiversity loss. DRYAD.
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