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Earth system science is the study of interactions within and between the atmosphere, water, soil, vegetation, and landscapes, and how their interaction modifies the surface of the Earth; as well as how humans interact with or impact these processes.
Lab separation experiment
Lab separation experiment

In ELD, for example, we combine soil science and geomorphological techniques to conduct fundamental, process-based research in the context of sustainable soil, plant and landscape management. The people involved with soil science and geomorphological research in ELD are:

Prof. W.D. (William) Gosling

Associate Professor Palaeoecology

Dr L.H. (Lies) Jacobs

Assistant Professor

Dr. B. (Boris) Jansen

Associate Professor Soil Chemistry

Dr. A.M. (Annemieke) Kooijman

Assistant Professor Landscape Ecology

Dr. A. (Albert) Tietema

Associate Professor Biogeochemistry

Prof. dr. ir. F.T. (Franciska) de Vries

Professor of Earth Surface Science