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Environmental Chemistry is the study of sources, fate and impact of anthropogenic chemicals (e.g. pesticides, PFAS) or materials (e.g. micro- and nanoplastics) in the environment.
Lab separation experiment
Lab separation experiment

We are particularly interested in understanding diverse sources, transport and transformation pathways of legacy and emerging contaminants in agricultural, surface water and atmospheric systems using a combination of analytical, experimental and computational tools. Our research informs regulatory bodies and supports the transition towards increased circularity and the development of safe and sustainable-by design chemicals and products in line with the EU's Green Deal ambitions.

The people currently involved with environmental chemistry research in ELD are: 

Dr. B. (Boris) Jansen

Associate Professor

Dr. A. (Antonia) Praetorius

Assistant Professor

Prof. dr. ir. A.G. (Agnes) Oomen

Special chair Chemicals and Planetary Health

Dr. E. (Eva) de Rijke

Lab Manager