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Prof. dr. W.P. (Pim) de Voogt

Emiritus Professor
Faculty of Science
Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics
Photographer: Onbekend

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
  • Room number: C4.163
Postal address
  • Postbus 94240
    1090 GE Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Research interests

    Elucidating identity and environmental fate of newly emerging chemicals  (e.g. persistent (mobile) organics, polar surfactants, drugs of abuse, nanoparticles), and characterising structures of biotic and abiotic molecules, such as drug transformation products and plant biomarkers.
    I coordinated the EU-FP6-NEST and industry funded projects PERFORCE-1 and 2,  research projects aimed at the assessment of environmental exposure in Europe to perfluoroalkylated substances. I acted as coordinator of the EU-FP7-Agriculture/Food/Fisheries project PERFOOD that  elucidated sources and extent of human exposure to perfluorinated compounds in food and beverages.

    Since 2006 I also hold a position as Principal Scientist at KWR Watercycle Research Institute in Nieuwegein, where the focus of my research is on water quality and health issues related to newly emerging water contaminants, e.g., industrial chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and drugs of abuse. At KWR I coordinated the EU-DGHome project WATCH-Wastewater Analysis of Traces of illicit drug-related Chemicals for law enforcement and public Health through Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE). I also coordinated a project for the World Anti-doping Agency (WADA) looking into development of methods for tracing doping in wastewater.

    KWR and IBED jointly participate in the EU-COST action-sponsored network SCORE that coordinates WBE research to identify and assess the use and distribution of illicit drugs and counterfeit medicines in city populations. Non-target screening is another joint research area where we try to identify unkown chemicals in the water cycle.

    I have been member-elect and treasurer of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry-SETAC Europe.
    I am a former member of the Dutch Soil Protection Committee (TCB)  and the Scientific Committe on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER) of the EC and a current member of the Scientific Committe on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER). I am Editor-in-chief of the journal/book series Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.




    Most recent publications

    Hammer J, Haftka JJH, Scherpenisse P, Hermens JLM, de Voogt P (2017) Fragment-based approach to calculate hydrophobicity of anionic and nonionic surfactants derived from chromatographic retention on a C18 stationary phase. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 36, 329-336. doi: 10.1002/etc.3564

    Hoppe M, Fornari R, de Voogt P, Franz R (2017). Migration of oligomers from PET: determination of diffusion coefficients and comparison of experimental versus modelled migration. Food Addit. Contam. A 34, (in press) Doi: 0.1080/ 19440049.2017.1322222

    Causanilles A, Ruepert C, Ibáñez M, Emke E, Hernández F, de Voogt P (2017) Occurrence and fate of illicit drugs and pharmaceuticals in wastewater from two wastewater treatment plants in Costa Rica. Sci. Total Environ. 599-600, 98-107 doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.04.202

    Rousis N, Gracia-Lor E, Zuccato E, Bade R, Baz-Lomba JA, Castrignanò E, Causanilles A, Covaci A, de Voogt P, Hernández F, Kasprzyk-Hordern B, Kinyua J, McCall AK, Plósz, BG, Ramin P, Ryu Y, Thomas KV, van Nuijs A, Yang Z, Castiglioni S (2017) Wastewater-based epidemiology to assess pan-European pesticide exposure. Water Res. 121, 270-279. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2017.05.044

    Ramin P, Brock AL, Causanilles A, Valverde-Pérez B, Emke E, de Voogt P, Polesel F, Plosz B (2017) Transformation and sorption of illicit drug biomarkers in sewer biofilms. Environ. Sci. Technol. (accepted) 10.1021/acs.est.6b06277

    Causanilles A, Kinyua J, Ruttkies C, van Nuijs ALN, Emke E, Covaci A, de Voogt P (2017) Qualitative screening for new psychoactive substances in wastewater collected during a city festival using liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry. Chemosphere 184, 1186-1193. doi: 10.1016/ j.chemosphere. 2017.06.101

    Refaey Y, Jansen B, de Voogt P, Parsons JR, El-Shater A, El-Haddad A, Kalbitz K (2017). The influence of organo-metal interactions on regeneration of exhausted sorbent materials loaded with heavy metals. Pedosphere 27, 579-587. doi:10.1016/S1002-0160(17)60353-9

    Gracia-Lor E, Rousis N, Zuccato E, Bade R, Baz-Lomba JA, Castrignanò E, Causanilles A, Hernández F, Kasprzyk-Hordern B, Kinyua J, McCall AK, van Nuijs ALN, Plósz, BG, Ramin P, Ryu Y, Santos MM, Thomas KV, Yang Z, de Voogt P, Castiglioni S (2017) Estimation of caffeine intake from analysis of caffeine metabolites in wastewater. Sci. Total Environ. (accepted)

    Bäuerlein PS , Emke E, Tromp P, Hofman JAMH , Carboni A, Schooneman F, de Voogt P, van Wezel AP (2017) Is there evidence for man-made nanoparticles in the Dutch environment? Sci. Total Environ. 576, 273-283

    Markus AA, Parsons JR, Roex EW, de Voogt P, Laane RWPM (2017) Modelling the release, transport and fate of engineered nanoparticles in the aquatic environment – a review. Rev. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. (accepted) doi 10.1007/398_2016_17

    Refaey Y, Jansen B, Parsons JR; de Voogt P, Bagnis S, Markus AA; El-Shater AH, El-Haddad AA; Kalbitz K. (2017)Effects of clay minerals, hydroxides, and timing of dissolved organic matter addition on the competitive sorption of Copper, Nickel and Zinc: A column experiment J. Environ. Manage. 187, 273-285. Doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.11.056

    Bade R, Bijlsma L, Sancho JV, Baz-Lomba JA, Castiglioni S, Castrignanò E, Causanilles A, Gracia-Lor E, Kasprzyk-Hordern B, Kinyua J, McCall A-K, van Nuijs ALN, Ort C, Plósz BG, Ramin P, Rousis NI, Ryu Y,  Thomas KV, de Voogt P, Zuccato E, Hernandez F (2017) Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry determination of synthetic cathinones and phenethyl­amines in influent wastewater of eight European cities. Chemosphere 168, 1032-1041 doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2016. 10.107

    Dimzon IK, Westerveld J, Gremmel C, Frömel T, Knepper TP, de Voogt P (2017) Sampling and simultaneous determination of volatile per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in wastewater treatment plant air and water. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 409(5), 1395-1404. Doi: 10.1007/s00216-016-0072-1

    Carboni A, Helmus R, Parsons JR, Kalbitz K, de Voogt P (2017). Incubation of solid state C60 fullerene under UV irradiation mimicking  environ­mentally relevant conditions. Chemosphere 175, 1-7. Doi:10.1016/ j.chemosphere.2017.01.149

    Sammut G, Sinagra E, Helmus R, de Voogt P (2017) Perfluoroalkyl substances in the Maltese Environment - (I) Surface water and Rain water. Sci. Total Environ. 589, 182-190.Doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.02.128

    Boix C, Ibáñez M,. Sancho JV, Parsons JR, de Voogt P, Hernández F (2016) Biotransformation of pharmaceuticals in surface water and during waste water treatment: identification and occurrence of transformation products. J. Haz. Mater. 302, 175-187. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2015.09.053

    Dimzon IK, Trier X, Frömel T, Helmus R, Knepper TP, de Voogt P (2016) High Resolution Mass Spectrometry of Polyfluorinated Polyether – based Formulation, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom.27, 309-318. DOI: 10.1007/s13361-015-1269-9

    Hoppe M; de Voogt P, Franz R (2016) Identification and quantification of oligomers as potential migrants in plastics food contact materials with a focus in poly­condensates - A review. Trends Food Sci. Technol. 50, 118-130, doi: 10.1016/ j.tifs.  2016.01.018

    Markus AA, Parsons JR, Roex EW, de Voogt P, Laane RWPM (2016)  Modelling the transport of engineered metallic nanoparticles in the river Rhine. Water Res. 91, 214-224

    Bade R, Causanilles A, Emke E, Bijlsma L, Sancho JV, Hernández F, de Voogt P (2016) Facilitating high resolution mass spectrometry data processing for screening of environmental water samples: An evaluation of two deconvolution tools. Sci. Total Environ. 569–570, 434–441

    Carboni A, Helmus R, Parsons JR, Kalbitz K, de Voogt P (2016) A method for the determination of fullerenes in soil and sediment matrices using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled with heated electrospray quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. A 1433, 123-130

    Causanilles A, Emke E, de Voogt P (2016) Determination of phosphodiesterase type V inhibitors in wastewater by direct injection followed by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. Sci. total Environ. 565, 140-147

    Ryu Y, Barceló D, Barron LP, Bijlsma L, Castiglioni S, de Voogt P, Emke E, Hernández F, Lai, FY, Lopes A, López de Alda M, Mastroianni N, Munro K, O’Brien J, Ort C, Plósz BG, Reid MJ, Yargeau V, Thomas KV (2016) Comparative measure­ment and quantitative risk assessment of alcohol consumption through wastewater-based epidemiology: An international study in 20 cities. Sci. Total Environ. 565, 977–983

    Hammer J, Haftka JJH, Scherpenisse P, Hermens JLM, de Voogt P (2016) Fragment-based approach to calculate hydrophobicity of anionic and nonionic surfactants derived from chromatographic retention on a C18 stationary phase. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3564

    Vughs D, Baken KA, Kolkman A, Martijn AJ, de Voogt P (2016)  Application of effect directed analysis to identify mutagenic nitrogenous disinfection byproducts of MP UV drinking water treatment. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. (in press) doi:10.1007/ s11356-016-7252-6

    Carboni A, Helmus R, Emke E, van den Brink N, Parsons JR, Karsten Kalbitz K, de Voogt P (2016) Analysis of fullerenes in soils samples collected in The Netherlands. Environ. Pollut. 219, 47-55. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2016.09.034

    Reemtsma T, Berger U, Arp HPH, Gallard H, Knepper TP, Neumann M, Quintana JB, de Voogt P (2016) Mind the Gap: Persistent and Mobile Organic Compounds—Water Contaminants That Slip Through. Environ. Sci. Technol. 50, 10308-10315. Doi:  10.1021/acs.est.6b03338

    Baz Lomba JA, Salvatore S, Bade R, Castiglioni S, Castrignanò E, Causanilles A,  Gracia-Lor E, Hernandez F, Kasprzyk-Hordern B, Kinyua J, McCall A-K, van Nuijs A, Ort C, Plósz BG, Ramin P, Reid M, Ryu, Y, de Voogt P, Bramness J, Thomas K (2016) Comparison of pharmaceutical, illicit drug, alcohol, nicotine and caffeine levels in wastewater with sale, seizure and consumption data for 8 European cities. BMC Publ. Health 16:1035. doi: 10.1186/s-12889-016-3686-5

    Kinyua J, Negreira N, Miserez B, Causanilles A, Emke E, de Voogt P, Ramsey J, Covaci A,  van Nuijs ALN (2016) Qualitative screening of pooled urine samples in Belgium and United Kingdom to map the use of new psychoactive substances  Sci. Total Environ. 573, 1527-1535. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.08.124

    Hernández F, Castiglioni S, Covaci A, de Voogt P, Emke E, Kasprzyk-Hordern B, Ort C, Reid M, Sancho JV, Thomas KV, van Nuijs ALN, Zuccato E, Bijlsma L (2016) Mass spectrometric strategies for the investigation of biomarkers of illicit drug use in wastewater. Mass Spectrom. Rev.  (accepted) doi: 10.1002/mas.21525

    Ramin P, Libonati Brock A, Polesel F, Causanilles A, Emke E, de Voogt P, Plósz BG (2016) Transformation and sorption of illicit drug biomarkers in sewer systems: understanding the role of suspended solids in raw wastewater. Environ. Sci. Technol. 50, 13397−13408. Doi 10.1021/acs.est.6b03049

    Ryu Y, Gracia-Lor E, Bijlsma L, Baz-Lomba JA, Bramness JG, Castiglioni S, Castrignanò E, Causanilles A, Covaci A, de Voogt P, Hernández F, Kasprzyk-Hordern B, Kinyua J, McCall A-K, Ort C, Plósz BG, Ramin P, Roussos NI, Reid MJ, Thomas KV (2016) Increased levels of the oxidative stress biomarker 8-iso-prostaglandin F2α in wastewater associated with tobacco use. Sci. Reports 6:39055

    Hofman-Caris CHM, Bäuerlein PS, Siegers WG, Ziaie J, Tolkamp HH, de Voogt P (2015) Affinity adsorption for the removal of organic micropollutants in drinking water sources; proof of principle. Water Sci. Technol.:Water Supply 15.6, 1207-1219

    Krätke R, Bartonova A, Beausoleil C, Carroquino MJ, de Voogt P, Duarte-Davidson R, Fernandes T, Gzyl J, Janssen C, Linders J, Schoeters G (2015) Does the EU migration level of chromium VI in toys need to be lowered? Regulat. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 73, 687-688

    Ten Tusscher GW, Leijs MM, Koppe JG, Olie K, de Voogt P, Van Aalderen WCM (2015) Decrease in lung function in relation to increasing BDE exposure in teenagers. Eur. Respir. J. 46 (Suppl 59):PA4097

    Astefanei A, Kok W, Bäuerlein PS, Nunez O, Galceran M,de Voogt P,  Schoenmakers P (2015) Characterization of aggregates of surface modified fullerenes by asymmet­rical flow field-flow fractionation with multi angle light scattering detection. J. Chromatogr. A 1408, 197-206

    Cousins IT, Balan SA, Scheringer M, Weber R, Wang Z, Blum A, Diamond M, Fletcher T, Goldenman G, Higgins C, Lindeman AE, Peaslee G, Trier X, de Voogt P (2015) Comment on "Fluorotechnology Is Critical to Modern Life: The FluoroCouncil Counterpoint to the Madrid Statement". Environ. Health Perspect.123, A170

    Emke E, Sanchis J, Farré M., Bäuerlein PS, de Voogt P (2014) Determination of several fullerenes in sewage water by LC hr-MS using atmospheric pressure photo ionisation. Environ. Sci. Nano 2, 167-176.

    Blum A, Balan SA, Scheringer M, Trier X, Goldenman G, Cousins I, Diamond M, Fletcher T, Higgins C,  Lindeman AE, Peaslee G, de Voogt P, Wang Z, Weber R (2015) The Madrid Statement on Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substances. Environ. Health Perspect.123, A107-A111.

    Herrero P, Bäuerlein PS, Emke E, Marcé RM, de Voogt P (2015) Size and concentration determination of (functionalized) fullerenes in surface and sewage water matrices using field flow fractionation coupled to an online accurate mass spectrometer: method development and validation. Anal. Chim. Acta 871, 77-84.

    Booij P, Sjollema SB, van der Geest HG, Leonards PEG, Lamoree MH, de Voogt P, Admiraal W, Laane RWPM, Vethaak AD (2015) Toxic pressure of herbicides on microalgae in Dutch estuarine and coastal waters. J. Sea Res. 102, 48-56.

    Haftka JJH, Bäuerlein PS, Emke E, Lammertse N, Belokhovstova D, Hilvering B, de Voogt P, ter Laak TL (2015) Colloidal stability of (functionalised) fullerenes in the presence of dissolved organic carbon and electrolytes. Environ. Sci. Nano 2, 280-287.

    Korsman J, Schipper AM, de Vos MG, van den Heuvel-Greve MJ, Vethaak AD, de Voogt  P, Hendriks AJ. (2015) Modeling accumulation of nonylphenol and its ethoxylates in estuarine-marine food chains. Chemosphere 138, 33-39.

    Markus AA, Parsons JR, Roex EWM,de Voogt P, Laane RWPM (2015) Modelling aggregation and sedimentation of nanoparticles in the aquatic environment Sci. Total Environ. 506–507, 323–329

    Barmentlo SH, Stel JM, van Doorn M, Eschauzier C, de Voogt P, Kraak MHS (2015) Acute and chronic toxicity of short chained perfluoroalkyl substances to Daphnia magna. Environ. Pollut. 198, 47-53

    Jansen M, Coors A, Vanoverbeke J, Schepens M, de Voogt P, De Schampelaere KAC, De Meester L (2013) Experimental  evolution reveals high insecticide tolerance in Daphnia inhabiting farmland ponds. Evol. Appl. 8, 442-453

    D’Hollander W, Herzke D, Huber S, Hajslova J, Pulkrabova J, Brambilla G, De Filippis SP, Bervoets L,de Voogt P (2014) Occurrence of perfluorinated alkylated substances in cereals, salt, sweets and fruit items collected in four European countries. Chemosphere 129, 179-185

    Terzic, O, Gregg H, de Voogt P (2015) Identification of chemicals relevant to the Chemical Weapons Convention: novel sample preparation methods and strategies of the mobile laboratory of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. Trends Anal Chem 65, 151-166

    Venhuis BJ, de Voogt P, Emke E, Causanilles A, Keizers PHJ (2014) Success of rogue online pharmacies: sewage study of sildenafil in The Netherlands. Brit. Med. J. 349:g4317

    Herrero P, Bäuerlein PS, Emke E, Pocurull E, de Voogt P (2014) Asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation hyphenated to Orbitrap high resolution mass spectrometry for the determination of (functionalised) aqueous fullerene aggregates. J. Chromatogr. A 1356, 277-282.

    Jurgens SS, Helmus R, Waaijers SL, Uittenbogaard D, Dunnebier D, Vleugel M,. Kraak MHS, de Voogt P, Parsons JR (2014) Mineralisation and primary biodegradation of aromatic organophosphorus flame retardants in activated sludge. Chemosphere 111, 238-24

    Booij,P, Vethaak AD, Leonards PEG, Sjollema S, Kool J, de Voogt P, Lamoree M (2014) Inhibition of photosynthesis inhibitors of pelagic marine algae using 96 well plate micro-fractionation for enhanced throughput in Effect-Directed Analysis. Environ Sci Technol 48, 8003-8011

    Leijs MM, van der Linden LM, Koppe JG, de Voogt P, Olie K, van Aalderen WMC, ten Tusscher GW (2014) The influence of perinatal and current dioxin and PCB exposure on puberty: a review. Biomonitoring 1, 16-24

    Carboni A, Emke E, Parsons JR, Kalbitz K, de Voogt P (2014)  An analytical method for determination of fullerenes and functionalized fullerenes in soils with HPLC-UV. Anal Chim Acta 807, 159-165

    Prichard J, Hall W, de Voogt P, Zuccato E (2014) Sewage epidemiology and illicit drug research: the development of ethical research guidelines. Sci. Total Environ. 472, 550-555

    Emke E, Evans S, Kasprzyk-Hordern B, de Voogt P (2014) Enantiomer profiling of high loads of amphetamine and MDMA in communal sewage: a Dutch perspective Sci. Total Environ. (in press)

    D’Hollander W, De Bruyn L, Hagenaars A, de Voogt P, Bervoets L (2014) Characterisation of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) in a terrestrial ecosystem near a fluorochemical plant in Flanders, Belgium. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. ( accepted) DOI 10.1007/s11356-013-2449-4

    Felizeter S, McLachlan M, de Voogt P (2014) Root uptake and translocation of perfluorinated alkyl acids by three hydroponically grown crops. J. Agric. Food Chem. 62, 3334-3342

    Booij P, Sjollema SB , Leonards PEG, de Voogt P, Stroomberg GJ, Vethaak AD, Lamoree MH (2013) Extraction Tools for Identification of Chemical Contaminants in Estuarine and Coastal Waters to Determine Toxic Pressure on Primary Producers. Chemosphere 93, 107-114

    Waaijers SL, Bleyenberg TE, Dits A, Schoorl M, Schütt J, Kools S, de Voogt P, Admiraal W, Parsons JR, Kraak MHS (2013) Daphnid life cycle responses to new generation flame retardants. Environ. Sci. Technol. 47, 13798-13803.

    Klenow S, Heinemeyer G, Brambilla G, Dellatte E, Herzke D, de Voogt P (2013) Dietary exposure to selected Perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in four European regions Food Addit.  Contam. A 30, 2141-2151

    Kolkman A, Schriks M, Brand W , Bäuerlein PS, van der Kooi MME, van Doorn RH , Emke E, Reus A, van der Linden S, de Voogt P, Minne B. Heringa MB (2013) Sample preparation for combined chemical analysis and bioassay application in water quality assessment. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. 36, 1291-1303

    Kolkman A, Emke E, Bäuerlein P, Carboni A, Truc Tran D,  Ter Laak T, van Wezel A, de Voogt P (2013) Analysis of (functionalized) fullerenes in water samples by liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry. Anal. Chem. 85, 5867-5874

    Bijlsma L, Emke E, Hernández F, de Voogt P (2013) Performance of the linear ion trap Orbitrap mass analyzer for qualitative and quantitative analysis of drugs of abuse and relevant metabolites in sewage water. Anal. Chim. Acta 768, 102– 110

    Eschauzier C, Hoppe M, Schlummer M, de Voogt P (2013). Presence and sources of anthropogenic perfluorinated alkyl acids in tap-water based beverages. Chemosphere, 90, 36-41.

    Castiglioni S, Bijlsma L, Covaci A, Emke E, Hernández F, Reid M, Ort C, Thomas KV, van Nuijs ALN, de Voogt P, Zuccato E (2013) Evaluation of Uncertainties Associated with the Determination of Community Drug Use through the Measurement of Sewage Drug Biomarkers. Environ. Sci. Technol. 47, 1452-1460

    Waaijers SL, Kong D, Hendriks HS, de Wit CA, Cousins IT, Westerink RHS, Kraak MHS, Admiraal W, Leonards PEG, de Voogt P, Parsons JR (2013). Persistence, bioaccumulation and toxicity of halogen-free flame retardants. Rev Environ Contam Toxicol, 222, 1-71.

    van der Aa NGFM, Bijlsma L, Emke E, Dijkman E, ; van Nuijs ALN, van de Ven BM, Hernández F; Versteegh A; de Voogt P (2013) Risk assessment for drugs of abuse in the Dutch watercycle. Water Res. 47,  1848-1857

    Eschauzier C, Raat KJ, Stuyfzand PJ, de Voogt P (2013) Perfluorinated alkylated acids in groundwater and drinking water: identification, origin and mobility. Sci Total Environ 458-460, 477-485

    Herzke D, Huber S, Bervoets L, D’Hollander W, Hasjlova J, Pulkrabova J, Brambilla G, De Filippis SP, Klenow S, Heinemeyer G, de Voogt P (2013) PFAS in vegetables collected in four European countries; raw and processed products. Environ Sci Pollut Res 20, 7930-7939.

    Hlouskova V, Hradkova P, Poustka J, Brambilla G, De Filippis SP, D´Hollander W, Bervoets L, Herzke D, Huber S, de Voogt P, Pulkrabova J (2013) Occurrence of PFASs in various food items of animal origin collected in four European countries. Food Addit. Contam.A 30, 1918-1932

    Brulik J, Simek Z, de Voogt P (2013) A new liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry method using atmospheric pressure photo ionization for simultaneous determination of azaarenes and azaarones in Dutch river sediments. J. Chromatogr. A 1294, 33-40

    Schriks M, van der Linden S, Stoks P, van der Burg B, Puijker L, de Voogt P, Heringa MB (2013) Occurrence of glucocorticogenic activity in various surface waters in The Netherlands. Chemosphere 93, 450-454

    Terzic O, Bartenbach S, de Voogt P (2013) Determination of Lewisites and their hydrolysis products in aqueous and multiphase samples by in-sorbent tube butyl thiolation followed by thermal desorption-gas chromatography-full scan mass spectrometry. J.  Chromatog. A 1304, 34-41

    Dellatte E, Brambilla G, De Filippis SP, di Domenico A, Pulkrabova J, Eschauzier C, Klenow S, Heinemeyer G, de Voogt P (2013) Occurrence of selected perfluorinated alkyl acids in lunch meals served at school canteens in Italy and their relevance for children’s  intake. Food Addit. Contam. A 30, 1590-1597

  • Publications



    • Ter Laak, T. L., Emke, E., Dolot, N., van Loon, E. E., van der Kooi, M. M. E., van Asten, A. C., & de Voogt, P. (2024). Mapping consumptions and market size of cocaine, amphetamine and MDMA through wastewater analysis: A Dutch case study. Addiction. Advance online publication.
    • Van Wichelen, N., Burgard, D., Campos-Mañas, M. C., Simarro-Gimeno, C., Hernández, F., Ort, C., Boogaerts, T., Salgueiro-Gonzalez, N., Castiglioni, S., Béen, F. M., de Voogt, P., Covaci, A., van Nuijs, A. L. N., & Bijlsma, L. (2024). A key factor in monitoring cannabis consumption trends through wastewater analysis: Partitioning of THC–COOH between the liquid and solid phase of influent wastewater. Water Research, 267, Article 122462. [details]
    • de Baat, M. L., Narain, D. M., de Weert, J., Giesen, D., Beeltje, H., Hamers, T., Helmus, R., de Voogt, P., & Kraak, M. H. S. (2024). Passive sampler housing and sorbent type determine aquatic micropollutant adsorption and subsequent bioassay responses. Environmental Pollution, 357, Article 124488. [details]
    • de Voogt, W. P. (2024). Analytical methods: organic compounds. In M. Vighi (Ed.), General principles of ecological risk assessment: Protecting ecosystems in the third millennium (pp. 23-26). Cambridge Scholars Publishers.












    • Bijlsma, L., Emke, E., Hernández, F., & de Voogt, P. (2013). Performance of the linear ion trap Orbitrap mass analyzer for qualitative and quantitative analysis of drugs of abuse and relevant metabolites in sewage water. Analytica Chimica Acta, 768, 102-110. [details]
    • Booij, P., Sjollema, S. B., Leonards, P. E. G., de Voogt, P., Stroomberg, G. J., Vethaak, A. D., & Lamoree, M. H. (2013). Extraction Tools for Identification of Chemical Contaminants in Estuarine and Coastal Waters to Determine Toxic Pressure on Primary Producers. Chemosphere, 93(1), 107-114. [details]
    • Brulik, J., Simek, Z., & de Voogt, P. (2013). A new liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry method using atmospheric pressure photo ionization for the simultaneous determination of azaarenes and azaarones in Dutch river sediments. Journal of Chromatography A, 1294, 33-40. [details]
    • Castiglioni, S., Bijlsma, L., Covaci, A., Emke, E., Hernández, F., Reid, M., Ort, C., Thomas, K. V., van Nuijs, A. L. N., de Voogt, P., & Zuccato, E. (2013). Evaluation of uncertainties associated with the determination of community drug use through the measurement of sewage drug biomarkers. Environmental Science and Technology, 47(3), 1452-1460. [details]
    • Dellatte, E., Brambilla, G., De Filippis, S. P., Di Domenico, A., Pulkrabova, J., Eschauzier, C., Klenow, S., Heinemeyer, G., & de Voogt, P. (2013). Occurrence of selected perfluorinated alkyl acids in lunch meals served at school canteens in Italy and their relevance for children’s intake. Food additives & contaminants. A, 30(9), 1590-1597. [details]
    • Eschauzier, C., Hoppe, M., Schlummer, M., & de Voogt, P. (2013). Presence and sources of anthropogenic perfluorinated alkyl acids in tap-water based beverages. Chemosphere, 90(1), 36-41. [details]
    • Eschauzier, C., Raat, K. J., Stuyfzand, P. J., & de Voogt, P. (2013). Perfluorinated alkylated acids in groundwater and drinking water: Identification, origin and mobility. Science of the Total Environment, 458-460, 477-485. [details]
    • Herzke, D., Huber, S., Bervoets, L., D'Hollander, W., Hajslova, J., Pulkrabova, J., Brambilla, G., De Filippis, S. P., Klenow, S., Heinemeyer, G., & de Voogt, P. (2013). Perfluorinated alkylated substances in vegetables collected in four European countries; raw and processed products. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International, 20(11), 7930-7939. [details]
    • Hlouskova, V., Hradkova, P., Poustka, J., Brambilla, G., De Filippis, S. P., D'Hollander, W., Bervoets, L., Herzke, D., Huber, S., de Voogt, P., & Pulkrabova, J. (2013). Occurrence of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in various food items of animal origin collected in four European countries. Food additives & contaminants. A, 30, 1918-1932. [details]
    • Klenow, S., Heinemeyer, G., Brambilla, G., Dellatte, E., Herzke, D., & de Voogt, P. (2013). Dietary exposure to selected Perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in four European regions. Food additives & contaminants. A, 30(12), 2141-2151. [details]
    • Kolkman, A., Emke, E., Bäuerlein, P. S., Carboni, A., Tran, D. T., ter Laak, T. L., van Wezel, A. P., & de Voogt, P. (2013). Analysis of (functionalized) fullerenes in water samples by liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry, 85(12), 5867-5874. [details]
    • Kolkman, A., Schriks, M., Brand, W., Bäuerlein, P. S., van der Kooi, M. M. E., van Doorn, R. H., Emke, E., Reus, A., van der Linden, S., de Voogt, P., & Heringa, M. B. (2013). Sample preparation for combined chemical analysis and bioassay application in water quality assessment. Environmental toxicology and pharmacology, 36(3), 1291-1303. [details]
    • Schriks, M., van der Linden, S. C., Stoks, P. G. M., van der Burg, B., Puijker, L., de Voogt, P., & Heringa, M. B. (2013). Occurrence of glucocorticogenic activity in various surface waters in The Netherlands. Chemosphere, 93(2), 450-454. [details]
    • Terzic, O., Bartenbach, S., & de Voogt, P. (2013). Determination of Lewisites and their hydrolysis products in aqueous and multiphase samples by in-sorbent tube butyl thiolation followed by thermal desorption-gas chromatography-full scan mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 1304, 34-41. [details]
    • Vries, D., Wols, B. A., & de Voogt, P. (2013). Removal efficiency calculated beforehand: QSAR enabled predictions for nanofiltration and advanced oxidation. Water Science and Technology, 13(6), 1425-1436. [details]
    • Waaijers, S. L., Bleyenberg, T. E., Dits, A., Schoorl, M., Schütt, J., Kools, S. A. E., de Voogt, P., Admiraal, W., Parsons, J. R., & Kraak, M. H. S. (2013). Daphnid life cycle response to new generation of flame retardants. Environmental Science and Technology, 47(23), 13798-13803. [details]
    • Waaijers, S. L., Hartmann, J., Soeter, A. M., Helmus, R., Kools, S. A. E., de Voogt, P., Admiraal, W., Parsons, J. R., & Kraak, M. H. S. (2013). Toxicity of new generation flame retardants to Daphnia magna. Science of the Total Environment, 463-464, 1042-1048. [details]
    • Waaijers, S. L., Kong, D., Hendriks, H. S., de Wit, C. A., Cousins, I. T., Westerink, R. H. S., Leonards, P. E. G., Kraak, M. H. S., Admiraal, W., de Voogt, P., & Parsons, J. R. (2013). Persistence, bioaccumulation and toxicity of halogen-free flame retardants. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 222, 1-71. [details]
    • van der Aa, M., Bijlsma, L., Emke, E., Dijkman, E., van Nuijs, A. L. N., van de Ven, B. M., Hernández, F., Versteegh, A., & de Voogt, P. (2013). Risk assessment for drugs of abuse in the Dutch watercycle. Water Research, 47(5), 1848-1857. [details]


    • Bijlsma, L., Emke, E., Hernández, F., & de Voogt, P. (2012). Investigation of drugs of abuse and relevant metabolites in Dutch sewage water by liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry. Chemosphere, 89(11), 1399-1406. [details]
    • Bäuerlein, P. S., Mansell, J. E., ter Laak, T. L., & de Voogt, P. (2012). Sorption behavior of charged and neutral polar organic compounds on solid phase extraction materials: which functional group governs sorption? Environmental Science and Technology, 46(2), 954-961. [details]
    • Bäuerlein, P. S., ter Laak, T. L., Hofman-Caris, R. C. H. M., de Voogt, P., & Droge, S. T. J. (2012). Removal of charged micropollutants from water by ion-exchange polymers - effects of competing electrolytes. Water Research, 46(16), 5009-5018. [details]
    • Eschauzier, C., Beerendonk, E., Scholte-Veenendaal, P., & de Voogt, P. (2012). Impact of treatment processes on the removal of perfluoroalkyl acids from the drinking water production chain. Environmental Science and Technology, 46(3), 1708-1715. [details]
    • Eschauzier, C., de Voogt, P., Brauch, H.-J., & Lange, F. T. (2012). Polyfluorinated chemicals in European surface waters, ground- and drinking waters. In T. P. Knepper, & F. T. Lange (Eds.), Polyfluorinated chemicals and transformation products (pp. 73-102). (The handbook of environmental chemistry; Vol. 17). Springer. [details]
    • Felizeter, S., McLachlan, M., & de Voogt, P. (2012). Uptake of perfluorinated alkyl acids by hydroponically grown lettuce (Lactuca sativa). Environmental Science and Technology, 46(21), 11735-11743. [details]
    • Holtkamp, G. E. I., van Wijnen, J., Haftka, J. J. H., & de Voogt, W. P. (2012). Scheikunde voor Milieuwetenschappen 2: Werkboek. Open Universiteit, Faculteit Natuurwetenschappen. [details]
    • Holtkamp, G. E. I., van Wijnen, J., Haftka, J., & de Voogt, W. P. (2012). Scheikunde voor Milieuwetenschappen 2: Cursusboek dl. 2: Blok 2: Onderzoeksmethoden in de milieuchemie. Open Universiteit, Faculteit Natuurwetenschappen. [details]
    • Leijs, M. M., ten Tusscher, G. W., Olie, K., van Teunenbroek, T., van Aalderen, W. M. C., de Voogt, P., Vulsma, T., Bartonova, A., Krayer von Krauss, M., Mosoiu, C., Riojas-Rodriguez, H., Calamandrei, G., & Koppe, J. G. (2012). Thyroid hormone metabolism and environmental chemical exposure. Environmental Health, 11(Suppl 1), S10. [details]
    • Thomas, K. V., Bijlsma, L., Castiglioni, S., Covaci, A., Emke, E., Grabic, R., Hernández, F., Karolak, S., Kasprzyk-Hordern, B., Lindberg, R. H., Meierjohann, A., Ort, C., Pico, Y., Quintana, J., Reid, M., Rieckermann, J., Terzic, S., van Nuijs, A. L. N., & de Voogt, P. (2012). Comparing illicit drug use in 19 European cities through sewage analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 432, 432-439. [details]
    • de Jongh, C. M., Kooij, P. J. F., de Voogt, P., & ter Laak, T. L. (2012). Screening and human health risk assessment of pharmaceuticals and their transformation products in Dutch surface waters and drinking water. Science of the Total Environment, 427/428, 70-77. [details]
    • de Voogt, P., Zurano, L., Serné, P., & Haftka, J. J. H. (2012). Experimental hydrophobicity parameters of perfluorinated alkylated substances from reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. Environmental Chemistry, 9(6), 564-570. [details]
    • ter Laak, T. L., Puijker, L. M., van Leerdam, J. A., Raat, K. J., Kolkman, A., de Voogt, P., & van Wezel, A. P. (2012). Broad target chemical screening approach used as tool for rapid assessment of groundwater quality. Science of the Total Environment, 427/428, 308-313. [details]


    • Buck, R. C., Franklin, J., Berger, U., Conder, J. M., Cousins, I. T., de Voogt, P., Jensen, A. A., Kannan, K., Mabury, S. A., & van Leeuwen, S. P. J. (2011). Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoralkyl substances (PFASs) in the environment: terminology, classification, and origins. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 7(4), 513-541. [details]
    • D'Hollander, W., de Voogt, P., & Bervoets, L. (2011). Accumulation of perfluorinated chemicals in Belgian home-produced chicken eggs. Organohalogen Compounds, 73, 917-920. [details]


    • Cerbin, S., Kraak, M. H. S., de Voogt, P., Visser, P. M., & van Donk, E. (2010). Combined and single effects of pesticide carbaryl and toxic microcystis aeruginosa on the life history of Daphnia pulicaria. Hydrobiologia, 643(1), 129-138. [details]
    • D'Hollander, W., Roosens, L., Covaci, A., Cornelis, C., Reynders, H., Van Campenhout, K., de Voogt, P., & Bervoets, L. (2010). Brominated flame retardants and perfluorinated compounds in indoor dust from homes and offices in Flanders, Belgium. Chemosphere, 81(4), 478-487. [details]
    • D'Hollander, W., de Voogt, P., De Coen, W., & Bervoets, L. (2010). Perfluorinated substances in human food and other sources of human exposure. In P. de Voogt (Ed.), Perfluorinated alkylated substances (pp. 179-215). (Reviews of environmental contamination and toxicology; No. 208). Springer. [details]
    • Eschauzier, C., Haftka, J., Stuyfzand, P. J., & de Voogt, P. (2010). Perfluorinated compounds in infiltrated river Rhine water and infiltrated rainwater in coastal dunes. Environmental Science and Technology, 44(19), 7450-7455. [details]
    • Lamoree, M. H., Derksen, J. G. M., van der Linden, S. C., Uijterlinde, C. A., & de Voogt, P. (2010). Efficiency of removal of compounds with estrogenic activity during wastewater treatment: effects of various removal techniques. In D. Fatta-Kassinos, K. Bester, & K. Kümmerer (Eds.), Xenobiotics in the urban water cycle: Mass flows, environmental processes, mitigation and treatment strategies (pp. 261-282). (Environmental pollution; No. 16). Springer. [details]
    • Möller, A., Ahrens, L., Surm, R., Westerveld, J., van der Wielen, F., Ebinghaus, R., & de Voogt, P. (2010). Distribution and sources of polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the River Rhine watershed. Environmental Pollution, 158(10), 3243-3250. [details]
    • Schriks, M., Heringa, M. B., van der Kooij, M. M. E., de Voogt, P., & van Wezel, A. P. (2010). Toxicological relevance of emerging contaminants for drinking water quality. Water Research, 44(2), 461-476. [details]
    • Schriks, M., van Leerdam, J. A., van der Linden, S. C., van der Burg, B., van Wezel, A. P., & de Voogt, P. (2010). High-resolution mass spectrometric identification and quantification of glucocorticoid compounds in various wastewaters in the Netherlands. Environmental Science and Technology, 44(12), 4766-4774. [details]
    • Speksnijder, P., van Ravestijn, J., & de Voogt, P. (2010). Trace analysis of isothiazolinones in water samples by large-volume direct injection liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 1217(32), 5184-5189. [details]


    • Hogenboom, A. C., van Leerdam, J. A., & de Voogt, P. (2009). Accurate mass screening and identification of emerging contaminants in environmental samples by liquid chromatography-hybrid linear ion trap Orbitrap mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 1216(3), 510-519. [details]
    • Leijs, M. M., Koppe, J. G., Olie, K., van Aalderen, W. M. C., de Voogt, P., & ten Tusscher, G. W. (2009). Effects of dioxins, PCBs, and PBDEs on immunology and hematology in adolescents. Environmental Science and Technology, 43(20), 7946-7951. [details]
    • León Paumen, M., de Voogt, P., van Gestel, C. A. M., & Kraak, M. H. S. (2009). Comparative chronic toxicity of homo- and heterocyclic aromatic compounds to benthic and terrestrial invertebrates: Generalizations and exceptions. Science of the Total Environment, 407(16), 4605-4609. [details]
    • de Voogt, P., & Laane, R. W. P. M. (2009). Assessment of azaarenes and azaarones (oxidized azaarene derivatives) in the Dutch coastal zone of the North Sea. Chemosphere, 76(8), 1067-1074. [details]
    • de Voogt, P., Janex-Habibi, M.-L., Sacher, F., Puijker, L., & Mons, M. (2009). Development of a common priority list of pharmaceuticals relevant for the water cycle. Water Science and Technology, 59(1), 39-46. [details]
    • van Leerdam, J. A., Hogenboom, A. C., van der Kooi, M. M. E., & de Voogt, P. (2009). Determination of polar 1H-benzotriazoles and benzothiazoles in water by solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography LTQ FT Orbitrap mass spectrometry. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 282(3), 99-107. [details]
    • van Wezel, A., Puijker, L., Vink, C., Versteegh, A., & de Voogt, P. (2009). Odour and flavour thresholds of gasoline additives (MTBE, ETBE and TAME) and their occurrence in Dutch drinking water collection areas. Chemosphere, 76(5), 672-676. [details]


    • Benford, D., de Boer, J., Carere, A., di Domenico, A., Johansson, N., Schrenk, D., Schoeters, G., de Voogt, P., & Dellatte, E. (2008). Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Contaminants in the Food chain on perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and their salts. EFSA Journal, (653), 1-131. [details]
    • Jansen, B., Haussmann, N. S., Tonneijck, F. H., Verstraten, J. M., & de Voogt, P. (2008). Characteristic straight-chain lipid ratios as a quick method to assess past forest-páramo transitions in the Ecuadorian Andes. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 262(3-4), 129-139. [details]
    • Leijs, M. M., Koppe, J. G., Olie, K., van Aalderen, W. M. C., de Voogt, P., Vulsma, T., Westra, M., & ten Tusscher, G. W. (2008). Delayed initiation of breast development in girls with higher prenatal dioxin exposure: A longitudinal cohort study. Chemosphere, 73(6), 999-1004. [details]
    • Leijs, M. M., van Teunenbroek, T., Olie, K., Koppe, J. G., ten Tusscher, G. W., van Aalderen, W. M. C., & de Voogt, P. (2008). Assessment of current serum levels of PCDD/Fs, dl-PCBs and PBDEs in a Dutch cohort with known perinatal PCDD/F exposure. Chemosphere, 73(2), 176-181. [details]
    • Parsons, J. R., Sáez, M., Dolfing, J., & de Voogt, P. (2008). Biodegradation of perfluorinated compounds. In D. M. Whitacre (Ed.), Reviews of environmental contamination and toxicology: Volume 196 (pp. 53-71). (Reviews of environmental contamination and toxicology; No. 196). Springer. [details]
    • Sáez, M., de Voogt, P., & Parsons, J. R. (2008). Persistence of perfluoroalkylated substances in closed bottle tests with municipal sewage sludge. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 15(6), 472-477. [details]
    • de Vos, M. G., Huijbregts, M. A. J., van den Heuvel-Greve, M. J., Vethaak, A. D., Van de Vijver, K. I., Leonards, P. E. G., van Leeuwen, S. P. J., de Voogt, P., & Hendriks, A. J. (2008). Accumulation of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) in the food chain of the Western Scheldt estuary: Comparing field measurements with kinetic modeling. Chemosphere, 70(10), 1766-1773. [details]


    • Belfroid, A. C., de Voogt, P., van der Velde, E. G., Rijs, G. B. J., Schäfer, G. J., & Vethaak, A. D. (2000). Occurrence of estrogenic and xeno-estrogenic compounds in waste water and environmental matrices. In A. D. Vethaak, G. B. J. Rijs, B. van der Burg, & A. Brouwer (Eds.), Endocrine-disrupting compounds: wildlife and human health risks (pp. 31-37). Rijkswaterstaat.


    • Atkinson, R., Guicherit, R., Hites, R., Palm, W.-U., Seiber, J., & de Voogt, P. (1999). Transformations of pesticides in the atmosphere: a state of the art. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 115, 219-243.
    • Jones, K. C., & de Voogt, P. (1999). Persistent organic pollutants (pops): state of the science. Environmental Pollution, 100, 209-221.
    • de Voogt, P. (1999). Hormoonontregelende stoffen in het milieu, en de voortplanting. Tijdschrift voor Verloskundigen, 24(4), 252-258.


    • Govers, H. A. J., & de Voogt, P. (1997). Milieuchemisch onderzoek. In M. A. M. Meester (Ed.), Milieuchemie (pp. 48-71). Open Universiteit.
    • Govers, H. A. J., & de Voogt, P. (1997). Nederlands milieuchemisch onderzoek. In M. A. M. Meester (Ed.), Milieuchemie (pp. 258-281). Open Universiteit.
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    • de Voogt, P., & Govers, H. A. J. (1997). Scheidingsmethoden. In M. A. M. Meester (Ed.), Milieuchemie (pp. 170-205). Open Universiteit.


    • Leonards, P. E. G., de Vries, T. H., Minnaard, W., Stuijfzand, S. C., de Voogt, P., Cofino, W. P., van Straalen, N. M., & van Hattum, B. (1995). Evaluation of experimental data on PCB induced reproduction inhibition in mink, based on a congener specific approach using 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin toxic equivalency. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 14, 639-652.


    • Lourens, J. M., & de Voogt, P. (1993). The impact of pesticides in the North Sea: Preliminary results. In L. C. Wrobel, & C. A. Brebbia (Eds.), Water Pollution II. Modelling, Measuring and Prediction (pp. 615-621). Computational Mechanics Publications.
    • de Voogt, P., & Häggberg, L. (1993). Isolation and determination of methylsulfonyl-PCBs in biological samples by sulphuric acid partitioning, adsorption chromatography and GC-ECD. Chemosphere, 27, 271-278.
    • de Voogt, P., & Jansson, B. (1993). Vertical and long-range transport of persistent organics in the atmosphere. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 132, 1-27.


    • Stäb, J. A., van Hattum, B., de Voogt, P., & Brinkman, U. A. T. (1992). Preparation of pentylated organotin standards for use in trace analysis with gas chromatography. Microchimica Acta, 109, 101-106.


    • de Voogt, P., & Govers, H. (1991). Kwantitatieve struktuur-activiteitsrelaties. In N. M. van Straalen, & J. A. C. Verkleij (Eds.), Leerboek Oecotoxicologie (pp. 333-339). VU Uitgeverij.
    • de Voogt, P., van Hattum, B., Leonards, P. E. G., Klamer, J. C., & Govers, H. A. J. (1991). Bioconcentration of polycyclic heteroaromatic hydrocarbons in the Guppy Poecilia reticulata. Aquatic Toxicology, 20, 169-194.
    • de Voogt, W. P. (1991). The determination of polychlorinated biphenyls in waste mineral oils: a review. Chemosphere, 23, 901-914.


    • de Voogt, P., Muir, D. C. G., Webster, G. R. B., & Govers, H. A. J. (1990). Quantitative structure-activity relationships for the bioconcentration in fish of seven chlorinated dibenzodioxins. Chemosphere, 21, 1385-1396.
    • de Voogt, P., Wegener, J. W., Brinkman, U. A. T., & Govers, H. A. J. (1990). Retention of neutral and basic heteroaromatic hydrocarbons in RPLC systems and its use in predictive studies I: Nature and concentration of the organic modifier. Science of the Total Environment, 109/110(C), 69-87.
    • de Voogt, P., Wells, D. E., Brinkman, U. A. T., & Reutergardh, L. (1990). Biological activity, determination and occurrence of planar, mono and diortho PCBs. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 40, 1-46.


    • Govers, H. A. J., & de Voogt, P. (1989). Calculation of molecular volumes from molecular fragments via valence electron indices. Quantitative Structure-Activity relationships, 8, 11-16.
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    • de Voogt, P., & Brinkman, U. A. T. (1989). Production, properties and usage of PCBs. In R. A. Kimbrough, & A. A. Jensen (Eds.), Halogenated biphenyls, terphenyls, naphthalenes, dibenzodioxins and related products (2nd ed., pp. 3-45).
    • de Voogt, P., van Hattum, B., & Govers, H. (1989). Prediction of bioconcentration and ecotoxicological effects of polycyclic (hetero) aromatic hydrocarbons from structural and chromatographic descriptors. In H. Lokke, H. Tyle, & F. Bro-Rasmussen (Eds.), Proceedings 1st European Conference on Ecotoxicology (Kopenhagen 1988) (pp. 467-479). DIS Congress Service.
    • van Hattum, B., de Voogt, P., van den Bosch, L., van Straalen, N. M., Joosse, E. N. G., & Govers, H. A. J. (1989). Bioconcentration of Cadmium by Asellus aquaticus (L.) from water and contaminated food. Environmental Pollution, 62, 129-151.


    • de Voogt, P., Wegener, J. W., Klamer, J. C., van Zijl, G. A., & Govers, H. (1988). Prediction of environmental fate and effects of heteroatomic polycyclic aromatics by QSARs: the position of n-octanol/water partition coefficients. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, 1, 194-209.


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    • Goede, A. A., & de Voogt, P. (1985). Lead and cadmium in waders from the Dutch Wadden Sea. Environmental Pollution, 37A, 311-322.
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    • Holterman, W. F. M. O., de Voogt, P., & Copius Peereboom-Stegeman, J. H. J. (1984). Cadmium-zinc relationships in kidney cortex of horses and red deer; histological observations on horse kidneys. Environmental Research, 35, 466-485.
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    • Laane, R. W. P. M., van de Meent, D., de Voogt, P., Parsons, J., Hendriks, J., & van Gils, J. (2011). Modeling organic compounds in the estuarine and coastal environment. In G. Shimmield (Ed.), Geochemistry of estuaries and coasts (pp. 161-203). (Treatise on estuarine and coastal science; No. 4). Elsevier. [details]
    • de Voogt, P., Emke, E., Helmus, R., Panteliadis, P., & van Leerdam, J. A. (2011). Determination of illicit drugs in the water cycle by LC-Orbitrap MS. In S. Castiglioni, E. Zuccato, & R. Fanelli (Eds.), Illicit drugs in the environment: occurrence, analysis, and fate using mass spectrometry (pp. 87-114). (Wiley-Interscience Series on Mass Spectrometry). Wiley. [details]


    • D'Hollander, W., Roosens, L., Covaci, A., Cornelis, C., Smolders, R., Van den Heuvel, R., de Voogt, P., Nobels, I., Van Parys, C., De Coen, W., & Bervoets, L. (2009). Gebromeerde brandvertragers en perfluorverbindingen in Vlaanderen: onderzoek naar verspreiding, humane opname, gehaltes in humane weefsels en/of lichaamsvochten, en gezondheidseffecten als basis voor de selectie van geschikte milieu- en gezondheidsindicatoren (BFRISK). Universiteit Antwerpen/Universiteit van Amsterdam/VITO. [details]


    • van Dijk, H. F. G., van Pul, W. A. J., & de Voogt, P. (1999). Fate of pesticides in the atmosphere: implications for environmental risk assessment. Kluwer Academic.


    • Sijm, D. T. H. M., de Bruijn, J., de Voogt, P., & de Wolf, W. (1997). Biotransformation in environmental risk assessment. SETAC Europe.


    • ter Laak, T. L., de Voogt, W. P., Emke, E., & van Loon, E. E. (2024). Rioolwater: Bron van informatie over de Nederlandse drugsmarkt. H2O - Water Matters, 19, 38-41.
    • ter Laak, T. L., de Voogt, W. P., Emke, E., & van Loon, E. E. (2024). Wastewater: information source for the Dutch illicit drug market. Web publication or website, Water Matters H2O.


    • Barrera, J., Dávalos, L., Emke, E., Kamminga, J., ter Laak, T., Magliocca, N., Ortega, M., & de Voogt, P. (2022). World Drug Report 2022. - Booklet 5: Drugs and the environment. United Nations. [details]
    • Scott, M., Vighi, M., Backhaus, T., Borges, T., Hoet, P., Linders, J., Johnson, A., & de Voogt, W. P. (2022). Final Opinion on Draft Environmental Quality Standards for Priority Substances under the Water Framework Directive. European Commission.


    • de Voogt, P. (2018). Rioolwater spreekt boekdelen. In M. van Loosdrecht, A. Stams, W. Hoekstra, & A. van de Graaf (Eds.), Afvalwater: Hoe maken we de cirkel weer rond? (pp. 27). (Biowetenschappen en Maatschappij; Vol. 37, No. kwartaal 2 2018). Stichting Biowetenschappen en Maatschappij. [details]


    • Versteegh, J. F. M., & de Voogt, P. (2017). Risicoduiding en vóórkomen van FRD-903 in drinkwater en drinkwaterbronnen bij een selectie van drinkwaterwinningen in Nederland. (RIVM Briefrapport; No. 2017-0175). Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu. [details]



    • de Voogt, P., & Parsons, J. (2015). Emerging contaminants, relevant voor de bodem! Een wetenschappelijke bespiegeling. Bodem, 25(5), 28-30. [details]





    • de Voogt, P. (2009). Schoonheid in water. (Oratiereeks; No. 329). Vossiuspers UvA. [details]


    • de Voogt, P. (1994). Waterverontreiniging. (RIKZ / PBNA). PBNA.


    • de Voogt, P. (1990). Ugilecs. Chemisch Magazine, 10, 493.


    • de Voogt, P. (1988). Het gebruik van HPLC bij het voorspellen van de risico's van stoffen voor het milieu. Laboratorium praktijk, 9, 10-14.


    • Govers, H., Aiking, H., Wegener, J. W., Klamer, J. C., & de Voogt, P. (1986). Voorspelling van milieuchemische en milieutoxicologische eigenschappen van stoffen. Milieu: tijdschrift voor milieukunde, 1(4), 134-138.


    • Govers, H., Ruepert, C., Aiking, H., Stevens, T., & de Voogt, P. (1985). Voorspelling van (eco)toxicologische eigenschappen van organische stoffen. Biovisie : Vaklad voor Biologen, 65, 104-106.
    • de Voogt, P. (1985). Polychloorbifenylen: een milieuprobleem. Analyse, 40(10), 240-245.


    • Groen, M., van Hattum, B., & de Voogt, P. (1983). De fuik : de keerzijde van de chemische revolutie : de kwestie PCB's. Werkgroep Noordzee/Vereniging Milieudefensie.
    • de Voogt, P. (1983). Cadmium: chemische feitelijkheden. In KNCV, Chemische feitelijkheden, aktuele chemische encyclopedie (Vol. 1983-007). (Chemische feitelijkheden; Vol. 1983, No. 7). KNCV.


    • de Baat, M. L., Kraak, M. H. S., van der Oost, R., de Voogt, W. P., & Verdonschot, P. F. M. (2017). Smart Monitoring: Application of innovative tools in nationwide water quality assessment.. Abstract from SETAC Europe 27th Annual Meeting, Brussels, Belgium, May 2017.


    Prize / grant

    Membership / relevant position

    • de Voogt, P. (2015-2022). SCHEER - Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks, SCHEER - European Commission.
    • de Voogt, P. (2009-2015). SCHER - Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks, European Commission.
    • de Voogt, P. (2009-2012). Member, Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER), DG SANCO - European Commission, Brussels.
    • de Voogt, P. (2009-2013). Member of SCHER (Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks), European Commission (DG SANCO).
    • de Voogt, P. (2008-2011). Member of CEN Working Group TC 382: Determination of PFOS in consumer articles, CEN / NNI, Rijswijk.
    • de Voogt, P. (2003-2013). Member of the Dutch Soil Protection Technical Committee (TCB), TCB, Den Haag.

    Media appearance

    Journal editor

    • de Voogt, P. (editor) (2013). Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (Journal).
    • de Voogt, P. (editor) (2012). Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (Journal).
    • de Voogt, P. (editor) (2011). Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (Journal).
    • de Voogt, P. (editor) (2010). Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (Journal).

    Talk / presentation

    • de Baat, M. L. (speaker), Kraak, M. H. S. (speaker), van der Oost, R. (speaker), de Voogt, W. P. (speaker) & Verdonschot, P. F. M. (speaker) (7-5-2017). Smart Monitoring: Application of innovative tools in nationwide water quality assessment, SETAC Europe 27th Annual Meeting, Brussels, Belgium, May 2017.


    • de Voogt, P. (1990). QSARs for the environmental behaviour of polynuclear (hetero)aromatic compounds - studies in aqueous systems: Ph.D. thesis. Amsterdam.


    • Helmus, R., Schymanski, E. L., ter Laak, T., van Wezel, A. P. & de Voogt, P. (2021). Additional file 6 of patRoon: open source software platform for environmental mass spectrometry based non-target screening. Figshare.
    • Helmus, R., Schymanski, E. L., ter Laak, T., van Wezel, A. P. & de Voogt, P. (2021). Additional file 5 of patRoon: open source software platform for environmental mass spectrometry based non-target screening. Figshare.
    • Helmus, R., Schymanski, E. L., ter Laak, T., van Wezel, A. P. & de Voogt, P. (2021). Additional file 4 of patRoon: open source software platform for environmental mass spectrometry based non-target screening. Figshare.
    • Helmus, R., Schymanski, E. L., ter Laak, T., van Wezel, A. P. & de Voogt, P. (2021). Additional file 1 of patRoon: open source software platform for environmental mass spectrometry based non-target screening. Figshare.


    • Fick, J., Berset, J.-D., Slobodnik, J., Bijlsma, L., Löve, A. S. C., Lindberg, R. H., Hernandez, F., Béen, F., Baz-Lomba, J., Racamonde, I., Bade, R., Terzic, S., Meierjohann, A., Yargeau, V., Fatta-Kassinos, D., Christophoridis, C., Kasprzyk-Hordern, B., Thomas, K. V., Karolak, S., … Östman, M. (1-1-2019). Illicit drugs in wastewater - SCORE initiative. EAWAG Research Data Management.
    • Albergamo, V., Schollée, J. E., Schymanski, E. L., Helmus, R., Timmer, H., Hollender, J. & De Voogt, P. (2019). List of (tentatively) identified non-target structures. Zenodo.
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